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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Still too saturated. Again---I'm betting the photo/boxart guys know what to do, but the actual plastic/mold guys at the factory don't know anything about color beyond "lighter" and "darker"----which will never achieve the DESATURATED blue that is needed.
  2. Twin canted tails are very stealthy you know, it's as good as an F-22 now.
  3. And a great parallel was The Force. Up until Episode 1, it simply "was"--some could, most couldn't. But then--"oh, really it's a bunch of midichlorians in your blood". Explaining things=bad, if the universe is overall set up with a history of NOT explaining things.
  4. I don't feel bad for them---if they were posting them on ebay, then they only intended to scalp it, and didn't actually want/deserve one anyways.
  5. MP-03, early proto vs final. 'nuff said. ::edit:: Just cancelled my MP UM preorder at HLJ. Also noticed somehow I had forgotten to order a 0D, so rectified that. 0D may cost a lot more, but I also think I'll enjoy it a lot more.
  6. These issues were all much commented upon from both the first protos and earliest color samples. If anything it's only gotten worse as it gets finalized.
  7. I'm not sure which happened first---losing respect for Ubisoft, or deciding to never buy another game of theirs at/soon after launch. (because it'll inevitably need heavy patching, and probably be much cheaper with just a short wait). Pay less, get version that actually works...
  8. This. Fighters are nigh-invisible against the background.
  9. At this point, I need a very positive review to convince me to keep my preorder for MP Magnus. Don't like the colors (both the pattern/details and actual hue), trailer doesn't look good to me (I rank vehicle-mode appearance and functionality VERY high for Magnus), and robot mode looks awful from sides and rear. And of course--butt flap, visible from every angle. (and I'm a huge G1 Magnus fan----really, a slightly tweaked KFC one would be just about perfect, but it's got a couple of deal-killers as-is. But overall, I like it more than Takara's I think) And of course---so many of the Takra's issues, seem like they could have been fixed with having just a few more panels/hinges to flip around/reposition/hide/compress things. But likely "that would have increased the parts/cost by 10%, and wasn't in the budget". They can paint it all they want to try to hide it, but his shins don't touch his knees, and I'm STILL curious as to why there's that gap there, considering they're on hinges and pivot at the base. (seeing as how they're also the ramps to the trailer)
  10. So, please give a synopsis about what it's about. As the last trailer I saw gave me the impression that he's having a mental breakdown and is hallucinating most of the events in the movie.
  11. I still recall the Bandai Star Trek kits. Very disappointing. Amazing how poorly they fit together, considering Bandai's expertise at snap-together plastic kits! And poorly lit, despite Bandai having litght-up MG/PG kits for years.
  12. Anyone here have Feral Rex and want some claws for him? I've got both Dr Killinger's and Prof. Heisenberg's, and have decided against using either. (so, he's stuck with having stubby fingers). Dr Killinger's---I'm too picky about color-matching and surface finish, they are "home-made" and it's evident up-close. I repainted the silver "spikes", and IMHO have done a better job. Also spent a while sanding down the molding seams and trying to get each claw symmetrical. (there's a 1-2mm variation in the length of each claw as well as the camber---not finger to finger, but left vs right) I've not seen anyone else remark about these issues, so I think I'm the only one this picky. Heisenberg's---they've gotta be using MMC's own factory, as even the flow-marks match original Feral Rex parts. But the fists simply do not fit in the feet when attached, and they don't look as good shape-wise as Killinger's. (but they are highest-quality injection-molded parts, and a flawless match to the originals). In the end---I won't accept the visual or functional compromises each entails. So would like to get at least some of my money back by selling them. I know Dr Killinger's have a long waiting list, but I could ship them out tomorrow...
  13. EMS. Since it comes via USPS in the end, they deliver on Saturday, and this time of year, even on Sunday I think (as I just got a package this Sunday). This will often overcome the possible 1 or 2 day later arrival into the US itself. It's rare in my experience for FedEx to beat EMS by a day or more. And usually costs more than EMS.
  14. Because F-14A+ (Plus) is the real-world designation. It's fairly nonstandard, but F-14B was already taken at the time. And it wasn't the F-14C. But due to the US Navy's ancient computers not liking "+" in a plane's designation, they eventually retconned it to be the 'new' F-14B, and as the original F-14B never went into production/service, it was basically forgotten/ignored. What we know today as the F-14B, was originally designated the F-14A+. What was originally designated the F-14B---is sitting on the USS Intrepid right now(the only F-14 IIRC to ever have the F101 engine).
  15. Are you bringing a bottle of superglue? You could help put one together.
  16. Just by eyeballing, it looks like those two drawings have slightly different angles of leading edge sweep. And since the VF-11 does have variable-geometry wings (often forgotten, as is its high-speed-mode), that could affect things. The lower drawing has the wings swept back a bit more than the upper. If they were un-swept another couple of degrees, that would increase its span. (I assume they were trying to show both of them "fully un-swept", but look at the VF-25 for an extreme example of the "normal" forward position being more swept than the MAXIMUM FORWARD position)
  17. Yes, only the very earliest test F-14's had the larger glove stiffeners.
  18. Makes me wonder how many intact ones are left, to reference from...
  19. Here ya go, early F-14: (yes, the shadows are exaggerating their size, but it makes them easy to see)
  20. Really, they are homages to the F-14's glove stiffeners above all else. Very early F-14's had larger ones than you usually see. It's why the VF-1 (and VF-0) have them.
  21. It mirrors the VF-4 in a way. All of its fins and wings have the same angles as each other, too. (this is actually quite stealthy in practice, though I'm pretty sure that wasn't in mind when Kawamori made the VF-4)
  22. I'm gonna agree with that---3 was good, 3rd strike was better, 4 didn't appeal to me much. But 2---I doubt any game I'll ever play, will suck away as many hours of my life as that did. (when you add up arcade, 2, championship, turbo, etc).
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