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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Ryanair also finally convinced Boeing to add extra exit doors and to reduce the seat spacing even further, to pack 200 people in a 737.
  2. Ehh, I'm the sort of person that really hates missing out on the dialogue in a game. And stuff like "weapon descriptions" in the hangar, etc. M30 has like ZERO English as far as I can tell, which is actually kinda unusual IMHO for a mecha game... (I've played plenty of imports with at least some English menus etc---Frame Gride is one of the few mecha ones I remember really having to use a lot of translation guides at my side while playing)
  3. First pic from Once Upon a Time season 4: Though really, it's all going to be in expression and body language.
  4. The Z-95's appearance isn't set in stone. The X-wing's is very well-defined. To those that know the Z-95 and/or what it's supposed/expected to look like---that was darn close to it. My "mental image" of the Z-95 is probably mostly based on its appearance in the PC games (TIE Fighter, etc). Heck, the TIE Fighter games WERE my "expanded universe" in that era. Didn't read any of the comics or novels or anything. My whole SW "canon" was pretty much the original trilogy, and the X-wing/TIE Fighter games...
  5. I don't mind the design--it's just that that design has already been established in SW lore as another fairly well-known ship, specifically the Z-95. It'd be like making a new Transformers movie with a flame-deco red semi-truck who has blue legs in robot mode, and then say "oh no, that's not Optimus Prime---that's the new version of Bumblebee, 30 years later".
  6. Z-95. The Z-95 is probably the most famous "unofficial" SW starfighter, and is nigh-canon. (well, it's totally canon now I guess) It is the X-wing's predecessor. ::edit:: Wha?!?! Places are saying this IS an X-wing. Like, a ret-conned X-wing or something. Why would you do that, when the Z-95 is already pretty well-known among the fandom, and this looks exactly like it? That'd be like do a 3-winged TIE with bent panels, and saying it's NOT the TIE Defender.
  7. Semi-OT, but awesome: Buick has managed to yet again lower the average age of their new car buyers. Check it out! Now only 1/5 of them are 75+. Also, for the first half of 2014, Japan's sales numbers are in. And Pontiac outsold Buick. Yup, Pontiac, which hasn't sent any new shipments to dealer lots in a LONG time. Apparently they'd rather have 2009's than 2014's, when your other options is a Buick. (and I'd choose the same!) I'd still love to have gotten an 08-09 G8. Sigh, I could have had one, if I'd waited like 6-12 months. But I honestly didn't know it was coming. Which is why I now regularly check car blogs etc for "what's coming next year" even when I have zero intention of getting something else at the time. I will NOT be caught again by "similar yet better/cooler car coming soon for the same price".
  8. Bomb bay? Check. Missiles? Check. 737? Check!
  9. Hopefully it's more like DYRL off-white/grey. Pure white is too stark with dull/slate blue.
  10. The recent YF-29 Ozma didn't have much, but it was extraordinarily stubborn to remove. Some parts of it still repel ink when trying to panel-line.
  11. When all seems lost, he'll pull out the DOUBLE erupting burning finger. (Still my all time fave moment in the series)
  12. On the left---the SDCC-exclusive (boo!) Unikitty. On the right---the new mass-release cheap set that'll have Angrykitty and Batman (yay!) If the pic is accurate, there's printing on her upper 1x3 plate for her eyebrows, on each side. Has a plate ever been printed on the side before?
  13. I would get M30 if it was even partially in English--but having both the basic gameplay menus themselves, and of course all the dialogue/story, totally kills it for me. (as opposed to say some Japanese fighting games, where a huge chunk of it is in English and there's not much plot anyways)
  14. Yup, that was my first thought too--that's dead-on what color it should be. (and it should be, since that scene is set "in day-time sky" and not in a hangar, at dusk, or anything else that'd affect the coloring) Forwad that to Mr K and say "match this color!"
  15. I think they actually made the -19 worse, I liked the "2nd-to-last" version they showed. The final version is greenish and "yucky", not the "warm sandy-beige" of the Yamato or Hasegawa. (the Hase is too intense, but the right hue) But the -19 is only a little bit off---whereas the 0D is just plain completely totally wrong in my eyes.
  16. 32,000 bucks? That's nothing, when someone else just spent 26,000 ON A SINGLE COMBINER TEAM.
  17. Anyone else having issues with ep 10? Netflix on PS3, specifically. Every time I start it, I get different yet similar errors. Namely: Can't change from CC to sub. Can't change audio. On-screen menu overlay never disappears(this almost always happens, in addition to one other error from the list) Timing counter appears then gets stuck. Etc. The actual episode will PLAY, but there'll always be some big issue that makes it unwatchable. It's almost all related to the "controls menu overlay". And it's also a big enough issue that you can't reset from the menu etc, have to do a "go over and hold down the button" reboot. Completely removing and reinstalling Netflix has done nothing but waste time.
  18. 'tis the intensity of the blue, more than anything else. Greyish/slate blue, not "blue-blue-blue". (and the tweeted pics are still too purplish)
  19. Yes, but they're (almost?)all fan drawings made after the fact. And considering how rare "official" un-altered pics of the CGI model is, I'd vote most get the blue wrong. (that, and few people consider intensity/saturation when picking colors---value and hue/chroma always get WAY more attention---most people will ignore saturation--but it's critica for Shin's 0D) If anything, the scan is too dark. But the hue and saturation should be correct. Value is least important, mainly due to the "scale effect".
  20. Bandai had some nice renders on their site years ago, in "neutral" lighting---the ones of the Sv-51's were sent to Yamato as color references----and you'll note how perfectly Nora's turned out. However, *Shin's* VF-0D wasn't available at the site IIRC (as I don't have them, and I spent a while scouring the site for pics)---but wherever this scan is from, it's got the exact same pose/angles as the CF VF-0D from that site---so I believe these renders were done for the same purpose at the same time--as in, they are "neutral lighting/untinted" pics intended to be "official references" for how the valks look. (as they are often tinted blue/orange/pink in the anime, depending on lighting---a lot of the fighting takes place underwater, at sunset, etc) So this should be how Shin's "really" looks AFAIK: It's blue, but it's more of a slate blue-grey, rather than *BLUE*. Really, the pics being tweeted lately, look closest to Max's VF-22S, more than anything. I always thought Shin's looked kind of like "oceanic camo"----it blends in well with the water, and isn't far off from the colors used by Japan's Maritime Defense F-2's. Of course, this is just a scan, and not the original---but it shouldnt' be too far off--nothing in that pic seems "oddly colored". And of course, it does match how it looks in the anime. (at least, my copy of the anime---which I actually got via Graham some years back) Is there like a newer blu-ray version of M0 out there, remastered with "corrected color" or something? Maybe it does look much more cobalt/periwinkle in HD remasters or something...
  21. So can someone tweet to Mr K. something like "That doesn't look anything like the color it was in the anime" ???
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