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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Moar kittehs coming: LEGO is definitely going all-out on "printing the sides of a plate" now that they can. (the latest mini-figs even have 2-tone arms)
  2. Re: VF-O I pronounce it "viffo". It's like "Veef" but without the 5SS...
  3. My new YF-19 has "dat gap". Annoys the heck out of me because it occurs across the intakes too. One continuous gap all the way across.
  4. Looks good on my phone, will wait until I see on a proper screen before commenting further.
  5. Better, but still I'd say even less saturated, and darker. (Slightly less saturated, more so for darkening)
  6. And the tradition of more than one valk getting LESS accurate, when going from sample to final production...
  7. Considering their lifespan, you could encounter every previously-known Asari, and it wouldn't be a problem with the time-line.
  8. The real point is, it shouldn't be THAT far off to start with. This is nothing like the YF-19, where a "few more shades over that way" were needed. This isn't even close to the right color. It'd be like if someone made Brera's valk "Milia red" instead of the fuschia-wine color it really is. Did they simply tell the painter "it should be blue" and left it up to that? If anything, history has shown hand-painted valk prototypes to have more anime-accurate paint than the final production. (this mainly based off of Bandai though). Also--Kawamori approved colors? We all know the story of the "Shin" VF-0A Yamato first released. And then the 'real' Shin 0A they did later. Both of which were "correct and approved by Kawamori".
  9. More like disappointment. Really, has Mr K/Arcadia/etc not actually watched the animation itself? Are they basing the blue on the Hasegawa kit's paint-mixing directions?
  10. Yeah, that's "Max VF-22S" blue, not "Shin 0D" blue. Not even close. If that's the final color, it's a deal-killer. (and a 0D has been my most-wanted valk for years at this point--but that looks nothing like the valk I saw in M0)
  11. RG Gouf Custom would look amazing, if they can keep to SUBTLE color differences. Bandai always seem to do subtle red plastic color variations, but very obvious (and ugly) blue plastic variations. (I'm looking at you, RG RX-78) And of course, then they go way too far in the other direction, with no variation on the Zeta's blue.
  12. I've heard/read that a Super Hornet can match or even beat an F-22, briefly, when it comes to high-alpha manuevers. Basically---it can't keep it up due to raw drag/less thrust, but if the pilot really wants to---he can trade all his energy for "pointing the nose" like nothing else, to get off a high-angle shot etc. Super Hornets do have an "alpha/G-limit over-ride" switch like a Flanker. The F-22 can do high-end manuevers all day long, but a Super Hornet can do one truly spectacular move if it needs to.
  13. It's a much higher priority than the guys who have 3/4/5/6 and are camping out for numbers 7, 8, and 9...
  14. I'm going to try to get one or two----solely to be re-sold *at cost*, to MW members who haven't been able to get any yet. I believe Wm Cheng has both super parts and an armor pack for Ozma, but no valk to put them on yet. People in situations like that have the highest priority.
  15. Actually, my main gripe is the legs. Too much like a -19's or something, not "feminine" enough---certainly nothing like the line-art etc. And really--why aren't they? The front and sides of the thighs affect very little in fighter mode, and the calves etc would mainly affect the shield-shape (which is quite off from what it should be---it should notably curve inwards in the middle, to make room for the calves) The calves would also affect the forearms--but again, making it more like the line art. Thinner more concave forearms, to fit alongside the more convex wider calves. Really, the MAXL design *should* work pretty well as it's drawn--but it's like Experten masculinized it or something. Made everything "straight" instead of curved. Forearms, legs, shield, etc. Way too much like a "thinner -19" rather than the actual battroid shape it should have. The fighter mode can be altered as much as needed to accomodate the battroid mode---it'd only affect the outline of the shield, and the cut-outs in the delta-wings. The giant delta wing's outer edge defines the entire fighter mode, that's all the MAXL really needs to "look right" in fighter mode.
  16. That's how the colored Yamato VF-1's are as well---clear plastic with paint over it. There were no "clear red" parts etc ever created for any release.
  17. I am so VERY tempted. Very, very tempted. I'd be more tempted if I could get it without the sound booster, cheaper. (I hate sound boosters) And yes, the PURE white is a bit disappointing. Should be "very pale pink".
  18. Better than being based on MP-01 like they were for a while... But that's my whole point these last few posts---the MP figures are not "perfect" representations of bot-mode, so if you're doing a bot-mode only figure---don't copy the MP's! Do better! Like, actual truck parts, non-transforming joint/hinge designs, etc. Sometimes I'm surprised they don't put in the screws that the MP's have, they follow them so closely...
  19. You're missing my main point. Not their presence/location---their SHAPE. The G1 toy had it right, and should be used as the reference for those for any and all "G1 Primes". These "things" on the MP's and statues are "cylinders with tubes on the front"---Nothing like actual marker lights on top of a truck's cab. But the G1 toy was spot-on there. It'd be like changing the headlights to having inverted hexagonal dome-shapes for lenses, or making the stacks have a square cross-section---you're really getting away from the whole "supposed to be un-altered truck parts there".
  20. I still don't see the point of making statues based off the MP figures---if you're going to make it NOT transform---then don't copy the compromises made to make it transform! Yeesh, the MP figures are not the end-all be-all representations of their robot modes. (I still hate the marker lights on every MP Prime, it's very clear that none of the MP Prime sculptors have ever actually seen a real American semi-truck close enough to know what marker lights look like) (no, that's not a big huge feature--but they're right there on the top of the chest, and catch your eye every time)
  21. Just one of many reasons I hate figures that are glued together. Often has messy leaks/gaps/spills that dry, discolor--and make it impossible to separate/repair without damage. And usually pointless in the first place when they're screwed together anyways.
  22. Good job transforming the head there, showroom-display-guy! And man, pics like that make me glad I stripped the blue off the canopy of mine.
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