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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I plan to buy the best version of each mold or so, and have a Frankenstein combiner. I do however, have high hopes for Computron and Bruticus---I may actually complete them. (especially as I don't really like any 3P version of those 2 yet) I'm trying to think of who will be repainted to be used with torso-Cyclonus. I think Skydive/AirRaid as Dreadwind/Darkwing are obvious and perfect---so Hasbro probably won't do that. Had a thought for Fireflight as Dirge---as ROTF Dirge was a Harrier. (can't think of any other link/use for that mold as a Decepticon)
  2. Hmmmn. Looks like they're ignoring some of the more recent discoveries/research about those dinos, and are going for a more 'traditional' look. (as in, 90's, not like 60's) That is not how Akylo's armor is believed to be, and the Stego is totally missing its throat armor. And that's a skinny-ass Apato. (at least it's got a decently long tail-tip though) Though, I can understand if they want them to look like 1993-era JP dinos for continuity. (and they can, as always, claim they were 'tweaked' in the DNA for the park to look like what people/customers expect, not what they actually are naturally)
  3. Erm, no. There should be no white plastic nor paint at all---all plastic and paint should be light grey. The only pure white should be small tampos, like the UN spacy logo/name, and the chest-stripe. As tampos and spray-painting do not use the same paint/process, you can't "save money" by using the same color for both.
  4. I'm thinking they made the belly white--which is also wrong. (it should be light grey). It shows no notable difference from the white in kite logo.
  5. Mass colorblindness? I'm going to re-watch Zero again, and then decide if I cancel. (well, really, need well-lit pics too---it's clear the lighting at WonderFest is REALLY weird, because there's a HUGE amount of variation in the pics)
  6. Which is very encouraging. If it looks so greyish that people think it's a CF----then that's correct. Still, looking so very blue in other shots...
  7. If the VF-0D blue turns out wrong, I'll probably go with a VF-0C. Anyone have some scans of the better-looking schemes for it from the Master File book, etc?
  8. Though tiny, the toys-daily pic shows GERWALK mode and looks much more correct, color-wise. Also, even this late---that could still be a six-month-old prototype at the show.
  9. They showed a new VF-0A/S there-----where's the finalized 0D pics?!?
  10. ::looks:: For that kind of money, I'll sell mine!
  11. Go-Bots? Go-Bots. (ok yeah, slightly OT, and also not really even 3P from what it seems---but I think they'll get good exposure here, and probably don't deserve their own thread--yet) And I love to say this---but Snoop (the SR-71) looks to be a whole lot better toy than ROTF Leader Jetfire. (annoying that that's like the one figure they don't show alt-mode for)
  12. Not a whole lot of difference. Yamato/Arcadia situation reminds me a lot of SNK/Playmore.
  13. 6 months later, when Arcadia releases a "corrected" version. (well all remember the "CF" vs "Shin" VF-0A releases, right?) "New 'CGI-colors' edition coming fall 2015!"
  14. M'kyuun summed up what I meant pretty well. In short: If the original character's alt-mode was clearly a specific real-life vehicle, and your 3P version of said character is also clearly emulating that same real-life vehicle---then make it a model of that real-life vehicle, and not your "own artistic interpretation" of that vehicle. Either do that vehicle, or something totally your own. Not something "80-90% like that vehicle". Countach? Do a Countach. T-62 tank? Do a T-62. Corvette Stingray? Do a Corvette Stingray. MiG-25? MiG-25. If you're not doing that exact vehicle, and want to "be artistic"---then go make your own design entirely from scratch. Don't "mess up" someone's real-world design. "80% like the real thing" just looks like you screwed up copying the real thing. Either go all the way, or completely ignore the G1 alt-mode. Don't "get really close, but off just enough that it looks like a a cheap $1 toy version of the vehicle"
  15. Anyone else pre-order Wing Zero Honoo, and the Hobby Japan issue that includes its feather-sword?
  16. I think a big issue may be raw "timeline". As in, a fleet will likely upgrade to the 'best available at that time'----but few fleets will have the resources to upgrade very often. So they will likely "skip" several models. Example: Fleet A may go VF-4, VF-9, VF-14, VF-19, VF-25 Fleet B may go VF-1, VF-11, VF-22, VF-30 Fleet C may go VF-1, VF-5000, VF-17, VF-29 You can assume Earth's own forces may get "each and every new version" due to its importance, but most colony fleets---probably not that often.
  17. Dang it, like 1 week after my HLJ pile has to ship... (I should have waited a bit more, but it said "low stock" for my Gundams at the time---but they're still available now...)
  18. I like the theory posed a while ago, that like VF-17 to VF-171, we'd see a VF-191.
  19. That's what I was thinking. Grey with yellow with a skull? Would definitely sell.
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