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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Ozma is always on topic. He's that awesome.
  2. That's just friggin' nuts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BIsUCQEv_8 And the car that the wingtip clips: Sadly, death toll from the crash still rising.
  3. One of the best "Honest Trailers" they've done, IMHO. (you'll get so much more out of it if you've seen the music video* for "Everything is Awesome") *and if you haven't---why haven't you? It's awesome!
  4. They obviously don't fear Hasbro, Porsche, Boeing, Lockheed, Lamborghini, VW, or anyone else, so I doubt that *NASA* has them worried. (and I believe technically, Boeing currently own the shuttle's design rights, via Rockwell). I currently own: FP Smart Robin FP Protector FP Intimidator MMC Feral Rex I will buy: MT Guardia FP Not-Apeface I'm seriously considering: UT Ordin No, nothing is perfect (especially combiners!) But when a compromise seems to have been made "solely to make it NOT look like people were expecting/not like the character it's intended to be" and not because of the limitations of transformation/engineering etc, it can be a very disappointing for someone who's been waiting for a "newer/better version" of something.
  5. Close, but the things that are wrong---seem to be wrong for no reason. You can't tell me that the wingtip curvature couldn't be 100% correct? The cockpit windows? The OMS pods? Those are the main things wrong, and seem to have little to no impact on the other modes. Wow, you are so totally wrong there I don't know what to say. Sure you didn't write that sentence backwards?
  6. While I'm a huge Y-wing fan, the existence of the Fine Molds version greatly decreases the "need" for Bandai's. Waiting for a 1/3000 Star Destroyer announcement...
  7. Of course. I still haven't figured out why nobody seems to make REAL space shuttle alt-modes any more. But this is still closer to the real thing than anything else any company has done in 15+ years. I mean, stuff like this just makes me ask--"why?": Either totally do your own thing, or flat-out do a real one. Don't "uglify" NASA's---but that seems to be the #1 option the past dozen years...
  8. It's definitely my fave of the two Astrotrains coming. But the colors they picked---is like the worst combo of real-world and toon. Do one or the other. "White shuttle with random purple chunks" just plain doesn't look good. Either do white/black, or grey/purple. (or if you want to do G1 toy colors, then make it look INTENTIONAL, with the white and purple placement---G1 had a clear delineation between the white and purple areas, looked good/intentional----how Toyworld did it looks like random parts on random sprues were molded in different colors, all the color-separation-lines are "jagged")
  9. Anyone else feel this season isn't living up to season 1? It started off strong, but I'm feeling the latter half of season 2 isn't as good as season 1's. Not bad by any means, but at this point in season 1, I couldn't wait for new eps---but "not feeling it" for season 2. Still watch, but I'm not "eagerly anticipating" each new ep.
  10. I'd be interested in less clunky stuff for renewals too----25/27/29. All the Bandai stuff is much larger than needed, hides the gunpod, etc.
  11. What's the latest word on release date? My HLJ pile has 20 days until it has to ship...
  12. The Insecticons are easy to do because their robot modes inherently have tons of alt-mode kibble, and their insect modes were always "bug-styled robot machines" and not *insects*.
  13. Yup. You can have 4 Aerialbots NOW if you buy a helicopter. Otherwise, you'll have to wait a while, until the very tail end of the line, to get the 'real' team. Same for Wildrider/Stunticons.
  14. The circle is now complete---US TRU listings for Combiner Wars Slingshot and Wildrider.
  15. Not even slightly surprised, as that mold was always Slingshot's alt-mode to begin with. It's like 90% Sea Harrier, 10% (if that) F-4.
  16. Can I post those pics in a few threads over at TFW?
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