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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Mainly---the plastic cement is to literally weld the parts back together. The superglue should be used as an external support/bandage for the area. If you're going to fully sand and repaint--then yes, put superglue on the visible areas too. (I only did it on the internal/backside of the thigh-piece, as my crack was quite "clean" and hard to see when glued back together) My crack was at the "bottom" of the opening, yours is at the top. Mine was more of a "top/bottom split" whereas yours is almost like "exploded outwards from within".
  2. Plastruct plastic weld works pretty well on Yamato ABS plastic. A true cement/solvent, as opposed to superglue. Use Plastruct to weld the parts together, then reinforce externally with superglue. It's what I did on my cracked thigh.
  3. ROTF Dirge is the best deluxe jet in a while. And yes, the best thing to do is use blocky alt-modes! X1000! The F-15 works for a reason. The F-16 doesn't...
  4. Wait wait---you're saying Bumblebee CAN'T do a back-slide on his doors, then transform into a car with perfectly intact side-windows?
  5. MP Magnus vs Citizen Stack---hard to have a debate about the two in a single area. No different over at TFW. The Citizen Stack thread can be mainly about Magnus at times, and vice-versa. Doubt it. *Snarl* had a finished engineering design ready to go from the MP team? He's not even one of the original Dinobots. (see: first appearance) There's a lot more "top tier" characters to do in the MP line before him. It's a whole lot more likely that Gigapower (that's who made that proto) simply copied elements of MP Grimlock.
  6. Theft of a concept and theft of a physical entity are quite different things. If I sit here and hum a tune I just made up, and you "steal" it---vs grabbing food off my table---they aren't the same. (both wrong, yes, but very different degrees/damages)
  7. If you think color alone would make those two TFC combiners sell to TF fans en masse, you're dreaming. The one could be a FLAWLESS copy of Defensor's colors, and cost $100 total, and I wouldn't give it a second glance. (Defensor being my fave Autobot combiner)
  8. If there's one MP that's unlikely to happen, it's that. From what I've heard, HasTak no longer has the rights to that mold/design. The ONLY way to do it is unlicensed! And FT already did it. 3 runs worth. Even many of the diehard "official-only" collectors were swayed by it. What market is left? It'd be like doing an MP Huffer at this point.
  9. I really want a Delta, but I just know that if I buy the HG, they'll immediately announce an MG or RG of it.
  10. MP UM has a red bumper, red chassis/frame, and red back-of-cab. Only the front/sides/roof of the cab is white. If he had a "white Prime" mode it'd have red legs and feet. Anyways----I passed on UT's Mania King almost solely because of its coloring. And now, they're doing "version 2": Will almost certainly pick it up. Those who have v1 are not happy though.
  11. I'm going to say this game had the best audio of any SNES game period. That is, music and sounds combined. You can argue other games had better music (though you'd probably be wrong), but no game comes even close to its sound effects. Every little blip and tap is quite "musical"---from different weapons, to the enemies, to the different sounds made by weapon impact. It all blends with the soundtrack amazingly.
  12. Pretty much that. Scalpers vs the actual company getting the money. If a car is popular, and the dealership is "scalping" it at $10K over sticker---it may be 'easy' to get, but that sure doesn't make it equal to the alternative car that is inherently $10K more expensive, but still selling at "only" sticker price. (not the best example, but the best my brain can do right now) Hey, a sealed G1 Starscream is "easy" to get---so long as you fork over a grand.
  13. Never read any comments about it, but I bet the XB-70 made a heck of a racket with all 6 going... The sheer exhuast velocity alone required for Mach 3+ would cause a lot of noise. (speed of the exhaust is a big part of jet noise--basically the "ripping" of the air by hot, fast-moving exhaust, combined with the actual turbo-machinery of the core, are the main 2 sounds heard---some engines produce more of one type than the other). It's a big part of the reason airliners can make so much power, relatively quietly---they pump a massive amount of air, but it moves quite slowly (as jet engines go) and only a fraction is actually heated through the core.
  14. Know what's neat? When a 3P item sells out quickly in the first run, they will often do a second run. And not for twice the price, 2 years later like "Hasbro's Asia division". The same price, like 2 months later. And then sometimes THAT still sells out, and they'll do a third run. Until they've made all that they can sell. Hegemon and Green Giant are among the few 3P items that sold out decently quickly and had continued demand, yet took a while for re-issues. But they did come. But neither of those "sold out in a day" and had people scrambling to try to get one like a Bandai Frontier valk. Anyone who wanted one right at the beginning had plenty of opportunity.
  15. Will check mine, but that area's been my #1 concern since day one.
  16. I wouldn't dare spray over 60% humidity, for a clear-coat. Would prefer 50% or less.
  17. No post-credits scene. My showing was completely kid-free, ONLY adults watching.
  18. But amazingly, not some of the most-wanted stuff: G1 toy-colors SW and TC, on that mold. Pretty much all the MP-03 repaints "don't count" anymore, now that there's a kibble-reduced more-G1 version available. We want all the core seekers, on THAT mold. And with good coloring, not sucky US versions etc. (off-white Starscream, hip-hop-tatoo Thundercracker, etc)
  19. Bonus points if you played it in an arcade! (actual arcade, not a lone machine in a pizza place or something)
  20. The Rock is the best by far. The Island has a quite good first half IMHO, then it ceases to be a sci-fi film and becomes a generic Bay "flashy cars+action+'splosions!" film. Seriously, did someone else direct the first half? I've heard much about Spielberg's involvement in the first half of TF2007, and this seems similar---where the whole first half of the movie has a different tone, and is much more about discovery and character.
  21. Considering the zillions of utter exact clones of actual Bandai product that seem to thrive (Gunpla, mainly), a derivative work that is wholly their own sculpt seems "safer". How long did Joons valks last, with nothing heard from Bandai AFAIK? KO's are far more infringing than 3rd party.
  22. A single large engine is almost always quieter than several smaller ones. Especially if they have a larger fan. The F135 being so loud is an aberration. The GE90 is one of the quietest engines around, and it's THE most powerful.
  23. Still wondering why not a single MP seeker has had an orange canopy AFAIK.
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