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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Also note it's light grey, not white.
  2. Still---what the heck happened to this one? One-of-a-kind hand-painted prototype with the right colors? (and really---even if they couldn't match the blue, why couldn't they match the light grey? It's basically DYRL grey, which they surely know how to do)
  3. I think Computron and Bruticus may end up being the best of them, so I plan to wait for them. I'll buy the odd good-looking limb or torso, but do not plan to complete any currently-revealed team.
  4. Agreed, but I see Amuro's signature color as "lavender" above all else, based on various depictions etc. IMHO those 3 Gundams should all have the same color, or close to it. Not range all the way from pure pink to almost pure blue. Should all be "variations of lavender/light purple". It can't be an "identifying scheme" if it's completely different every time. Char coloring is much more consistent. Rarely "perfect matches", but they don't run the whole gamut from orange to burgundy-brown between every machine... There's basically "early" red/salmon/maroon combos, and "late" crimson/black combos.
  5. ::edit:: I just realized you meant his shoulders, not his actual stacks. So yes, they are too long.
  6. Bandai seems incapable of "correct" purples in Gundam kits lately. See Angelo's Geara Doga, any Hi-Nu, and Zeta 3. They prefer brown, blue, and pink. Rather than, you know, purple, purple, and purple.
  7. Exactly, best way I know to describe the situation to people unfamiliar with "current comic Magnus".
  8. I would try moving the nose's grey/tan separation line forward, so that basically just the part visible in battroid mode is tan, vs following the actual transformation-seam-line. A bit more grey around/ahead of the cockpit would look better/more like most real planes and other valks.
  9. CW Dragstrip seems to be the best of wave 1 IMHO, limb-wise. And he is a better leg than arm, despite historically being an arm. Get a Gundam/Pigma Micron pen and finish outlining his visor in black---Hasbro's attempt is actually pretty good all things considered----but each individual figure varies and none are perfect---doing it yourself is easy, and it looks much better when fully opaque and consistent. I'm thinking at least a few color choices/moldings are mainly for a future Mirage etc repaint. Why are his thighs molded in yellow, and 100% painted maroon? And conversely, the entire bottom-rear of the car, is molded in maroon and like 90% covered in yellow paint. Molding those two things in the opposite colors would have improved his appearance. (as yellow paint is never opaque and never matches---unless it's many coats of automotive-grade paint over quality primer----not 1 quick spray of cheap toy paint over raw plastic)
  10. G2 teams were very difficult to complete---I had to have my aunt buy me Onslaught from Arizona. I checked every place in town for MONTHS looking for him, despite having all 4 limbs. Energon teams---I saw Blight ONCE. Blackout ONCE. Current distribution would suck for a combiner team.
  11. Gyah, that's the worst-looking color yet. And sadly, that may be the most-accurate pic, considering the location/circumstances.
  12. The only thing the -11 needs is better paint----like Milia's or VFX-2.
  13. Fiddling around tonight---found a more "efficient" way to do my -25/29 pairing. Still working on it. There's definitely a "learning curve" to using these, as you discover how things work, what's the best way to achieve a certain position, etc. Sure, you can accomplish anything with 4 arms and 4 elbows, but getting the same thing using like half as many parts, gives a sense of satisfaction. (plus it looks better and is probably more stable).
  14. That's the official backstory. The Ghost was never designed/intended for the VF-0. But it was physically possible, and the work could be done on-board a carrier, so they did so for the last battle.
  15. Mmmn, yes, need one of those. Would that same molding work with a super-pack VF-25? VF-25 legs/arms would be in the same position in that configuration.
  16. For additional support----something like the -25 w/booster's adapter? It plugs into the forearms.
  17. Thank you very much! It's too cold now to spray-paint, but I will try when the weather is warmer.
  18. Has anyone ever come up with something to put on the super parts shield? It's PURE grey. Every other YF-29 has some markings there. And really, considering that the overall marking pattern of Ozma's matches Alto's (all the black markings Ozma has, Alto has), and Alto's super-parts-shield has black markings---Ozma's should too. But it's totally blank. Would love a decal or something, but can't produce my own. Anyone here able to make vinyl cut-out masks etc to paint on the "missing" markings? Just copy Alto's pattern, or make up a new one for Ozma? Note that Alto's and the 30thAnn have the same markings on the shield: Considering that Ozma's is basically a clone of Alto's, markings-wise, his should certainly have them as well.
  19. Sorry I can't do the cool all-black background pics... Anyways---I would love some Yeti-designed new adapters for the -25/29. As in, use no Bandai parts at all. See how the -25 is pitching upwards into a climb? The -29 can't do that---it'll slide right out of its own Bandai-built adapter if you angle it very much past straight-n-level. Bandai's adapters are also HUGE.
  20. Fiddling with the colors a bit, it is off in all 3 aspects---hue, shade, and saturation. Since "saturation" seems to be a foreign concept to either Arcadia or their factory-color-guy, I experimented with altering just the other two---as they have altered those before on the 0D. Making it lighter, and greener, comes acceptably close. It's too purple/red as it is now. (and too dark, obviously). This is intentionally "not perfect"---it's simply "1 click more green, 2 clicks lighter". Which even Arcadia seemed capable of, comparing their earlier changes.
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