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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Can't read the names, but just the posing from the iconic final scene----right between the RX-78's feet---Shiro and Aina? :edit: Gotta be---she's got the right color hair, from a better pic I found. PS---I cannot take any credit for the caption, but it needs to be re-posted for all fans of G-Gundam: Domon is building Gunpla WITH THE HELP OF KYOJI!
  2. I have a separate account at a separate bank soley so that can't happen.
  3. Is that even possible with HLJ nowadays? Last 2 preorders or so I've made with them, "paypal when it comes in" was the only option--you couldn't directly use a credit card.
  4. I know I probably missed half the cameos, but I'll vote for Rain being my fave. Best though has gotta be Char and Lalah.
  5. What I was going to say has already been said----the Gripen looks awesome/badass, so it's automatically better and people believe whatever is said about its abilities.
  6. Well, the latest on the Gripen-E (Super Gripen) has that it basically gets an all-new fuselage---similar yet mostly retooled, to increase fuel capacity and give it better trans-sonic drag characteristics for an improved supercruise. (M1.25 sustained) AND it's going to cost less to own/operate than anything else out there that's at all comparable, even the baseline Gripen which was already dirt-cheap and simple. The maintenance and fuel consumption is that much better. And it'll have Meteor capability out-of-the-box as the primary air-to-air weapon, with Iris and ASRAAM for short-range. And then, the US is making the F-35...
  7. I find it surprising that LEGO simply didn't have enough product on the shelves to support the movie. The hype won't last forever. And having the most-desired item come out last isn't very good either. (If there's one thing that could have helped boost LEGO in the long run, it'd be a retro-classic set to bring people out of their dark age-----but Benny's ship can't do that if it's not on the shelves! And it's not going to do it half a year after the movie came out, either, when everyone's moved on to the next retro-movie/game). What a wasted opportunity.
  8. The F-16 got just as much stuff piled onto it as the F-15, and earlier in its life. The F-14 came close at the end. (While the F-16 is darn-near primarily a multi-role attacker nowadays, the original spec was really a daytime dogfighter---not interceptor, not all-weather)
  9. Yup! This will be the third YF-19 I've bought, yet I currently have none. I also currently only have a single VF-1.
  10. I tried, but that was the biggest version of the chart I can find. It's just barely readable. You can assume that almost everything listed is a "minus", the only "plus" ones are drones and a couple F-16's.
  11. Does anyone other than Beale have any? I think every U-2 is technically "on detachment from Beale" if not at Beale.
  12. I got a bag of old light grey bricks just before they went away. Also got old grey plates and blue plates. Really wish LEGO still offered them----VERY useful, wish I'd bought more when I had the chance. 5 bucks for bags like THIS: http://peeron.com/inv/sets/10061-1 http://peeron.com/inv/sets/10011-1 http://peeron.com/inv/sets/10145-1 http://peeron.com/inv/sets/10148-1 Anyone who tries to build anything, quickly realizes that you need more PLATES and not more bricks, and the bricks you do need are one-wides, not two-wides like LEGO loves to give in their "standard buckets of bricks".
  13. That's the current plan for 2015-2018. I was looking at the numbers and thinking "dang, that's a LOT of A-10's"----then I read some more---yup, that's ALL the A-10's gone. But don't worry, they just delivered the first F-35 to Luke AFB! Surely that will make up for it.
  14. From Sidecutter, talking to the guys behind this one: "The Blue version of bluestreak will be release later this year or beginning of next year. We are still negotiating with takara for that project."
  15. So, it seems that MP-18B isn't the highly-desired "blue Bluestreak" but rather G1-toy-accurate pure silver.
  16. I've gone through and un-modified and verified completeness of all but one of my Star Wars sets, so will be putting them up for sale soon. (need money to fund buying blue parts on Bricklink---I swear, it's like LEGO tried to avoid making blue parts this year---they're almost non-existent except for Benny's ship)
  17. Walthers Solvaset is notably stronger than most. Champ's is the strongest, but no longer made.
  18. Now I have to go find and listen to the entire Famicom Contra soundtrack...
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