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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Build Fighters was overall more entertaining and fun than M7 was, IMHO. M7 does have better music of course, but music was a key point they were going for.
  2. Yup. It's why I refuse to use those stickers. I think Hasegawa got it wrong too.
  3. Iran's really going all-out with their fake carrier: Jolly Rogers and I think the Diamondbacks.
  4. Hasegawa kits count as canon now? That's the only reference I know of for the 0B.
  5. After the Iranian A300 incident, I assume nothing short of being fired upon would have actually gotten a response from a US destroyer.
  6. There's also the 0D CF, which use medium-dark grey in place of the blue of Shin's.
  7. As I had no Emmet, and no Wyldstyle, I figured it was worth it to get them+Unikitty. Plus I'm a sucker for new/rare colors. There were TWO different greens I'd never owned before. (3, if you count the light aqua as green)
  8. For the first time since the movie premiered, I saw Cloud Cuckoo Palace on the shelf. And bought it of course. I think I counted 25 different colors used. (and that's not including the minifigs, which'd bring it up to like 30 colors)
  9. Idolo is the best orbital frame, and the only one I'd buy a kit of. (gotta be mass-production though, a garage/resin kit of something with those shapes/bits seems terrifying)
  10. Dang it, means I can't/won't watch it. Thanks very much for the spoiler warning.
  11. In short---exactly. I think it had more to do with case assortments for stores. All the boxes will be the same size to fill up the shipping box. So that assortment may have two 1/41 scale, two 1/33 scale, and two 1/55 scale planes to fill up the "carton of six". This has pretty much gone by the wayside now due to consumer demand for standardized scale/accuracy (leading to the "standard" 1:32/48/72/144 scales), but it was VERY common in the 50's and 60's. And AMT/ERTL. Another issue to watch for is "metric" scale. Mainly Japanese kits---I know Fujimi did it, I bet Hasegawa did too. Certainly through the 70's and early 80's. Basically---they didn't care about the whole "12 inches to the foot" thing that lead to 1:48 and 1:72 scale. Many kits marketed in English-speaking countries as 1:48 and 1:72 were actually 1:50 and 1:70. And you can bet 1/96 and 1/144 were really 1:100 and 1:150. Usually subtle, but it could make a difference. Especially if you try to kitbash or swap weapons.
  12. Some planes have very low-drag doors and re-close all the ones they can after extension. Some have huge ones and leave them all hanging out. Wanna see a bad example? Check out the F-111's main gear bay door during gear extension/retraction. No, that's not the airbrake. Don't expect much acceleration during gear retraction after takeoff. And expect to slow down a lot when extending them for landing...
  13. Wouldn't buy a straight reissue, would love FB 2012. Or Milia's or something.
  14. Ah, box scale! You'll probably be able to find 1/58, 1/59, 1/61 if you look hard enough. But it'll be random scales of random planes. Box scale almost defeats the point of a scale model collection, IMHO. Dark days back then.
  15. Very true. The F-14/15 are huge in 1/48, but 1/72 can be a little small. 1/60 is still plenty big for the -15.
  16. The YF-21 is inspired from the YF-23, not the YF-22. Sure, a little of both---but it's much more -23ish than -22ish. She is, Basara's just a much louder and thus more noticeable character.
  17. Yup. It was known years ago that the next two molds Yamato was going to do, was a new YF-19 and a VF-0D.(though the VF-4 seemed to have snuck in there somehow first) Somewhere, someone probably already knows the next 2... (though I'd be happy with a VF-11 re-release, in VFX-2 or Milia colors)
  18. BTW, the rudders are painted entirely red, with black paint on top to create the pattern. All on top of a black base layer of paint. On black plastic. That's why they rub so much--there's like a millimeter of paint on them. I've been sanding down through layers of paint on the bottom edges, to try to lessen how much red paint rubs on the back of the calves. And so they're not so stiff when trying to line up the rudders with the fins in fighter mode. I would have just left the black plastic bare, and painted red as needed.
  19. My YF-19 has 3 distinct positions for the knee (battroid/collapsed, extended/fighter, and midway). Or do you want a fourth one, that's just "slightly extended from battroid"? Swing the legs 90 degrees, should give you enough room to get your fingertip in enough to press it with your nail. Works for me in both transformation directions.
  20. Unlikely----it's not even as close to an official MP as some 3P Bumblebees are to the MP Bumblebee. Basically---if even iGear's F-15's didn't get "lawyered" (and they truly were KO's of HasTak molds), this won't. It still isn't "Ultra Magnus". It is simply "a white/blue/red car-carrier that turns into a robot" and it's 100% non-Hasbro mold/tooling/engineering.
  21. That's the engine the YF-19 uses. Very appropriate marking, considering the YF-22/YF-23 competition that Kawamori was inspired by. (as the engine was its own competition as well----one plane of each type used one type of each engine----of course, the slower plane combined with the weaker engine was chosen in the end...)
  22. Sorta kinda. You can have them opened in fighter mode, most of the way. But you have to pop the wings out, open the compartment, then tab the wings back in. Or do lots of finagling and do it very slowly while working the hinges out of the way of the wings, while holding the wings in place. It SHOULD just open and close freely in fighter mode, but I think they messed up the exact mechanics/angles, so you can't really. Everthing is just a little off, like 1 or 2mm.
  23. I actually don't recall seeing the legs open at all. It was the FAST pack launching the big missile, not the leg itself, IIRC. I should watch Plus (or at least the YF-19 parts) tonight...
  24. Stiffest joint on the figure, in my experience. PS----is it just me, or does the leg-missile gimmick seem "mis-aligned"? As in, you can't "just open it up", or it'll pop the wings out from the legs---you have to either very carefully and slowly finagle it along all the hinge-points, doing like a 3-point or 4-point turn (out then down then rotate then move back up), to get it to open up enough to have the missile positioned "with nothing in the way of being launched out forwards"---without popping the wings out. Or you kinda have to do like you do for the nose/canopy----pop the wings apart, open the panel, then plug the wings back in. All in all, it seems kinda pointless---the leg-panel doesn't open easily in fighter mode (not without popping apart the wings etc)--which is the only mode it's supposed to be used in! It's not a "play feature" IMHO if it doesn't really "work right"----surely I'm not the only one who expected it would easily and freely open and close in fighter mode? It's like if they just moved the hinge-point 1mm down it'd all work fine---but as it is---it's going to get in the way of the wings almost every time. Such a nuisance to get to work that I'll rarely do it.
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