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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I plan to replace the (4x6?) "wedge-tile-car-roof" bits with simple plates. Also, despite Unikitty being awesome---she's gotta go. That whole area is literally designed around her. She can just go down in the reactor room. PS---screen cap: It's not QUITE what's in the box. Notably, Unikitty's "hold-down"---has several more pieces/joints, and the area it attaches to has some grey pieces in blue instead. I'm sure there's a few more bits that are different too. (also, the LL929 stickers are mirrored from the box---though I think the box looks better, otherwise the stripe angles are weird)
  2. Nobody outright owns their planes anymore. Even the biggest and best airlines lease half their fleet straight from the factory. The plane will spend its entire life, factory to scrap yard, in that airline's colors----having never been owned by it. Planes and locomotives get leased for decades at a time.
  3. Gotta be lease. NOBODY has 100 747's. Maybe JAL did at their peak, but not now.
  4. On my -19, the ankles are very stiff left/right tilt, loose forward/backwards tilt. If they could just be rotated 90 degrees, it'd work fine. (as it's NOT going to suddenly "tilt all the way left and fall over" no matter how loose it is in that direction)
  5. At least the 0 actually used wing-carried missiles in the anime, and they won't be forcing you to buy "concept art" with it like with the YF-19.
  6. Mine's not even done yet but I figured that yes you could remove much of the under-wing structure. They seem to serve more as a "template/jig" for building, than as truly necessary parts. Would love to see some new wingtip pod ideas.
  7. This is going to be on like every website soon: http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=96373 An INSANELY huge and detailed Star Destroyer.
  8. It's not that they can't do grey---it's that they're trying to do silver. And it doesn't turn out well. LEGO has their own version of that color, but it's kinda rare. But it has the same "swirly" look. LEGO usually simply does grey, or actual silver paint, or chromed. "Swirly silvery plastic" doesn't look as good, but is cheaper/easier. For that reason, it's rare in LEGO, but ever more common with Hasbro. LEGO silver-grey looks a lot like G1 Dinobot silver-grey. As for the actual reason why it looks the way it does: Every stirred metallic paint? The particles start sinking to the bottom INSTANTLY. Same with plastic---the metallic bits will not distribute themselves evenly, just doesn't happen. As soon as the hot liquid plastic flows into the mold---the metallic bits will start settling even before the plastic hardens into shape---and the pattern left, shows the way the plastic flowed into the mold. They are "flow marks". Can happen with most any plastic color, especially red---but it's always visible with silvery plastic. (also, in my experience---the silver plastic behaves funny----harder to sand/cut etc nicely----hate it when used in model kits--also probably why it's only ever used for small bits in LEGO, and never large bricks/plates) But Hasbro has no qualms about using it for everything everywhere!
  9. Update: It takes 14 steps before you encounter/use a "basic brick". That's a good thing IMHO. And I am dreading applying the stickers to the slope parts. "LL929" may look awful (as slopes have rough surfaces) and REALLY should have been printed. Stickers on tiles are easy to make look good, stickers on slopes is just asking for trouble.
  10. Pretty sure Ian McKellan said something to the effect that it was much harder acting in The Hobbit vs LOTR, due to the decrease in real sets and increase in green screens---even playing the same character in the same setting! (Hobbiton) Also---Hamill+beard=awesome. Go with the Obi-Wan look, I think it'd work really well for an older Luke.
  11. Sooooo... Cheapest/best place to get the super parts pre-ordered? (seriously, every source I ever used to use for Tamashii exclusive stuff no longer does it)
  12. I too wanted some of those supports, but their price/availability in any color I wanted kinda nixed those plans. We could REALLY use another set with "the parts Benny's ship doesn't have". True, an entire "New" Classic Space theme isn't that likely from LEGO---but there's absolutely no reason they couldn't make a Creator set or two with space themes/colors. Just give us a bunch of blue, bley, and trans-yellow bits. Mainly slopes, fins, rockets. And if they do the common "wheels for engines" thing---just include 4 tires for an alternate vehicle build and there's your new Creator set. (the BEST thing though, would be a future "Benny's Moonbase" or something, like a 1200+ part set)
  13. Notches/detents for the wing-sweep settings. FAST pack booster attachment like the 1/48. (My #1 complaint with the v2 is the big ugly piece holding the boosters on----not much better than the 1/55 and far worse than the 1/48 and v1)
  14. All current DX valks use superglue for assembly, so acetone is your best best. Just beware that acetone will eat paint very quickly, and can attack plastic over time. Personally I tend to sand/scrape most of the excess glue away, and not try to get ALL of it, at the risk of causing damage trying to get that last bit off. PS---I think it looks like the Su-47 too. (I'm betting it's intentional, and why they made the nosecone so pale)
  15. That the Mach 3 Phantom, whatever it was called? That is because they ARE copies, but official ones, with design approval/help from Lockheed to make the changes. I doubt this new Not-F-22 would be officially designed with help from Lockheed.
  16. That's pretty much the end-all be-all of SW. I wouldn't be surprised if half these people are on screen for 0.5 secs just the "establish" them in SW lore and get them an action figure for the first movie---then ACTUALLY have a role in the next film. Yeesh, I was just looking up the new LEGO B-wing---and it comes with a "General Cracken" figure. Who? Googled him---in a ROTJ deleted scene and never actually seen in theaters etc, but now he's got enough backstory to get a figure with the B-wing set... I don't think he's even on the DVD cut-scenes etc. So yeah, that's SW in a nutshell.
  17. Well the short version is the first movie is a sorta DYRL-esque retelling of the TV series' first half. Similar things happen, but not quite how they did on TV. The second movie is like a completely different second half of the TV series. More than just an "alternate ending" it's an alternate entire chain of events. I liked the first movie better than the second, but I think I'm in the minority.
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