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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Recent photo of the currently-Lithuania-deployed Lakenheath-based F-15C's on patrol. Note the live AMRAAM's and Sidewinder-X's.
  2. In short, I'm just guessing: the new ATC program was programmed to only accept/deal with "logical" speeds/altitudes, to help filter out errors/spikes etc. So when a super-high plane reports its altitude/intended flightplan---it can't handle it. It also probably couldn't handle a ground-speed report from an SR-71. Almost akin to a Y2K-type issue.
  3. Yup, the 2015 revision ensured that I won't be buying a new Charger any time soon. May pick up a nice used 2014 if I find the perfect one though. 2012 redesign was awesome, but this---we wanted the Dart's nifty interior/color options brought over, but NOT its front end. They gave us its fugly front end and "softened" tail lights, but not the nifty interior stuff... Still hoping for a new Avenger(or even Intrepid) that's sorta like a bigger edgier Chrysler 200. 2015 Challenger looks nice, but will have to see it in person to decide if I like it more/same/less than the current one.
  4. I saw Rhinox and Whirl at my Target last night. Didn't know it was news-worthy until now.
  5. My main question is how it says it has 154 parts. That seems really low. Like is the wing-rib assembly just one piece Z-folded a zillion times?
  6. Heck, I might buy the VF-9 just to see how it transforms---the wings were complicated enough, but I never did totally figure out the 90-degree arm-bar-swing thing and how it cleared the hips etc.
  7. Gyah, sorry, exact opposite IMHO. They ruined one of the sleekest planes around.
  8. At least a few people had some of the silvery-grey plastic fracture, chest-hinge area and maybe thighs.
  9. Still waiting for repaint. (and there's got to be some coming, they're not going to make a DX mold from scratch for a single minor character) Probably in-game black/purple and maroon, and possibly non-canon Roy and/or Ozma...
  10. Did they mess up and print the SMS symbols sideways on the wings, or is that how it's supposed to be on the -29?
  11. I've often wondered what Grace's background is---I mean, yeah, the name---but that's not really all that much to go on---I don't think Shaq O'Neal is very Irish. (could be wrong though!) But through sheer appearance---heck, with MF's animation style, I think anyone other than Alto is hard to be certain.
  12. That is how it is. Blame Kawamori, or the animators. Only a bit of the hip armor shares it, and it just plain looks really, really, really bland/odd there.
  13. This, plus the fact that they seem to make it impossible to get replacement valk parts/assemblies, despite being totally willing to supply Gundam parts to most anyone/anywhere. Even HLJ etc can't get repair parts from them.
  14. Well, we never see the YF-19 in space asides from when it's folding---every time it's fighting, it's in an atmosphere. Thus, aerodynamics/drag applies.
  15. A bit of yaw asymmetry is inherent----that's what rudder trim is for. Even if the plane happened to be aerodynamically perfectly symmetrical for yaw----odds are good the left and right engines aren't in PERFECT sync, so there'd still be some yaw due to that. The drag of one type of weapon on one side vs another would be small. If you're lucky, it'd be the opposite of the plane's own, and actually help things... Weight is a bigger issue, as you can't really balance that out aerodynamically very well, whereas drag/yaw/trim are all easily evened out. Nowadays, you're more likely to see a Super Hornet with an asymmetrical load than with a symmetrical load. (though that's mainly due to the Shornet's weirdness)
  16. For weapons: As a rule, bigger/heavier things go inboard. But having sufficient clearance around the weapons supercedes most all. Asymmetry is totally fine between the wings, so long as the weights are roughly equal. (so, don't put all the heavy stuff on one wing and all the light stuff on the other---also don't have heavy-outboard on one wing and heavy-inboard on the other) On real planes, most every configuration and weapon combo is specifically tested before being allowed. Just because for example the AMRAAM, Sidewinder, and Maverick are all approved for that plane---doesn't mean you can just load them wherever they'll fit. Airflow interaction between the weapons/pylons/fuselage is critical, and clearance between their fins etc.
  17. Really, THAT role is the one you pick? At this point I'd put his voice-acting resume ahead of his on-screen stuff, but for on-screen I'd vote he's best known as Weyoun from ST:DS9.
  18. Unless you hate it, then everyone will chime in with the things they hate about theirs. MW clearly draws from the Dark Side of the Force----negative emotions continually feed on each other. (and people think we're joking about the whole "Sith Lord Graham" thing...)
  19. Was this posted before? Yup, it's what you think it is---that is one single example of the AOE Prime figure. It's really two toys in one! Really, why even make it a TF at this point? They should just flat-out make a nice diecast HotWheels truck and a super-articulated revoltech-style robot.
  20. Some of us have just been waiting for a nice-looking VF-11 that's not just dull grey or the MOST BORING VALK SCHEME EVER, the M7 CF -11C. That thing didn't even look cool in the animation---in "real life" it looks like an unpainted kit. I have been, and will keep waiting for, a VFX-2 or Milia VF-11. Something that looks awesome. And I would be happy to pay more for a made-to-order limited-edition version of either of those schemes.
  21. I'm guessing part of it is due to the desire to have a single tailfin design for all 737NG variants. The -600 would be the only variant that really NEEDS that big of a fin (for sufficient rudder effectiveness on the shorter moment arm), but due to how unpopular the -600 became, it's kind of a waste for the -700 and longer variants to "carry around" a fin that large when such a small percentage of the fleet needs it. Had Boeing known the -600's eventual (lack of)production, they probably would have made a smaller basic fin size optimized for the -700/800, and made the -600 use an extension/fillet etc. ::googles:: Dang, it's worse than I thought---the -600 is barely 1% of the production run, and no longer in the catalog---with thousands more of the other variants to be built. Yeah, the -600 probably wasn't worth the effort/cost to design it---not so much in and of itself, but of its effects on the other family members needing to compromise their designs to maintain compatibility.
  22. I believe that is just a newer/refined version of the previous fan-drawing of that. All Takara has shown is an utter black silhouette. Everything else is fan speculation, no matter how nicely it may fit/be drawn.
  23. There is no lock for any position in any mode.
  24. Why would Bandai want money? That seems to be against their current M.O.
  25. Yup. Mentioned it the first day I had it that I doubt anyone will have a mint YF-19 in that area after long. I don't. Yup. Seems to be truly pointless to add a gimmick to allow it to fit the shield 1mm closer, instead of making it so it looks decent in fighter mode.
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