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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Wait wait---no "305" modex numbers at all? Arcadia really seems to have forgotten some of the "basics" that are expected of a valk.
  2. Just gotta chime in---yeah, I see way too many "backwards" inspirations mentioned----planes from 2000+ couldn't have inspired the 1994-created M+ valks! Also, Kawamori does seem to focus more on "main" and "famous" planes, not minor prototypes etc. The X-29 is of course an exception, but it was uber-famous when it was flying, even most 8-year-olds of the time could identify it. But he's generally much more likely to draw inspiration from an F-15 or MiG-29, than "small former Soviet-block attack-trainer" or "single-flight X-plane".
  3. He needs to be weathered by desert sands and lamp-oil...
  4. I'm still annoyed that they gave us a mod'd Hyaku Shiki, instead of a true Delta Gundam. STILL waiting to see Delta Gundam on-screen! So close yet so far this time...
  5. The vast majority of the pic is not what I need a pic of. I need a pic of the AMRAAM-ish missile, and it alone. Or should I have posted this?:
  6. You know, I came *this* close to giving it a credit byline. I was going to say "credit to veef"---but what exactly would be preferred? (And I did search a while for an alternative, but after 15 mins, gave up and swiped yours---has NO ONE else photographed the accessories? Was hoping I could find an official pic from Arcadia) (would have preferred a pic of just that missile, then I could link back to your review and give you a few hits!)
  7. The F-16 that survived a mid-air collision and landed missing part of its wing? Here's the other F-16, not so lucky, and very flat:
  8. We know what the VF-0A/S carries and uses. If anything, the VF-0D has an even greater variety that it can use, being a two-seat delta-winged variant. The 0D can surely use everything the 0A can, if not more Question for anybody who knows---is there any canon line-art etc, showing the VF-0D's hardpoints? Knowing Kawamori's like of the F-16XL, and the XL's reason for existence/hardpoint design--the 0D should likely "officially" actually have many many hardpoints, far more than Arcadia put on. FYI, the F-16XL has no less than 27 hardpoints, compared to a normal F-16's 9 hardpoints. Cuz Delta wings allow for front-to-back loading: For doubling the wing's size, the 0D should certainly gain more than just 1 hardpoint per wing vs the 0A/S.
  9. Sorry, but missiles that are top-of-the-line in 2040, are not going to look right in 2009. It'd be like putting AMRAAM's and laser-guided-smart-bombs on a P-51 Mustang. Especially since the VF-0's weaponry is already well-established. (and half of which wasn't included at all with the 0D release). It needs some of these: Some of these: And more of these:
  10. So it's the pointless opposite to their YF-19. The YF-19 came with TONS of ordnance that was never seen nor used onscreen, nor did we see such equipment used by any other member of the -19 family. But had enough of it to load the valk up 3x over. Yet the 0D, is lacking much of the "Zero" equipment seen on-screen throughout the OVA (the "bronze" gunpods, triple-missile racks, etc), and doesn't have enough remaining weaponry to even fill up the existing hardpoints. Yeesh Arcadia. It's one thing to buy a $300 -19 and get some extra weapons you don't want. It's another to charge $300 for a 0D and not include just 2 more single missiles to fill up the last hardpoints. Hoping for a 0C or non-canon "neat-looking 0A" at this point, for a full weapons/ghost pack. (or, you know, an "anime-colored Shin with full weapons-pack" release of the 0D)
  11. I'm waiting for elbows too.
  12. I thought I saw 3 hard points per wing. Not enough ordnance included to fill it up?
  13. That's----appropriate. (though sadly my plan of a dual Nora-Shin display is now unlikely to happen)
  14. Has anyone posted what all it comes with? Like stand adapters, how many of each missile, etc?
  15. Ah, ok. I was just worried that I was stressing the peg in an unintended way or something.
  16. Is this due to how the layers are arranged? Because adding or removing elbows will effectively change one orientation to the other---and I likely have at least one valk "wrong" right now. (sharply banked on a standing adapter etc)
  17. It's what people who weren't around in the 80's, think the 80's looked like. (though I will freely admit, I was totally ignorant of the "girl-power-glam-rock" scene at time, only listened to Van Halen and Bon Jovi etc)
  18. Except for, his lower legs being so huge and blocky, they touch each other in a normal standing/walking pose. He only has "clearance" in the "half-squat" pose a lot of people use. These aren't legs, that's not a torso: "Looks sorta decent from front-view only" doesn't fly for an MP. Look at MP-10 from the back.
  19. I like panel lining as early as possible, as much while still on the sprue as possible.
  20. You know very well that "exact" isn't the request here. Just "in the friggin' ballpark". Monitors don't vary THAT much. (certainly not among anyone with an eye for color at all---which the "Arcadia factory colorist" hopefully is) And they obviously know what the proper color is, or they wouldn't have posted 30 different angles of this: Arcadia knows perfectly well that's what color it's supposed to be, and posted that as their "fixed" colors to go with all the pre-orders after the negative reaction to "max blue". They just didn't get anywhere at all even half-assed close to that. They're either incredibly incompetent, or somehow said "make it navy blue" to the factory.
  21. Well, here's what the CF VF-0D should look like (and these are as "right" as can be---"perfectly lit" reference shots from the M0 site back when it was airing, with no color issues from scene lighting etc----was always annoyed they never posted Shin's, or we'd have a specific shade that is "correct" to reference from) (I also have these for Nora's BTW, and they were sent to Yamato via Graham---and the coloring on Nora's turned out great--they had missed a lot of the black accents the first time, but once they got the pics, the revised version was spot-on) Sadly--the CF 0D may be about the second-most boring-looking valk around. (most boring being the CF 11C from M7) PS--if you want proof that the 0D's have light grey bellies, and not white---look at the forearms in battroid and GERWALK mode. White stripe, light grey "outer edge" of forearm. Hmmn, the Yamato 0A also came with stickers for the Wolfpack----some red stripes and logos like that would certainly enhance the 0D as well. But painted-on markings are 10x better than stickers.
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