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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. No. That was a change, but Bandai released many new official pictures showing all the changes--they wanted people to know.
  2. Bandai is first party when it comes to Frontier, or nearly so.
  3. My head-canon is that while the VF-0D may have been built with overtech, it still got repainted on-board a carrier that was still stocked with typical paint, and thus weathered the same from salty sea-spray as any F-14 would. (And wasn't bright blue to start with, but probably standard mil-spec "intermediate blue" or something similar)
  4. For Transformers etc, that's all there was for a while, and how most of the now-established 3P companies started. New guns, new head-sculpts, replacements for commonly-broken parts, etc. Whole figures came later.
  5. That's exactly why we need it. Because they're never going to do anything but Sheryl/Ranka/Klan. They've had more than enough time---if it was gonna happen, it'd have happened by now. Movies have come and gone, and "Movie-style" is all they're making now. And there's no pilot-Grace in the movies. Same thing for valks. VF-9 is NEVER going to come from Bandai/Arcadia. It's WAY down the list. But I'd buy it in an instant.
  6. Nah, you gotta use one that actually looks like chalk-writing:
  7. Peaugh said he wants to do it, I just sent him a message to hopefully make sure he knows you know and you know he knows or whatever.
  8. That's pretty much the issue----reviewers that are well-known/respected within the Macross community, vs "big Youtube star reviewers". However---if it's down to "Optibotimus vs Peaugh", then Peaugh hands-down. There's a decent amount of crossover between Transformers and Macross of course due to VF-1/Jetfire, but a lot of "casual fans" don't follow the other one very closely---and someone like Peaugh could bring awareness to a TON of TF fans who watch every video he makes, who are already spending $$$ on third-party stuff. It basically comes down to---"informing the Macross fan base that already knows about it" vs "spreading the word to a huge group that MAY be interested in buying it but doesn't know it exists". And again---test shots/samples are often passed around--there's not that many of them so they have to be "reused". There's no reason at all the same exact figure couldn't go to EvilCat/Lunar for a photo shoot, then AnyMoon for a review, then Peaugh for another review.
  9. 1999 I think. Bought the tapes from BestBuy's anime section.
  10. Most reviewers have agreements with multiple stores/sponsors----and since neither BBTS nor TFS is carrying this, there shouldn't be an issue. And even if there was here's Peaugh doing a Toydojo-sponsored vid: And one from TransFans: Both items of which are available from multiple sources including other ones he's worked with at the time. I don't know of any reviewer who is "exclusive" to a certain store etc. They will often get stuff from certain stores for promotional purposes obviously, but they are "free agents". Also, a lot of reviewers don't keep the stuff they get--it is often just loaned for a little while to review, then they have to send it off to the next reviewer etc. Sometimes it's even just borrowed from a fellow TF-fan. I could send him my Ozma YF-29 to review if I wanted, and he'd very likely do it.
  11. Peaugh has an account here, and even a for-sale thread. I just messaged him over at TFW to see if he's aware of this project etc. (since he checks TFW way more often than he does MW) ::edit:: Just heard back from Peaugh, he says he's been interested in this project since the beginning and would love to review it. He also says he just got a new DSLR camera to take better still pics to go along with his reviews. He was actually wondering where to pre-order it from, so I think Lunar may be getting an order from him soon.
  12. Peaugh! He's already a member here, has reviewed both the original and renewal VF-25s, the VF-27, the Quarter, and even just today posted a pic of his DX Alto w/Super pack on his twitter. https://www.youtube.com/user/peaugh/search?query=macross He's even done SD Macross before: I don't think Optibotimus is a Macross fan at all, never seen him review any DX's etc. If you want one of the "big name" third-party Youtube reviewers, I think Peaugh is much better choice for a Macross figure.
  13. If the manufacturer really wants some serious "exposure", I would suggest they send a sample to Peaugh to review for his Youtube channel. He's got a zillion subscribers/viewers, and he is at least a moderate Macross fan. Though if they'd rather have "super-uber Macross fans" review it on their channel, there's reviewers like veef, jenius, etc. Third-party stuff generally relies HEAVILY on youtube-based reviews, for exposure/sales/etc.
  14. Dang, for the inner box to bulge that far, I think an elephant sat on it. Or a car drove over it...
  15. Sometimes you can spot pretty easily when they switch models. I usually noticed in Frontier when they go from GERWALK to battroid----there will very often be an explosion/obstacle to obscure it mid-transformation, or a very quick roll/dodge. From what I can tell, there may be a "working" fighter/GERWALK model, but battroid is pretty much its own.
  16. The magazine pics were likely taken a while ago, and/or the repaint wasn't ready yet for a photo session. I mean, Yamato never did show official pics of the actual production figure of the first 1/60 YF-19, it was always still pre-production versions. Yamacadia has never been very big on showing "final/accurate" pics of their products, preferring to keep using old photoshoots of pre-production items. You never know what it's really going to look like until the first owners post personal pics of theirs. Heck, Bandai's no different. The Ozma YF-29 and Grace VF-27 "official pic' paint patterns do NOT match the actual production item. (the pre-production ones are more accurate).
  17. Wait wait, you consider *HG* to be the issue? Remember, *BMW* lost when trying to sue in China for copied vehicle designs. I think Schwinn lost a case for a bike design, when the Chinese party used Schwinn's own patent for the design as evidence! Fact is, there is simply no recourse/rights in China. They make what they want.
  18. Bandai only does "current" designs, so unless they sponsor a new "prequel" series set in 2030 with the VF-9 as the star, they're not gonna do it. The VF-3000, VF-5000, VF-9, VF-14, etc are never going to come from Bandai. And hey, if a third party company did their own VF-4----they'd have no qualms about doing the FB2012 scheme on it. I still want a VF-4 that looks like this: Whoever makes it, gets my money. Though, "official logos" are still one place no third-party company does (that's just asking for it, and there'd be NO possible claim that they weren't trying to infringe), so the UN Spacy kites etc would have to be stickers. Could probably just print red circles though, then only the actual white part would need to be a sticker.
  19. No, I of course got the joke. I was just posting a serious response. (and my question is legit---what would her signature suit be?) I do think Rising Gundam would work well for several reasons, but there's probably a better option out there.
  20. The molding/tolerances/design needed for a 1/60 valk are beyond most (I said most, not all) of the third-party-transforming-figure companies. An SD SDF-1 is an order of magnitude simpler than a VF-9 or VF-3000 etc. I think it'll be a while before we see a 3P transforming valk, if ever. Big issue---The vast majority of 3P companies do "their own spin" on characters/mecha, They are not exact clones of an established look. But that's probably not gonna fly for valkyrie fans. Would you buy a VF-2SS-*esque* figure? That was clearly inspired by it, but has noticeable changes?
  21. We've already seen Nobel in GF, and it doesn't seem the right type for her. Schoolgirl-cheerleader-Gundam? Nope. I could see her using an Archer though.
  22. Maybe it's Luca? (any smaller male pilots out there?) Heck, maybe it's actually Chibi-Klan...
  23. Best possible situation for season 2 would be if Mrs Iori participates using a G-Gundam kit too, and wears a mobile trace suit just like Rain's. Build Rising Gundam?
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