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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Her flightsuit was more grey/purple though. Given to Moaramia as a trainer from Max/Milia?
  2. Purple would be awesome though. (I'd buy it, as like Nora's or something).
  3. Yeah, the only "active" stealth systems I know of are on the -19 and later valks. (and of course, the Russian plasma-coated MiG's!)
  4. Fundamentally---few are supported solely by the slot. Many have additional "prongs" going out to rest under the instakes or something, to make a 3-point supporting surface--but only the "center" one actually "plugs in", the other bits just "rest underneath". I'm thinking a variation of their F-111 stand may work best for a VF-25. As for exhaust nozzles---Witty makes many of the same planes HM does, so the stands are often nearly perfect fits. Also, the real aircraft often share engines, the GE J79 and J75 are VERY common among jets from the 60's, and so lots of planes would have the same engine/nozzle dimensions. Plus "variations" and "close enough" leads to many stands being compatible. (I think people use MiG-29 stands on the F-18 actually)
  5. I have several HM planes----F-16's, F-18's, F-111, F-102, F-101, F-105, F-104, A-10, Harrier II. But every HM plane has its own stand adapter. Same base, different plug. (VERY different). Many people like using Witty's stands with HM planes, as they plug into the exhaust nozzles, leaving the belly "free".
  6. Any chance of a "replacement" adapter for fighter-mode Frontier valks? As in, a nice "sleeker" clear piece, instead of having to use the huge ugly black fighter-mode adapter that Bandai includes? I'm a fighter mode guy, and the "thing" Bandai gives us for the -25/29 etc always just ruins how they look on a stand IMHO. There's GOTTA be something better than 'sticking the gunpod through a square-shaped tunnel' etc. Just something more "Y" shaped that goes AROUND the gunpod or something? I've got plenty of stands for diecast fighter jets etc, I'll have a look at what they do and see if any might work for a VF-25. (I'm thinking one of my A-10, F-111, or even Harrier stands may work for the basic concept)
  7. Another vote for including dots and guide.
  8. Really? Mine always are pretty specific---like "scale plastic model kit".
  9. Re: stealth. Technically, it refers to ALL forms of detection. Infra-red being the big one after radar. No point in having a radar-proof plane if a heat-seeker can lock on from 10 miles away. AFAIK, infra-red was another place where the -23 was notably better than the -22. (no thrust-vectoring means it could have those ceramic(?) brick-lined exhaust troughs) Plus, just plain being sleeker means less heat/friction from skin-drag. Re: airshow. Sorry, I have almost nothing for "F-14 in flight"----just caps from an old digicam: That was the only time I saw a Tomcat fly, Grim Reapers F-14D.
  10. I'd still pick Grace. Customizable, version 4.0 when needed...
  11. I guess that's one way to interpret the Macross love triangle theme:
  12. Don't need to remove the big pin to remove the canopy, but the windscreen will require total disassembly of the forward half from what I could tell.
  13. You've exposed un-knowing people to the annoyance of Quess. I wouldn't welcome that. Seriously--the two biggest "ruined the movie" characters of all time, are Jar-Jar, and Quess.
  14. Now I have no friggin' clue what this is about. That trailer could just as well have been from a total re-write/re-shoot. That is---not at all what I thought based on the first teaser.
  15. Yeah, but that's before being exposed to the elements and salt-water, that's exactly what color it would have originally been/Kawamori intended...
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