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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I'm going to buy the "ocean" stickers----cost way more, but as I'm finicky about "insignia crispness and border thickness"---I think they'll be worth it. (and time-saving, too----may replace all my FP Not-Stunticon insignias if they work out) Check THESE insignias out: http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/Ocean-TF-Decepticon-metal-Logo-decals-sliver-background/613353_1863551140.html
  2. Custom colors would be the hardest thing. The Jolly Rogers often had to barter to get the extra-dark grey they needed for their low-vis tailfins, as that color was only supplied in small quantities for painting the modex numbers and nothing else. The dark grey tailfins were "allowed but not condoned"----they'd have to get the needed paint from other squadrons. Luckily, they have no need for red, while the Black Knights and Diamondbacks need a lot....
  3. If you paid $60 for an Ozma, then it's a V1. Just a pair of broken legs from a V2 Ozma would probably go for more than $60.
  4. Yet still have kibble. (Yes, his "wings" are part of his look----but certainly not the tips of the tail hanging off his knees)
  5. For Feralcon insignia---trim. Bovis' needs a lot of trimming (you'll only have a hair's-breadth border left) but Leo's should fit with minimal trimming if any. Using the small ones just look bad IMHO, but most people end up going that route because it's easier. Anyways, Maketoys MTCM-04 Guardia (Not-Defensor):
  6. So is it a true mis-assembly issue or a weird "unintuitive transformation" issue to get the windows lined up?
  7. David Hingtgen

    1/48 dead?

    1/36 isn't a standard modeling scale. 1/32 is a common model airplane scale. 1/35 is common for tanks/jeeps/helicopters.
  8. The NUNS triangles crack too, but it's the ones underneath that crack first and more severely.
  9. Yup yup yup. I want all 3, but the first of those especially. Give me a TOY-color Thundercracker. That means orange canopy (not yellow), silver paint (not grey plastic nor gunmetal paint), and BLACK hands/feet---not charcoal grey. And of course, and most importantly, a rich deep metallic blue overall. Not "classics" in-between blue. Thundercracker has never looked better than his G1 toy colors, yet that's the only scheme variation that hasn't ever been seen since like 1987. They keep doing toy-toon hybrids, which isn't as good. If Bluestreak can consistently get every subtle variation done, Thundercracker can too.
  10. I think I've decided on how I'm going to replace the front canards (they just do not "fit" with the rest of the ship---they have no sweep nor taper, and the little flags are odd---going to replace with the classic 4x8 "space wing" on a hinge to allow them to retract along the sides of the nose, with tiled "strakes" to help give them support) but still have no clue how I'm going to re-do the wing-tip-ship's attachments. Would like to possibly use pins as there attachment mechanism, but non-clicky hinges etc may work. It's likely it'll be up for order at Lego.com itself at like midnight of the 1st, and they're doing both a free mini-set giveaway and free shipping over $75, so that's even better than getting from Amazon.
  11. I see those stripes mentioned so often, but checking up on it, they only seem to be on the very very first ships. Like the next 10 year's worth didn't have them--so I don't see them as "essential" to "Classic Space".
  12. Takara seems to be more like Bandai every day. "Ozma VF-25 reissue? Nope! Lets do ANYTHING but..." "Normal colors MP-10 reissue? Nope, let's try army camo and then an EVA..."
  13. Based on reported warehouse numbers etc, it's looking like MP Grimlock will make MP Prime seem "easy to find" comparatively. So if you're going to get one, and going to pay $$$ for one---get one of the older-better versions!
  14. Assuming everything is in fighter mode positioning: There is a tab poking upwards from the top of the intake-piece that goes into a slot inside the intake's roof. Thin that tab a bit. I think I made mine about half as thick, removing from the front side. But this can certainly vary valk-to-valk I think. Mainly I just compared it to my well-fitting right-side-piece, and carved the left one's tab to match it.
  15. Yeah, my left intake cover now fits up tight and close.
  16. Thinning the tab for the left intake cover a smidge actually makes it more secure----it's loose because it can't go in all the way to be fully latched, not loose because there's too much clearance.
  17. And they're doing Scorponok next: Sigh, still waiting for SOMEBODY to do Trypticon. Seriously, is any character as famous or more desired, that hasn't gotten a single figure since the original G1? (repaints of other characters do not count--there hasn't been a single dino-to-fortress toy since 1986) Ironically, that bot-mode pic of Scorponot, is so WFC-styled that when I first saw it on my phone, I thought it WAS a WFC Trypticon...
  18. This. I keep thinking that trying to "work that in" will basically entail redesigning the whole ship from scratch, rather than really modifying it. Such a common feature of classic space cruisers, surprised it's not in there.
  19. Thing is, I think it's really the lamest 'shopping job advertising a repaint ever. That's the official box-art pics of the standard release----lazily 'shopped to remove the black on the hood and roof. The real thing should at least be "G1 bright silver" and not the dark color of the regular release. PS---A7 doesn't visit this thread, right? Because I totally quoted a pic...
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