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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. After checking around, nowhere in town sells what I needed, so I figured I'd try some stuff I already had. Will let it dry another full day then see how it went.
  2. I'm stopping tonight to try to find acrylic glue. (By swapping around parts and sanding, I've got one stand that fits perfectly using the acrylic base pivot----but the other will definitely need gap-filling glue)
  3. Dang it, I was hoping to be the first to show the -51 adapter in use.
  4. Got Tigris---quite different than I expected---nothing like Talon, despite sharing half the mold. Stiff! Shoulders take a lot of effort to loosen up. It's TOTALLY NOT IN THE INSTRUCTIONS but they move in an "L" shape. They go up/down, and front/back. But it's an "L" so they can only change direction at the "junction". And the front/back motion is STIFF. The problem is, it's so stiff---when you first get it, you really can't tell if it's just really stiff, or if the arm's not positioned "at the junction" to allow it to move along the slot. But once you get it---tiger mode looks so much better, with the relocated arms.
  5. I too am interested in pics----I think the leading edges should be grey as well.
  6. I blame the second BOOK. It was so blatantly written "to be a movie" you could practically see director's notes scribbled in the margins.
  7. Tip for PG Zero: Trim about 10mm off of the long wires leading to the battery case. There's more than enough, the problem is trying to stuff it all inside near the end! (there's really nowhere for it to go)
  8. If anyone wants to trade me a set of purple canopy parts and fold crystals, I'm happy to swap for my clear canopy and light-blue fold crystals. Or might be willing to do just canopy.
  9. That actually was a plot point in the books I think----as it WAS a theme park, they tweaked the DNA to give people what they wanted/expected, not 100% accurate revivals.
  10. I swear I did those screws when I stripped the canopy of mine, and couldn't get the top/bottom halves of the forward fuselage to separate at all.
  11. You skipped over what I consider the important part---how'd you get the LERX's off? (as well as---what exactly did you tint with?)
  12. All purple. And yes, please specify both how you disassembled it (especially the small front windscreen) and how you tinted it.
  13. All they have to do is match the anime, instead of trying to "invent" new colors for the 0D. It wasn't hand drawn, it was very consistent from episode to episode. (unlike SDFM or even DYRL)
  14. Saturation seems right, but a bit too dark.
  15. 10 mins and still up, must have caught people off-guard.
  16. Original caption said it was visiting NAS Fort Worth to refuel.
  17. Well, if the acrylic base-pivots are salvagable, then that'll save the time/cost/effort of printing up replacements yourself, correct? The base-plates themselves don't need any work done, do they?
  18. Exactly. It's not a weapon. It only looks like a gunpod so that it'll still fit/transform with a -19 and so that a battroid can functionally wield it.
  19. Sorry, not my pic. (closest I've even been to Ft Worth is the airport)
  20. Hopefully the router will allow for quick consistent cuts, and once you've got it set up, you can fix the base pivots fairly quickly (and not have to custom-adjust it for each individual piece).
  21. Pretty much. The sample pics showed it properly painted, but the actual production run by the factory didn't match that.
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