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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Unless they went with the second-sample colors they showed , those were perfect.
  2. They don't need to tweet test-shots every week etc. They just need to get the color half-ass correct. Yamato never screwed up a color due to incompetence after multiple attempts, the only example of a wrong color was "intentional trolling by Kawamori" of the -0A. And when they need to do anime-accurate coloring later----bam, they got it spot on. No "it turned out darker than we thought" lame twitter excuse. Heck, Arcadia couldn't even get the YF-19 right, though it's "acceptable".
  3. No, they won't learn anything. Otherwise they'd have gotten it right after hearing how wrong "Max blue" was, and how positive the response to the grey-blue pics were. Yet they ended up with almost navy, which matches nothing and was the "none of the above" out-of-nowhere color.
  4. All that is meaningless in the face of a 500-yen gashapon VF-0D that is 10x more accurate, color wise and probably took a week from concept to production. We don't need perfect----but Arcadia isn't even in the ballpark.
  5. Chronocidal----so you've actually flattened/expanded the rivet, and it worked?
  6. Cancelled. There's "off" and then there's WAY off. These colors are the latter. Sigh, hope for re-release someday. (I've wanted a VF-0D more than any other valk the past decade----but it looks like a KO to me being so totally wrong)
  7. ::finger hovering over order-cancel button::
  8. Dang it, they still show this pic: Got my hopes up for a second...
  9. I just hope the Denial Gundam parts are actually PURPLE and like trans-lavender. Not "blue and pink" like how Bandai usually screws up "supposed to be purple" MS parts...
  10. So, has anyone successfully tightened the "middle" hinge in the wing swing-bar? That's the most important one, and the loosest one. It can make the wings swing out even when the wings are in the full-back high-speed position. (and of course, allows the wings to fall back from full-forward if a moth flies by it...) I just added some more clear nail polish to mine again, but the actual pivot is inaccessible, I can only add layers where the two bars "overlap" which has little effect. I've considered clamping down hard on the rivet with pliers, as that should tighten the joint by expanding the rivet's bottom end--but I don't really want to badly mar the metal. (moderate pressure leaves some small marks, and accomplished nothing---but you can't see it anyways, in either position)
  11. I thought they were making like a 30-minute direct-to-video short? Or is this something different? Surely they wouldn't put 30 minutes of new Frozen footage with a full-length movie, for free, when they could charge $24.99 for Blu-Rays and have it sell-out on day one...
  12. Just got the RD Wing Gundam. (as in, TV, Season 1 Episode 1--you know, the REAL Wing Gundam). Very tempted to ink it up a bit---I generally don't ink in Gundam *figures* (as opposed to models), but this one really seems built for it. Of course, if I ink in this one, I'm going to have to ink in Epyon and W-Zero and Sandrock too...
  13. Hercules totally has black tread forearms. Now, if you use the "Rage" add-on kit he no longer does, because it includes new forearms---but that's not the original design, and actually looks worse IMHO.
  14. Toon Devy has black forearms. And "tread forearms" is a thing now. Plus, "realism". (though treads are often brightly colored on construction/farm equipment--they're not military tanks)
  15. Huh, I never noticed before that Ivanov appears to have darker drop tanks than Nora.
  16. Seconded---I kept turning up the volume after like each scene and still couldn't hear a lot of dialogue.
  17. I'm not sure about an F-8 *landing* with the wings folded. Every time they've taken off like that (twice?), they've always successfully unfolded them in-flight prior to touch down. IIRC.
  18. No, it's rather complicated--if it was that easy, EVERY model would look like that. Never done it myself, just aware of the technique. It still requires/involves all the "typical" pre-shading, intentionally overspraying, erasing-with-thinner, etc, weathering techniques too. The salt just gives the "perfect pattern" to the weathering process. Again, the salt (dissolved away with warm water) acts as a sort of "mask" for the later weathering techniques. (idea is to not rinse very thoroughly---just enough to dissolve away most of it, so that some remains on a nigh-microscopic level--very similar to actual sea-spray leaving behind deposits)
  19. No, because everyone will point out that the F-15 lost the vast majority of its wing, vs "a chunk of it". Anyways---IIRC, an F-18 was tested with a "battle damage" program that allowed control to be transferred to other control surfaces. As in, if an aileron was damaged, the tailplanes would have augmented differential to compensate, and try to retain as normal-feeling flying characteristics as possible to the pilot. I think it even allowed for loss of tailplane pitch control, by using symmetrical aileron movement, to alter the center of lift of the wing. Did anything ever come of this, in common use/frontline fighters? Seems a waste for a successful program not to be implemented.
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