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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. You know, China totally did NOT copy the F-22. Not at all, nope. Completely their own, original, unique design.
  2. If the renewal -27 is a 1.5, then the -29 is a 1.75.
  3. Whew, a "properly" colored photo. (The earlier pics were much too blue--a "real" VF-27 is very yellow/olive-green, not a "pretty" emerald green)
  4. Been busy playing ME3 one last time before I sell my 360. Anyways----hmmmn, the lackey is marked 102, Grace's says 302. That's backwards. Grace's is definitely 102. PS---regarding color-matching. The sample of the 1.0 VF-27 had perfectly-matching greens as well. And had the hip-gun stripes painted on. And the grey upper nacelle striping. The actual finished release had all those markings missing and mis-matched greens. So don't believe what you see, when it comes to DX samples.
  5. Nobody here wants that more than me, but at this point I have little hope.
  6. Hmmn. I don't see leg armor, unless they made it green. Could just be the original on display to look cool, not indicative of a new version/rerelease. (Like the Ozma 29 there too)The coloring reminds me of the sample/prototype Grace DX, so it's likely it's the EXACT same one.
  7. Exactly. That kind of money should buy a nearly hot-spot-free lighting system. That looks little better than using Christmas lights inside... Also, if EVER a kit could use some "RG-style subtle plastic shade variations"---it's that. Really, it's ALL PURE WHITE? Not a single sprue of slightly off-white? (or 3-4 shades, like the statue-style RX-78) Yes, having the "grey" of the RX-78 would look off/wrong, but as Bandai does have and use multiple shades of "pure white"---surely they could have used some of them here. (there's green-white, yellow-white, and purple-white that I know of) Alto's VF-25F kit is purple white, the MG 1.0 Zeta is green-white.
  8. DA:Inquisition is going to be awesome (and very long/huge by all reports). Lots of stuff to prep for though: EA origin account linked up with gamer tag(s)? Check. Go to DA Keep site and link up history/achievements of past DA games from old Bioware account? Check. Play quest minigame at DA main site to get more freebie DLC weapons? Check. PS4 Deluxe edition pre-ordered? Check. Now just have to buy a PS4. PS---DA quest minigame is here: http://quest.dragonage.com/en-us/ Final segment only seems to work with Chrome though. But you get free weapons not attainable anywhere else. (two swords and a staff IIRC)
  9. He'd be #1 if he only had a head. (Sad that many of the otherwise-awesome GoBots had no head---like Staks) And Tux is the best GoBot, because he wears a top-hat. (on his HEAD, because he has one)
  10. VF-25? No it's not. Bandai seems dead-set AGAINST making money from it (especially the Ozma one), by making as few as possible with years between reissues.
  11. I believe the best hope is long term---the comet is still heading towards the sun, and the amount of sunlight the probe gets will slowly but steadily grow. It may be enough at some point in the future to provide power.
  12. I'm also in the "doubting it" category, but even if they do make it, it won't matter----they'll make like 400, which will sell out in 0.26 secs, and then they'll wait another 3+ years before re-releasing Roy colors...
  13. Dive-Dive. I mean c'mon, ballistic missile submarine. Most powerful (read:destructive firepower) alt-mode ever. And something never done in a TF (AFAIK).
  14. Gotta agree with that. It helps hide the actual shape of the car. Manufacturers, take note---THIS is how to paint a car, if you want to confuse spy-shots etc. Black and white checkerboard-patterns don't work...
  15. Yup, go look at the jet-modes of the Go-Bot jets. Many still are among the sleekest, least-robot-kibbled transforming jets ever. They clearly went for jet-mode over bot-mode. (for the better, in many cases). Can't remember his name, but I dearly loved the orange MiG-21 guy. (as I think he was about the only MiG I had as a child---you could buy a zillion small Matchbox/Dynaflite F-14/15/16's etc, but "badguy" planes were very rare) And yeesh---the G1 Fireflight had 100% retracting, hidden arms in jet mode. And hey, they were even ball-jointed back then! They went backwards. "uh, just stick them on the sides, yeah, nobody'll see them..."
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