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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. The Studios. Getting rid of a bit of the Indiana Jones stuff, going to Star Wars. And they can always expand it a bit. The Studios have always been the main SW part of Disney World. Now, if the new movies are mind-blowingly popular/profitable--then maybe a whole new section/major expansion, similar to the recent Fantasyland expansion. Disney always seems to be very conservative when it comes to actually expanding the parks--90% of what's proposed never happens. It's basically amazing that the Fantasyland expansion actually happened at all. (though as always, it's still a lot less than was originally proposed)
  2. Thank you. I still don't know why they did that, the 1/48 had METAL attachment points---they were stiff and secure in my experience. And nigh-invisible! It's the only place where the v2 1/60 is worse than the 1/48.
  3. I propose that anybody that pledges money to this, then gets NOTHING out of it (even after years of waiting) has absolutely zero right to complain/rant/hate about it on this board. Seriously, we're telling you NOW that this is probably a bad idea, and you'll probably never see 1 second of footage, or 1 penny back. Seriously, I don't want to spend the next 18 months moderating a zillion "HG took my kickstarter money and we didn't get anything" posts... Mr March already said it--any competent business shouldn't need a kickstarter to fund their own product/IP! Not when they sold a zillion DVDs over the past couple years, yet seem to have nothing to show for it...
  4. That's actually what seems to have happened to Masterpiece Ultra Magnus. It COULD have been done with a few more hinges/parts to "fold more bits away" and streamline the silhouette a bit more---but Takara said the resulting increased price would drive too many fans away. So it's a bit simplified compared to the original planned drawings. And suffers for it. I believe they are wrong, and that any fan that's been waiting 25 years for the "ultimate" Ultra Magnus toy would want the best possible version regardless of cost, but that's their explanation.
  5. The difficulty in getting an even color prevents it. Wet paint always pools in some spots and pulls away from others, and transparent paint REALLY shows the difference in paint-thickness. Airbrushing very thin layers that dry almost instantly is possible, if you build up a dozen+ coats. But that's beyond me. I can barely airbrush "matte grey on a flat surface". Transparent blue on a curved surface that needs to be crystal-clear glossy isn't going to happen any time soon. If I had the skills to really re-do it how I want it, I'd replace ALL the clear-blue areas with "slightly purple" like his VF-25S canopy. That's how it looks in the game from the screen-shots I've seen.
  6. Very carefully removing it with rubbing alcohol. Time+experience+lots of toothpicks and q-tips! Similar technique was used to lighten the fold crystals--they're more of a sky-blue now, not "sapphire blue". Will try to get an overhead shot in fighter mode to show that off better. I really wanted a "light blue" canopy to match, but due to the curvature/framing, it was really "all or nothing".
  7. Even more so--they did it on the shoulders! It was quite clear that a white tab flips out on each side of the fuselage, then you swing the arms forward and the white armor pegs onto those flip-out tabs. So why the heck couldn't they do a flip-out tab somewhere on the spine or nosecone?
  8. I was ok with the GERWALK-mode brace, as it seemed to be necessary ONLY WHEN USING THE WAIST JOINT with "unlocked" intakes---and that a "traditional" GERWALK mode didn't need it. But it looks like it ALWAYS needs the brace in battroid mode just to stay together---and that's basically a deal-killer for me. I mean, if the brace folded away or could store inside the leg or something it'd be better. But that's in the "box of parts in a drawer" category. Something easily lost with nowhere to go, that is critical for the basic transformation itself. Seriously, they couldn't have designed a click-hinge/ratchet for the nosecone/spine? Another peg/tab somewhere? I'd take a small "not in the lineart" protrusion somewhere, to eliminate that big ugly muscle-belt wrapped around the waist.
  9. Wanted to show a GERWALK-mode pic with "everything opened up/fully loaded"---and right when I finally started getting a couple decent pics with my camera settings---the battery died. So this is the best I got---I really wanted more of an elevated view but the camera died before I could get a makeshift tripod to elevate it. (I mainly wanted an elevated view to show the corrected black striping and lightened fold-crystal color--but the stripped canopy is still readily visible) And of course, only after posting do I realize the gunpod's "hanging low".
  10. From the album: Reference

  11. Do you want a list of all of them, or the ones worth watching? The GREAT ones are: Beast Wars (best TF series ever, story/plot-wise) Yes, it's one of the earlier CG 'toons out there, but it noticeably improves every season---get through season 1's visuals, and you'll be rewarded with an AMAZING story that ties together the entire franchise like no other. TF:Animated (best TF series ever, homage/humor-wise) The GOOD ones are: Robots in Disguise (mainly for the humor---no, I'm not a fan of "bumbling Decepticons" but there are just some great lines/gags in there---and a pissed-off loner Magnus who's jealous of Prime getting the matrix is an interesting take) TF:Prime (barely) Everything else is junk. IMHO.
  12. MMC's Talon (not-Divebomb) is out---at least a couple people have received shipping notices from HK-based retailers, and Peaugh just got his (shipped straight from MMC). So that's 4/5 of the team, with the final one still on-track for next month. Quite possible Feral Rex will be finished before TFC even reveals their not-Divebomb.
  13. Ok, because honestly the weapon/pose was what was really screaming "Shenlong" to me the most---I knew there was a dragon-themed Gundam in G-Gundam, but didn't recall such a "Wu Fei" fighting style.
  14. They all vary, there is no consistency. Trust me, I've looked at about every pic ever posted of that mold. Original Takara, Takara-Korea, early KO's, the revised KO's with better printing (namebadge, logo), re-release Takara, etc. And some are good, and some are bad. Most are "mediocre-poor". But you will find all "paint-quality levels" on all releases, in approximately equal numbers. Buying an original can get you a great one or a terrible one. Same for the KO's.
  15. Ok, is that a Shenlong/Altron modified, or some other draconic Gundam? I wanna say the shoulder armor and waist armor are very Shenlong-ish. With "double" dragons from Altron.
  16. In short, super is better than armor. But if you've got Ozma, get armor for him.
  17. It's akin to automatically including GBP armor with every VF-1. Not everyone's going to want it, and it's not "free"---you're definitely going to be paying a lot more for it than the VF-1 alone would be. All those external missiles aren't even really canon to a lot of people, including me. Retconning an established design based on an old drawing in some book, and then bumping up the price a bunch to include it---not happy. Big ugly external hardpoints on the YF-19's otherwise clean wings. Recesses, holes, AND posts added to the wings to mount the missiles? Yeesh, talk about an inelegant design-solution. The original 1/60 had much nicer-looking wings. If it was like 5-10 bucks, then yes, it'd be pointless to comment on. But all those missiles plus the FAST packs? That is a good chunk of money compared to what a "bare" YF-10 would cost. AND THE FAST PACKS WERE OPTIONAL BEFORE. People who didn't want them, didn't have to buy them. And I never did.
  18. But that's pretty much what the fandom wants at this point. They want a spot-on plastic figure of the *TV show* Skyfire. Not Jetfire, not a VF-1, not a "classics Skyfire". There's already plenty of those out there. They want THIS: And that's what it is. So those who want it, are probably happy with it.
  19. Yeah---I've been UN-panel-lining my -19, as the lines are just too shallow-----thin crisp lines look nice when inked, "blurry-shallow" ones just look like a mess. And I'm not going to rescribe the whole thing to make the ink settle properly. It's just going to be pretty much "out of the box" and bland-looking, due to the how non-existent the panel lines are.
  20. Arcadia did everything backwards---everyone gets the FAST packs and non-screen-accurate missiles, and many didn't want it/didn't want to pay extra for it. I would have MUCH rather had a $100 cheaper "bare" YF-19. It's got about the lamest FAST packs of any valk, and the missiles---were only ever seen in a book I don't own. Every time I look at that huge YF-19 box, I think what a waste half the contents of that box are---stuff I'll never use and never wanted, but I paid for and paid to ship over here. But tons of people want the VF-25 boosters---and few will be able to acquire them! I'd like them---but not nearly enough to go through the hoops required.
  21. And Welker voiced Megatron in the 07' etc movie-based videogames, too. So movie-movie Galvatron sounds a lot like game-movie Megatron.
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