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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Really, I want several stands, as I keep my valks in fighter mode most of the time.
  2. I will sorta count Colossus as a G1 character/homage. But the original FP Aerialbot add-on set? Absolutely not. That is an Energon figure with new hands/feet.
  3. I want that kite-logo stand, badly.
  4. Really, Mr K wanted to keep costs down by not including the arm cannon or fold booster, but instead gave us a dozen sets of underwing missiles that were never seen on-screen? I'd trade all the missiles for either one of the seen-in-use things...
  5. *I* was well aware earlier. . (even came up with something but never got around to it---maybe save it for next year)
  6. That defeats the purpose. I *like* digging through a massive pile of parts. I try to avoid "building subsections from a dedicated bag".
  7. People ship ASSEMBLED Lego sets? That seems pointless---a waste of space, and much more likely to break. Loose LEGOs are basically invincible in the mail. But a long thin assembly of something--that could actually snap or bend if hit in the wrong spot.
  8. That makes me think----how are valks going to look in the future, now that Kawamori will have all these new pieces to use?
  9. MIB? (really, more than any other toy---what's the point of buying boxed LEGO sets vs loose complete? Could you even prove it afterwards?) "Yeah, this is totally a 1988 blue 1x4, and not some 1992 substitute..." Plus, there's no need to "keep it in the box" for protection/storage/shipping----they're inherently "jostling around loose in the bags" to start with. Now, that said---some parts are rare, and rarer still in good condition, and the only way to acquire the proper number needed in nice shape IS to buy a complete mint set that has been 'whole' since day 1. Some people will spend more "restoring" a poor-condition set by replacing worn-out rare parts with better ones, than if they'd just bought a whole new set in better condition. (it is hard and expensive to "complete" a set you don't actually own---as in, you're checking peeron or rebrickable, and you see you've already got like 2/3 of the parts to build a set---don't try it! You're better off just buying the set. Unless you've got like NINETY+ percent of the parts, it's not a good idea to try to "just buy the last bits individually") And even if you've got 90% of a monorail----you're probably missing some very rare/expensive parts. There's sets that I have 95% of, that I still feel aren't worth the money to complete. "10 bucks EACH for that part?!?!"
  10. I don't know anything about a new Bruticus---but look at Predaking. 3, plus a 4th one that's likely abandoned at this point (Justitoys'). We've got THREE sets of 3P Dinobots coming, 2 Skyfires, 2 UM's. 3P seems to LOVE to copy each other, whether intentional or not. There's another Menasor coming for sure, Peaugh says there's another Defensor besides TFC's, and we know one of the head official MP designers wants to do Bruticus. Warbotron is the first "real" 3P Bruticus---I'd be darn surprised if it's the only one that'll come out in the relative future. Plenty of room for one with G1-accurate vehicles, and/or an animation-style transformation (where BlastOff's wings are the chest-plate). Or simply one not *quite* so huge as Warbotron's.
  11. Darth Revan figure is real, and as hard to get as feared---you have to buy $75+ of SW sets from Lego.com, from May 3 to May 5. I could swing 75 bucks of LEGO---but there's really not $75 of *SW* sets I want. (well, maybe a UCS B-Wing, but that's gone, as is the newer Y-wing). New ISD isn't out yet either.
  12. But neither are any of the wing-mounted weapons, IIRC, and they sure spent a lot of effort and money to include them. (I'd rather not have them and have it be cheaper, myself...)
  13. That's my take on it---the cockpit part is slightly raised, hiding the far-side edge of the "spine".
  14. If I could have paid without using Paypal, I'd probably have mine tomorrow too.
  15. I'm at the "This order is currently being double-checked before final packing" stage. Anyways----that comparison pic with the v1 and Kai shows the new one is a lighter color, less sand/tan than the old one. I think it may match the plastic that the Hasegawa 1/72 kit is molded in? The "made in China" printing WILL be coming off of mine, even if I have to sand it off. I have no qualms about being the first one to experiment with rubbing alcohol etc---I'll do it the first day I have it, and report back, if no one else has by them.
  16. Pretty much that--while it is huge, and looks fairly cool in combined mode----it's just not that great for the individual bots nor vehicles. And proportions are wonky in combined mode. True, "combined mode is everything" for a combiner----the design just strikes so many people (including me) as being lazy for bot mode, and combined articulation/limb aesthetics---seriously, the whole nosecone just flaps around on the back? The bot-mode arms can't fold out of the way of the combined elbow very well? The elbow can't bend more than 45 degrees without switching around the legs "wrong-way-round" and making it look ugly/affecting the combined wrist/hand/gun? And I personally really don't like the colors----Blast-Off has bever been a bright red-brown with dark purple accents. He's deep dark brown, and a greenish-brown if anything. With BLACK* accents. *this is a big sticking point for me on so many figures lately. Affects Thundercracker the worst/most often--nowadays they keep using navy blue, or dark grey---his accent color is BLACK. Utter, pure, absolute black. Period. Blast-Off is the same. He should be mostly deep brown and black, with a purple chest. Not rust-brown and purple, with a lighter purple chest. TL:DR----there's more 3P combiners coming, the other Defensor will likely be the next reveal. There will almost certainly be another Bruticus in the next 6-12 months. Save your gestalt money for something that's really a good and well-executed design, and not merely "huge". Heck, Quantron will likely be out soon, all 5 members. Though it'll probably be the smallest one of the next 12 month's worth of gestalts----kinda the oppposite of the Warbotron crowd.
  17. I don't think I ever tried to pull a hub off the axle. (why? LEGO wheels/axles were incredibly universal---you'd gain nothing by swapping parts around)
  18. LEGO tires will slowly dissolve the wheels they're on, if you keep the tires on for years. (which is of course what most people do). Maybe LEGO's fixed this now, but if you happen to have like some 1990 or 1995 LEGO wheels around---try pulling the tires off. It'll probably take a lot of effort, and some of the hub itself will peel off with the tire.
  19. Duke----I've said it for years----just skip any episode that is clearly going to be a droid/jarjar/senate-political-padme ep based on the preview. Just watch and enjoy the clones and Jedi, and you won't miss anything.
  20. Clone Wars theatrical movie is set right at the beginning of the TV series. Technically before it--I mean, that's where Anakin and Asokha meet, while they already know each other in the very first ep of the series IIRC.
  21. First half of OVA is better, second half of movie is better. It'd be fairly easy to make an "ultimate" version.
  22. That too---I found it impossible to switch to the credit card company's exchange rate and not paypal's like I used to do for HLJ, though I'll see when I get the statement. It's funny--Paypal always "warns" you when selecting to use the credit card company to do the exchange instead of Paypal's own---citing "other companies may have high fees"---when paypal is the worst of them all! Any credit card company will give you a few percentage points better than PP does.
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