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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. The eyes are very easy to repaint, as it's a separate piece and you only have to take out like a screw or two to get to it. I'm very seriously considering selling my US MP-10, and ordering a Takara one. (as the bright red/blue still bugs me----I'll just repaint the Takara eyes, dab on some amber cab lights, and it'll be the ultimate version)
  2. The Tornado at least wasn't trying to replace EVERYTHING at once. And its roles were frankly rather narrow---interceptor, not fighter. Airbase-strike and tank-convoy killer, not "any and all possible ground targets in any situation". The Gr.4's upgrades allowed a more "generic" SEAD role, but again--even the very multi-role F-16 has a variant dedicated towards that, and they don't try to use the same block to fill every single role. F-35 is truly trying to do EVERYTHING, and the variants exist more for the differences in runways/airbases between the services, rather than differences in combat role.
  3. Target certainly will, it's just that TRU almost always gets new Lego stuff ahead of the other stores, in the US at least. (and they're also about the only place that sells Technic)
  4. I think I'm going to have to use rubbing alcohol to degrease it/remove mold-release. I gave it a basic soap-n-water wash first thing, but it is just not taking inking etc. It just rubs right off even after a day or two of drying.
  5. Another review: http://www.newelementary.com/2014/05/bennys-neo-classic-space-ship.html?m=1 Also, it's shown up at multiple TRU stores in the US now, and they aren't gouging the price.
  6. Yup, the V1 had more forward sweep to the wings.
  7. I've sucessfully "lightened" the deep blue fold crystals. Will try the same technique on the canopy. But the canopy is 10x more complicated shape-wise (due to framing etc), so I won't be surprised if it can't be done well. (if it fails, and I have to totally strip and re-tint the canopy, I'm going to re-do the crystals too, so it all matches) The fold crystals are totally clear plastic, with a layer of silver paint on the bottom, and clear blue paint on top. The top surface is totally smooth, so it's easy to paint/strip/etc. The bottom surface has all the molded in detail, and shoudl be left silver-as-is.
  8. That----most all of the other screen shots show it as the same dark grey as everything else. Also, the sample, which has correctly-painted stripes and everything else (unlike the production run), had it in dark grey.
  9. Wow, I consider all the Bandai Frontier valks to be more play-friendly and fun to transform than ANY Yamato. I consider the -27 the most fun of the Frontier designs. (Still waiting for a renewal Grace or even Mei's at this point)
  10. Hmmn. This thread is far larger than the previous Super Thread, I think it may be time to start a new one soon.
  11. I'm thinking Bandai kinda "forgot" a latch they had half-designed in. Look at the underside of the turret---there's twin slots under each gun that look exactly like they'd be for latches on the legs, to clip into to lock the rear of fighter mode together. Only, the upper leg parts are pure VF-25, with no extra latches.
  12. It seems the Stego/Snarl is a deluxe and the Brachio/Slug(dge) is a voyager.
  13. Protip: I'd suggest more sanding/scraping to remove the light grey LERX paint, at least near the border with the black. I'm going to be spending a lot more time touching up the black, than I did removing the light grey. ('cuz rubbing alcohol can and will find microscopic flaws in masking and seep underneath, far more than paint will) I have no idea how Duymon got such a perfect result from masking+rubbing alone. Did discover that *all* the clear blue parts are transparent blue paint over clear plastic, and are easily removable. So I'm definitely going to repaint the fold crystal bits, too.
  14. That's because they were just unveiled tonight. And this thread is official Hasbro TF's only.
  15. Apparently we need to bump this thread for SEASON TWO: Really, they should just make Mr Ral the lead this time. Would be well worth watching. And on that note:
  16. The Brachio I can see that, but the Stego just is awesome IMHO. If I only buy one, it'll be that one.
  17. Bionic Commando was HARD. Only ever saw the ending because I watched a friend do it. HARD games: Bionic Commando Battletoads Bug! (yeah, the Saturn one---still among the most unforgiving games ever when it comes to jumping--literally one pixel off and you die)
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