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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I gotta wonder if the prop has a smaller diameter now, having gotten the tips shorn off... (a blade on the down-swing would have been the lowest point of the plane)
  2. Yeah, and you shouldn't need a massive correction kit for such a basic thing, that no other kit ever got wrong before. The biggest/newest/most expensive kit shouldn't be the least-accurate in overall cross-section.
  3. I think licensing plays a big part in what MP's get made nowadays. And Chevy+Transformers=easy license.
  4. I wonder if wearing The One Ring would help you click F5 faster...
  5. Based on the YF-19's color changes/issues, and their utter inability to get anywhere near the proper VF-0D color, I'd say yes.
  6. First thing I ever noticed when I saw the first dry-fit test of that kit. "OMG, it looks like a MiG-25 from head-on". IMHO, it's one of the biggest errors I've seen in many years. Unforgiveable considering how many pics exist of the F-14 on the web.
  7. Sigh----I think it's clear they don't understand tone vs shade. It's not too dark. It's too saturated. If they lighten it from the T-3, then they'll be back to the "VF-22 Max" color again from a while ago. It needs to be greyer, not lighter.
  8. I sure hope that's not final, because it's the worst of all (not only is the blue way off, it looks white instead of light grey) Yet, this pic is at the top of the post: That's perfect---but again, what Arcadia knows it should be, and what the factory guys in China can actually do (or care to try hard enough to get "close enough") are two different things.
  9. Sorry, it's Trumpeter, not Academy. (I always get them confused--but I'm not the only one!) The "centered" head-on pic they show has the intakes look much more vertical. More importantly---Tamiya only ever made the F-14A. The only 1/32 F-14D is Trumpeter's. If they copied the Tamiya---they'd have to make a lot of "D" parts themselves. (and it'd look better, if they copied the Tamiya)
  10. I see some issues (both general shape, and "what specifically makes an F-14D, a D") Biggest issue though---intakes are all wrong, they're mounted like an F-15's. That's going to screw up the gloves, too. Head-on, the intakes are not straight up and down---they slope outwards from top to bottom. Compare to the model's "vertical" intakes: I'm thinking they copied the Academy kit, because that's the Academy kit's biggest flaw---having "flat/straight" intakes like an F-15/MiG-25, not the F-14's sloped ones that are angled with the upper glove. Also---better scheme needed. I know the Tomcatters have some fans, but compared to Jolly Rogers/Black Knights/Sundowners?
  11. And because they look cool/unique. (you'll never confuse a Draken for anything else)
  12. We never saw pics of a production Yamato 1/60 YF-19, only a not-totally-transformed painted resin proto. The real thing has a few small differences. But the color's pretty close at least.
  13. Ninja Gaiden is HARD. As in "Battletoads hard". (but not as hard as Battletoads, nothing is). I did eventually get to the final boss, (after like, 20 years) but never beat it. Still some of the best music ever. Up there with MM2/3 for "catchy stage themes".
  14. All of Scandinavia is only minutes away for a supersonic Draken...
  15. Any close-up pics of where/how it attaches?
  16. Fixed. First snow day is always the scariest---see more crashes in 2 blocks then, than in 2 normal days. I never know if it's mainly due to people "forgetting" how ice works every year, or if it's due to people who've literally never been on snow before.
  17. Does the MP F-15 seeker adapter work on all, or just the later version of the mold?
  18. Yup. I transformed it once, very carefully. Decided to sell it. Transformed it back to fighter mode to put back in box, being ultra-super careful, took over an hour. Still crumbled to pieces. So it lost a lot of value inbetween "deciding to sell it" and "listing it for sale".
  19. So, no comments that the voyager-class x6, Devastator giftset is all but confirmed now? (the fact that a Titanium-class Devy is coming is confirmed---the unconfirmed bits would be that it's G1, and made of six Voyagers---but so far everything else has turned out true, so I vote that what was leaked/rumored about this release, was correct)
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