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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. It's several years later. Fairly big jump in time, especially for an animated film sequel.
  2. I was thinking of your reaction when I posted this, based on your avatar etc and first post earlier in the thread.
  3. Pretty much. TF2007 is pretty good, ROTF is awful, DOTM is less bad than ROTF. Though really---how much better would all these films be, if you stripped away the literal bathroom etc humor? Still my biggest beef with the trilogy. There's humor, then there's truly forced crass "humor" that is shoe-horned into an act, where the whole scene itself is pointless plotwise.
  4. Everyone should definitely watch the 2nd vid, as I totally agree with pretty much every word he says. Especially 1:25-1:35 in. Yup! And also have to agree with him that it's better than Frozen.
  5. Bump! Saw this instead of Edge of Tomorrow (sorry guys!). Dang, in one word---emotional. Seriously, a couple scenes are going to have the entire theater sniffling their tears back. (it helps the mood a lot to have a quiet showing of just adults, with no little kids yelling at the screen)
  6. I wondered that too. For the few external shots showing the hull number at all, I think they could have even used stock footage etc.
  7. Sword alone kills it. You do NOT mess with the most iconic thing in the entire franchise.
  8. Don't worry, it's totally not worth it and you actually get more out of it from reading a description of what it's supposed to be, than you do from actually seeing it.
  9. I turned the droid-body upside down too---it "fits her" much better that way. As for clutch power---the robot arms are ridiculously loose, and they were never too tight before. And yet the red lightsaber bars that go very near them---THOSE have some clutch power! They don't come out of their clips without a fight.
  10. Of course, another option is to simply not spend 95% or more of your available funds at a time, then pending charges etc won't put you at the limit. I see way too many people spend $768 of an $800 paycheck etc then wonder why their card gets rejected.
  11. Rodimus sucks. But Hot Rod is awesome. I totally want a new MP Hot Rod----car-mode only, scaled to the other MP cars.
  12. For Bluestreak--heck, for me it's pretty much "whichever came first"---I'm equally happy with toy and toon versions. But toon colors came out first, so that's what I have. Though I do feel a bit of nostalgia for the all-silver bright-silver toy version, as him and Sideswipe were my main 2 "beloved Autobot toy cars". But the black hood just looks SOOOOO cool... Anyways--best pic of MP UM so far:
  13. Both, actually. Even alt-mode is mistransformed, and that's really something.
  14. Pics from the Tokyo Toy Show are starting to come out. There should be much better ones in the next 12-24 hours, but here's the best one so far of MP UM:
  15. I'm always much more fond of boosters and missile pods, than armor. I still think the YF-19/YF-21 have the lamest armor of the franchise----it's basically just another layer of sheetmetal that's the size and shape of the area it's covering (YF-19 legs, YF-21 belly). (and the YF-19 shoulder and YF-21 forearm armor bits are just pointless)
  16. The YF-29 sure didn't, but it got one.
  17. I sure hope so, because black+grey looks awesome: If not Grace's, then give us more game recolors. Purple stripes look awesome on the -27:
  18. I would follow up with the main/current class terms used in the fandom are: Legion/Legend Basic/Scout Deluxe Voyager Leader Most other classes are short-lived or uncommon. "Ultra" is still fairly commonly used to describe 3P stuff, size-wise. (truly, classes indicate price-points, though most people use them to indicate size--but as the years go by, you get deluxe-sized voyagers and vice-versa and overlap etc) All in all, Deluxe and Voyager are the two main terms you'll encounter---they are the most common types in the main lines, and their designations have remained the same for years.
  19. I just can't get past that it looks 100x more like "off-white paint" than the "super-faded chalky red with rust and primer showing underneath" we see in the trailers. It's rusty Magnus, not rusty Prime.
  20. MP-10 is still vastly simplified compared to how it "really" would look like: I'm not saying red steps are wrong---I'm just pointing out that silver isn't! (thus, painting Evasion Prime's bits on his shoulders silver, doesn't go against his G1 alt-mode's look---unless you are being utterly slavish to exactly how the toy is, and not taking into account the real-life truck at all) It'd be like saying Skywarp should have silver tires, not black, because that's how the G1 toy was... Other colors are certainly acceptable/appropriate, even if it's not exactly how that little bit was in G1.
  21. Considering that those are the cab entry steps, silver is the most-appropriate color in alt-mode. Really, it's the G1 toy that's "wrong" there. They simply painted it ALL red with no highlights/details at all. It's no different than G1 Sideswipe's air intakes being red---they simply didn't have the budget for additional paint-apps, while the Masterpiece does and paints them black. Same for the cab's air horns---they wouldn't "really" be solid red, despite how the G1 toy was painted. Yes, even I reference the G1 toys above all else for colors--but they should not be referenced for the smaller details that simply weren't painted back then. Reference the real thing in that case. Yeesh, otherwise MP Sideswipe would be like 99% red...
  22. Well yes, you can fairly easily remove her "holding pen" and keep things mostly intact---but I plan to completely remove the whole "octagon" styling. Anyone else have very loose arms on the repair droids? I'd bet money those are "made in China" parts. They seem slightly off in color (too pale), they are not a plate/brick (LEGO never has China make essential/basic parts, generally just studless/accessory bits), and they have that "off" feel to them.
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