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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Ok, called Paypal, called my credit card company: Basically, now that it's through Paypal to HLJ, and not directly through HLJ like before----the credit card company is auto-marking it for suspected international fraud and denying Paypal. As "big requests for money from overseas" is like the #1 fraud Paypal ever has. They said I should call them ahead every time in the future for HLJ purchases etc, as they simply do not trust Paypal for intl transactions over $100 and will likely deny it every time otherwise. So again--not real fond of HLJ's new "paypal-only" payment system. (I can't blame the credit card company---I don't trust Paypal very much either!)
  2. WTF? "We were unable to verify this card. Please review and make sure that the information you entered is correct. If the problem persists, please enter a different card." This is the card directly linked to my paypal. It's been used to pay HLJ before. It's been used for Paypal just last week! And now, when I really really need it to go through---paypal says they can't verify it? They verified it and linked it to my account long ago! It should be the most "verified by Paypal" card I have! Emailed paypal, emailed HLJ. (and no, the number hasn't been stolen, not expired, there's not a late payment, it's not anywhere near the limit---and it has been used for HLJ several times before so it's not an "intl transaction" thing) This is the first time I've tried to pay HLJ since they went "paypal only"---I didn't expect any problems (as this is my main "HLJ card" and my main "Paypal card"---but all of a sudden, they're saying no) So far, I'm not impressed with HLJ going "paypal only" if Paypal gets to suddenly say "no" for no reason and with no warning for a valid card that Paypal themselves have verified and linked to my account...
  3. Anyone get it shipped to the US from HLJ via FedEx? I was charged 3300Y for EMS like several others here, but was wondering what FedEx would have been.
  4. If it's Bandai-sponsored, maybe they'll do like Build Fighters and offer official same-day subs? Though Build Fighters is HEAVILY merch-driven.
  5. Re: May 4th freebie. Hmmn. If they allow pre-orders, and Benny's ship is up at the site then, that'd be an easy 75... Original Blacktron is like 1988-90? Then there's Blacktron II, just a couple years later. (but late enough I never had any). Original Blacktron has the better colors and logo IMHO. (Triforce!) Blacktron I is black, yellow, clear-red. Blacktron II is black, white, clear-neon-green.
  6. I'd hope for a "gap-filling" story. Show us immediately after SDF:M---but NOT following the Megaroad etc! Could have first human colonization of other planets, discovering Eden, bringing Zentradis into society, etc. LOTS of stuff to show that we've never seen before. All of which would be more interesting than "yet another pop-star saving humanity via singing", especially one set "a few years after Frontier". They frankly skipped 2010-2040, but have really flushed out 2040-2060.
  7. Odds are good it'll be really hard to get.
  8. "If you have to explain the joke then there is no joke!" ---The Joker
  9. Hmmm. A remake would basically be about humanity facing extinction from a race of human-esque 50ft-tall giants, developing new unconventional weaponry to fight them, all with awesome music.
  10. DX VF-31F sold out in 20 secs at 1999.co.jp and HLJ... (this post will be accurate, some day in the future) But on a serious note---give us the VF-4 in a series! Or more Milia...
  11. NO commentary on the latest ep? Not as good as when they fought Fenice. But I totally called the final move a few mins before it happened. (Well, I mean, of course we all knew it was going to be a build knuckle-----but the specific variation used-----that was new, and a great homage to G-Gundam). I figured it'd be that, or sekiha ten kyoken.
  12. MP24 or 25 etc----new Hot Rod w/ExoSuit Daniel? We really need a new Hot Rod---that mold seems to have aged much worse than the seekers or Grimlock, despite being newer.
  13. I'm just waiting/hoping for Tamashii-exclusive game-color repaints-----those schemes look even cooler, and we'd actually be able to get them.... (The deep red and black schemes)
  14. That's actually kinda how real wings are designed-----the weight of stuff (engines, weapons) hanging off the wing pulls it down, counteracting the force of lift bending it up. You can never make it totally equal nor at all times---but it helps, and is taken into account when designing in the desired strength/flexibility of the structure. (and thus, a wing which never has to "hold" anything---like on a 727 or DC-9, has to be made thicker/stronger/stiffer, to resist the lift forces from bending it up much--as it can only rely on itself, and not the effect from thousands of pounds of engines or weapons)
  15. That's such a common occurence from pics, that it makes me think there's no notch/lock at all for the "normal" wing position---which is so annoying, since the earlier VF-1's had it, but pretty much everything after the 1/48's don't. It seems that just looking at it wrong will bump the wing back to some odd "almost but not quite correct" angle.
  16. I hope that pic is accurate, color-wise, because that's the best colors I've seen yet, for the overall tan and the greys.
  17. There's a new piece which is useful for "inverting" things-----technically a round 2x2 tile, with a hole in the middle. Nicknamed "donut". http://www.brickowl.com/catalog/lego-tile-2-x-2-round-with-hole-in-center-15535 Stick a 1x1 anything, upside down in the middle, and you can do a lot.
  18. More inverted slopes and tiles would be a god-send. There are SO many LEGO models, where you finish it---then you flip it upside down and it's nothing but flat plates underneath, usually with open holes to the interior. If you get the reference, they're a lot like waterline model ships. It just "stops" below a certain point. And you need a ton of parts to "finish" the bottom half. And you usually need a whole lot more inverted slopes in that color than you own...
  19. Nobody in the US cares about Star Saber... Anyways---yeah, very pleased about MP WJ. Has red wheels! And has the two "critical" sponsor logos---Lancia and Alitalia. Those were essential for the proper look. All other sponsors/stickers/markings are minor and forgettable. I think they did about the best possible hybrid for pleasing several groups---toy-accuracy vs real-world accuracy. It's got the "critical" sponsor logos for the realism, but it also is fairly "clean" overall without a zillion minor sponsors---for the toy-accuracy. If you want toon-accuracy---well, maybe hope for a US release with simplified paint-apps. Or just dunk the JP version in paint thinner for a while---there's not much to the 'toon version. A "blank" one with 4 stickers from Reprolabels should be able to replicate it pretty closely.
  20. That is mainly due to the valks themselves being skinnier lately (as Bandai DX only makes the most recent designs, and none of the 80's/90's ones). The -19 family has about the bulkiest/roundest legs of them all. The VF-1 is blocky. The VF-25 is skinny. The Sv-51 is just plain big. That's all because that's how Kawamori designed them for the anime in the first place.
  21. Hmmn, maybe I'll write to HLJ, try to get a replacement ventral fin for my Alto, if it's being re-released again. (yes, I still need one, my sig is unchanged on purpose all this time)
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