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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Pre-episode-watching guess: "Beyond the Knuckle"? If only we could get a Burning Buster Wooooollllllfff! Real guess: Sekiha-ten-GyankoKen?
  2. I usually use Gunship grey (polycap color, basically) for most things. If I need "darker", then Euro 1 or sometimes Panzer grey. Intermediate blue is the go-to weapon color. (this is what they mean by "medium blue" that you always see mis-re-translated in the instructions). Intermediate blue is a misnomer, it's this color: Very common on Star Trek ships, too. (and I think even SW, Y-wing/X-wing canopy framing etc) But of course, it translates from English to Japanese as "medium" blue. And then gets re-translated back.
  3. For me, I think that's my main issue with MP UM. And it has NOTHING to do with the White Prime/armor debate. It's the details. Or lack thereof. Like, compared to MP Sideswipe or Prowl. They have tail lights. And turn signals. And windshield wipers. None of those things were in the cartoon---but the real cars have them, so the MP's do. The real-world alt-modes were used as a basis to "enhance" the look. But MP UM is the opposite. Look at truck mode from the rear. There is nothing there. Just blank unpainted flatness. Because that's the cartoon ultra-simplified look. The toy looked much better there---tail lights, red accents, ramp details, etc. Sure, it's not a copy of a real truck---but it definitely looked more REALISTIC. Even MP-01 and MP-10 have tail-lights in Prime's feet. MP UM----nothing, despite the G1 toy. MP UM is TOO toon-istic. Alt-mode was "simplified" to match the cartoon model, eliminating many interesting real-world details etc, which is the opposite of how all the other MP's have been (adding in real-world details, from an F-15's gun vent and canopy decking, to Countach quad-pipe exhaust). But MP Magnus's trailer has been "cube-ified" to the point of barely functioning/resembling a car-carrier at all. All in favor of smooth bland nothingness-legs. (that still don't match the toon model that well IMHO). Even the little white "wings" are gone. (they actually served a purpose in G1). (and they could/should in an MP, as the upper deck is way too high now, and "floats" above the main deck, and doesn't make a workable angle when lowered----the G1 was much more functional/proportioned)
  4. I saw it a while ago, but it has a horrible battroid mode (no excuse IMHO, when seeing the Bandai kit and how the leg shape really only affects the shield-shape), and a quite off-model fighter mode (nacelles sit too low, same as many VF-25 attempts). Yes, "anime magic". But the real MAXl's battroid mass is like 2/3 below the waist, this kit is the inverse. In short, really, it needs "shaplier legs" to look like a MAXL. And a smaller waist. If you don't have that---then you don't really have a MAXL. The whole point of the MAXL is an exaggerated feminine shape in battroid mode. It's like they missed the mark, and tried to minimize that, while still not really getting fighter mode right either.
  5. The camo is sorta reminiscent of the infamous NSAWC splinter-camo Tomcat. Was that a reference/inspiration for this, or are you just going off a "mental image of what'd look cool"?
  6. Diesel in robot mode will always have a slight lean due to pelvic tilt. It's subtle in one direction, more obvious in the other. Pick your poison. Though it does help balance his wing kibble.
  7. Zoids anime is underrated. If nothing else the music is great. And if only Bandai was making them now instead of Kotobukiya...
  8. Yeah, there's an illustrated guide here: http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/transformers-3rd-party-discussion/635944-fansproject-stunticons-menasor-aka-m3-intimidator-post11115338.html
  9. Yup yup yup. Diesel's waist-bits/hip-armor have razor-sharp edges. They WILL catch on other parts---even a hair's breadth will stop it cold, when any other part would "give way" a smidge and let it past. But SLIGHTLY rounding off all the edges of the waist/hip/pelvis parts, will make it 10x eaiser to rotate the torso bits around. (plus, lessening the effects of the ratchets there---they are FAR stronger than they need to be, to the point of distorting the surrounding plastic when in motion----many people remove the ratchet entirely, I just sanded mine down) Really, FP needed to swap the waist and ankle ratchets-----as they are, they are way too tight and too loose, respectively.
  10. The VF-1 wing pic is older, but it seems like that was the early "molding just for a color test", and the latest pic of the dark blue VF-0D is that same plastic, but now actually used to make VF-0D parts.
  11. Sorry, I meant their KITS, not their toys. And that ties in very well with that---does the Bandai *kit* factory employ the world's only truly skilled plastic-dye-colorists? And all the world's toy factories have basically a 16-pack of crayons for a pallette?
  12. Got mine too, haven't opened it yet though. (Busy time of year!)
  13. It is, because it's a desaturated blue, technically a tone. A huge chunk of humanity only "operates" with 2 dimensions of color (hue/chroma, and value/brightness). Heck, just watch kids with poster paint---they'll only ever mix that way. But to get the VF-0D's color, you have to deal with intensity/saturation. And that is just alien to a lot of people----they'll get brightness/lightness/saturation all confused, and find it impossible to describe what they mean. And with how often *saturation* is the thing that's wrong with the color of plastic toys/models etc, I really think it's just something that is either very misunderstood among "plastic dye pellet guys", or it actually is very hard to control. (I doubt the latter, as Bandai seems quite capable of being very consistent and very subtle in their color variations, so I expect all companies to be able to do so)
  14. I sure hope some people are tweeting (in Japanese) that it needs to be more GREY-ish. Not lighter-blue, not darker-blue, but more GREY-blue. (Again, the shopped sample pics are dead-on, but whoever is in charge of the plastic itself just doesn't seen to comprehend how to make a color less intense/saturated)
  15. Yeah, if that's it, I plan to cancel mine. Then wait for the "no, THIS release is really Shin's" version. (VF-0A, anybody?) The VF-0D is grey-blue. Not bright blue, not VF-22 Max blue, and not navy blue.
  16. Hey, even I had to ask what the badge was when I first got it. I was wondering for weeks...
  17. Yeah, but considering that the F-20 exists, going to a single more powerful engine would likely have been the better option, if you wanted to upgrade an F-5. (but that would have taken, you know, work, instead of bolting on new fins and adding a papier-mache fairing)
  18. "If you have to explain the joke, then there is no joke!" ---The Joker
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