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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. It's quite possible--the current technique is to use actual salt (then rinse it off), as a sort of "mask" prior to applying traditional weathering techniques. Real salt: Result: Might help the blue a lot, but isn't going to turn the white parts grey.
  2. Salt-water weathering from being on a carrier at sea. It's exactly how real F-14's look after they've been deployed a while.
  3. It's clear though, what the color usually/should be. And it's not "dark and intense blue" as occasionally seen at night and in canyon-shadows. It's the brightly-lit daytime shots, both in the air and on the ground. A dull grey-blue. I mean, Ranka has purple hair in some dimly-lit scenes, and Grace conversely has green. Doesn't mean you can point to an individual frame and say "see, that's what color it is!" No, that's just momentary color-lighting-effects.
  4. That is how Hasbro always is. They do not replace or repair anything. You will get a toy "of equal or greater value". Be glad you didn't get an AOE shelf-warmer from them. (IIRC, for like an entire year straight, any replacement toy was almost guaranteed to be ROTF Wheelie) I think that even for like Voyagers and Leaders, they'd just ship you multiple Wheelies (and probably throw in a Mudflap or two)...
  5. As in, they are planned for production. Not EVERY figure that gets a number/description like that gets produced, but like 98% do. They COULD be cancelled for some reason, and it has happened before--but not often. I've seen Silverbolt once, and the wave 1 limbs once. But not even remnants of the wave for Arcee, Brainstorm, etc. Probably because 3 of the 5 columns of pegs for TF's at the local Wal-Mart are dedicated to: Whatever the $12.99 or so AOE Hound figure is. The non-transforming one. 2 solid peg-columns of him, the rest being non-transforming Strafe and non-transforming Drift. Yeesh, nobody wants that crap, yet it's still full price and not moving at all. Meanwhile, Combiner Wars stuff sells out in a day... Hasbro clearly over-compensated for the "too hard" earlier movie transformation complains from parents/kids. "Too difficult" transformations are a minor problem, compared to not transforming at all! (and even a 6-year-old can see that most 1-steps are crap, and are just a car flipping up with a robot sculpted on it)
  6. They have US stock numbers already, so they're basically guaranteed. Only question is---TRU exclusives, or mass-market?
  7. Mid-air collision, landed safely: 138FW, Tulsa ANG.
  8. That's what I said in the YF-29B thread.
  9. Yeah, good luck identifying a MiG-31 when it's at 50,000ft...
  10. What's that a photo of? It looks nothing like this toy.
  11. YA-10B exists in the real world. I assume because it was enough of a change that it still counted as experimental/prototype. (Though even larger changes from the original, like the F-18E from the C, had no "YF" version)
  12. Sharpest two valks I know of: Head-spike on a Sv-51 (has drawn blood!) Forward-pointing spike on spine-covering of VF-25 super-pack.
  13. This thing is gorgeous---if I didn't have an Ozma, I'd be all over it. (almost tempted to sell my Ozma...) Ironically, the lighter blue wouldn't be a bad choice for a VF-0D... (better than what Arcadia went with, for sure)
  14. That's been my #1 thing since I was like 6. I want a Voltron where the lions don't suck. Having necks is a big part of that. (and being able to sit). Because THIS is the most iconic look for the lions: No previous toy has come anywhere NEAR being able to capture that look.
  15. I believe some TV Roys are slightly pinkish. (Don't own one myself though)
  16. The overspray on the wavy edges is so consistent (and the stripes so crisp) I think it's intentional----it's called a feathered edge and is how camouflage is usually applied on real planes (and models of real planes). You don't want a hard crisp edge most of the time. Many techniques have been developed to get the effect.
  17. Hmmmn. Check this out: Compared to the VF-1, the 0D's accent color looks quite grey. Maybe it only looks pure white when the camera has no pure white reference? (and/or the guy at Arcadia is just hitting "auto-white-balance" prior to uploading) Blue looks darn dark and intense regardless though. Anways---shouldn't we have a full reveal of exactly what we're getting in the box by now? Like just how many of each type of missile, etc?
  18. How many people still have their ghosts, after getting rid of their armless VF-0's? It's one thing for their -19 to not have its own fold booster, but the ghost is pretty essential to the VF-0. They better be making their own, and not solely rely on decade-old accessories... (that said, I really want a ghost that's compatible with the 0C/0D---because it'd be awesome)
  19. Bit of thread necromancy, but---now that people have had them a while, what are your thoughts? N-Y and Mandarake still have them available, at not TOO bad of a price premium. I'm considering buying them for my Alto. I've already got Super and Armored packs for my Alto, and while I've never been a big fan of the Tornado packs--- 1. Bandai seems to have done a very nice job on them. 2. It's the only thing I don't have for my Alto---it's somewhat "incomplete" without that set.
  20. I can only hope he has a GREEN blade this time. (otherwise, I will pass on it for the second time). Such a simple thing, but really, "beam-saber color" is important to characters like these. Would people buy Vader with an orange blade? Luke with yellow? Most any Gundam with red?
  21. Had a question---who do people watch for reviews on youtube, now that rrobert84 is effectively gone?
  22. There's a half-dozen photos of the same valk at the same show on the same day as that bottom picture---and they all look different. The question isn't "which of these is final?"---we know that. The question is---"what does that look like in real life"? The top picture is so saturated and purplish I can't make it look normal with any settings. The middle pic is the closest to the anime and hopefully what it "really" looks like. The bottom picture matches the earlier twitter pics.
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