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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Dang it, come back from vacation to THIS. And I just spent all my money on souvenirs! May have to sell my almost-new YF-19 for this... (gotta see fighter mode though).
  2. Can I "reserve a slot" now and figure out exactly what I need in a little bit? I was on vacation and couldn't check the forums much. I definitely want one more stand, but need to figure out how many extra arms and adapters I'll need (for both the new stand, and my previous 2)
  3. Finger Four formation is more tactical/common anyways:
  4. Saw an F430 today, last "newest" Ferrari I'd seen was a 355. (we don't see many Ferraris here in Iowa!) Last one I saw was actually an F40.
  5. I'm putting my VF-0D and Sv-51 together. I just need the VF-0D...
  6. I find it interesting how the 2 recent 3P Astrotrains, emphasize different aspects of loco mode. This one is overall a much more realistic loco---yet doesn't resemble any actual loco and is missing some critical (small) things. The other one, is very much trying to be the exact same loco as G1 Astrotrain (but isn't), and while it has many of the small things right---gets the big ones wrong. They're almost exactly opposite, yet could be combined into a "perfect" locomotive.
  7. Yeti----any chance of including a schematic showing these configurations with the dual arm? I really like most every "double" you've shown and would like a reference sheet of them-----vs logging into MW every time and trying to find a certain pic again.
  8. Or the simplified 3-phase explanation of how jets work (suck, squeeze, blow).
  9. I *really* would have liked "multiple shades of white" like an RG. What MS could use that more than the Unicorn? (related note: Yet again, we get an RG that doesn't really do the multiple shades thing---I'm looking at you EW Zero) That just pretty much kills it for me, it's the main appeal of RG for me. Looks so amazing on a Zaku, then they give us quite plain Zeta and Zero...
  10. Pretty much. They raise it off the ground, but they don't allow much posing at all, and are big ugly industrial-looking blocks. That take up a ton of space. "Displaying/looking good/making the valk look good" are at the very bottom of their design intent, clearly. "Preventing contact with the ground/shelf" is really all they do. I have hundreds of model planes---many use the cheap ugly stand they come with out of necessity/cost. But for as many as I can find/afford---they get the much better, more elegant stands that both allow more to fit in the same area (more graceful/artful stands almost always take up less space and usually have varaible heights) and flat-out look a lot better---usually NOT being 3/4 the size of what they're holding up.
  11. It is *all* going to depend on the light-up gimmick. Is it going to really look like "glowing psycho frame" or will it (more likely) look like "30 slightly diffused lights mounted internally".
  12. Yeah, you+Renton=Boeing, so now I'm kind stymied if that's not it...
  13. If you slice an F-14 right down the middle, nose to tail----you'll get almost a perfect classic airfoil shape. The "trailing edge" is achieved by having the beaver-tail so thin that there is almost no structure, purely the external skin itself----you can see right through that area when the airbrakes open.
  14. "Beacon 527" is still holding up well so far, glue-wise.
  15. My Sv-51 *came* with a stand (basically what Arcadia's selling now), and I still bought a Yeti stand pretty much just for it. And it was worth every penny. "Elegant stand that can actually show a plane FLYING" vs "big huge block of plastic that can hold a valk off the ground" Display stands are for displaying----Arcadia's is merely "to keep if off the ground", and is "industrial/functional" more than "display".
  16. If adding to an existing stand, will "just the dual adapter" be sufficient to do a setup like the VF-11/YF-19 pic, or will another "regular" arm be needed as well? (I think the 2nd arm is needed to get enough height on the -19---or is an XL arm being used somewhere there?) Similar question for making a triple. (also---will 3 fighter-mode valks fit on a triple?) Finally---are any "free" adapters included with the stands now, or are they all sold separately? I need at least 1 whole new stand, a dual adapter, and an XL arm, but am trying to figure out if I need even more parts... (do we know what the VF-0D will require? That is DEFINITELY going on a Yeti stand!)
  17. Triple stand, for all you people who buy valks in sets of three and want to display each mode simultaneously.
  18. It'd just be a minor plot-point as a foil against the new singer. How much were Max and Milia in 7? It'd be like that. Of course the focus would be the "new triangle".
  19. I'll be very interested to see the actual RAAF F-35 delivery numbers in the 2020's.
  20. 8 years is plenty of time to build Grace 3.0 More realistically though, bring back Mylene. She could be the aging former idol trying to cling to her glory days. (since she'd be like 30-something, which is ancient in that profession)
  21. Wing's wings are proportionately huge though, may be big enough to look good on Unicorn. (depending what version of Wing you use---old HG, new HG, etc)
  22. Sad but true--what I call the "Ace Combat effect" is proving true. That is---the aircraft itself matters little, it's all about the sensors/weapons it uses. Most current modern European F-16A's, are the F-16A MLU now. They are much better planes than an initial F-16C. The F/A-18A+ is better than all but the very latest F/A-18C's. None of these are airframe differences really, purely avionics and weapons upgrade. So why are you paying a zillion dollars for an ASRAAM-carrying F-35 w/AESA radar, when you can pay a whole lot less for a Super Hornet that does the same, and is faster and more agile? That's what the RAAF did.
  23. Yup, gear bays are pink. Happens with some Bandai Gundam kits too. (Bandai has like 4 or so "white" plastic colors (ignoring intentionally very light grey bits for contrast for RG). There's green-white, pink-white, purple-white, and I can't remember the other (which I consider the most "neutral" white) The VF-25F kit I know is purple-white. I recall lots of MG kits being green-white.
  24. If you're going to use the wings from Wing Gundam itself---I think you should incorporate its "3 cylindrical e-caps" around the barrel of the beam rifle as well.
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