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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. The feet "stick" to my lacquered kitchen table, but not my cheap bookshelf.
  2. Suspended drives aren't a good long-term solution IMHO though. I have to swap around locations every once in a while, as the "bungee bands" do stretch out over time, even when the system isn't moved/disturbed at all. So I move the HDD from "old" bands to more taut, newer bands. I've got enough spares I'll see if I can rig something up in the new one. (at the rate of "band decay"----1TB SSD's should be affordable by the time I run out)
  3. I plan to re-use most of my existing case and CPU fans. (all are quiet, and in good shape). Considering some of Corsair's "quiet series" too, if I need a size I don't have spares of. I rubber-insulate everything. (my HDD is currently mid-air suspended, but the new case seems to have a good, heavily-insulated drive tray) CPU---most likely a 4460. Also considering 4370 for its raw speed and price. (people said go to multi-core years ago, and it hasn't panned out IMHO----considering how few programs I own that seem to take advantage of it, 2 faster cores may very well be the better choice, than 4 slower ones, for everyday use for me) My previous build was "high-end stuff". Not bleeding edge, but not cheap either. This time around----"best bang for the buck". Very fond of Tom's for this, as they rate price/performance in several different ways. I spent so much on the build last time, that despite getting many years out of it---the high price spent on the initial components made me reluctant to spend even more on it, to upgrade. So this time---cheaper, with the intent of upgrading sooner. If I get sick of the case in a year---it was only 50 bucks. CPU slow in 18 months? It was 100-150, not 250-300, etc. (and high-end RAM really seems pointless, straight "most common middle-of-the-road" this time) Also, I game so little on my PC nowadays, that I'm reusing my graphics card. Will upgrade it when I actually buy a new bleeding-edge PC game, which I see none on the horizon for me. (Mass Effect 4?)
  4. Did some more research/reviews (at home sick all day, so not much else to do). Cooler: Scythe Kotetsu (I like Scythe, and the Kotetsu seems like a no-brainer--very good, very quiet, cheap as a 212 Evo, just hard to find--but found for 41 shipped) Case: Zalman Z9 U3. Found it for $53 shipped at Walmart, so well worth "trying out" at that price. Cases seem to not make THAT much difference, noise-wise. It's the fans/equipment, not what they're housed in. (which mirrors my experience). Many "silent" cases tested louder than "normal" cases at several sites. And most all Zalman stuff is fairly quiet, "quiet CPU coolers" are their #1 thing AFAIK. While it'd be fairly pointless to put the new cooler on my old CPU, I can at least transfer everything to the new case mostly as-is and try it out for a while, before I acquire new MOBO etc and truly re-build the thing.
  5. So it's like they're intentionally trying to not match the anime at this point... I always considered the M&M -1J's having their modexes printed on their ventral fins as one of the very best things about the v2 over the 1/48. Now Arcadia doesn't even provide a STICKER for the ventral fins, much less print them on.
  6. I currently have a Scythe Ninja Plus. Most any heatsink is smaller than that. (would like to re-use it, but it seems only the Ninja 2 and later can be adapted for modern CPU sockets) I can probably at least re-use its fan for something. Anything smaller/cheaper than the 212 that's recommended? It currently seems so popular, that it's sold out most places and the price keeps going up! Hmmn, liquid cooling's always an option...
  7. frothymug----much appreciated. I'm looking for "quiet" but not "so quiet that it looks like a solid black cube". I'd like to have SOME "fun" in my PC's appearance. I believe I sacrificed too much in the pursuit of silence last time---it's pretty darn quiet---but heavy, expensive, and boring. I honestly believe its weight and blandness are part of the reason it's the least-upgraded PC I've ever owned. There's just little fun in dealing with such a big black block, so I rarely open it up. I'm thinking stock cooling at the moment---though intel coolers have sucked since like, post-Pentium, so I may have to get aftermarket anyways, just to have "screws".
  8. Currently looking at "gutting" current PC: new mobo/CPU/RAM, and adding in an SSD for the OS. Reuse case, PSU, HDD, etc. That said---any "cool-looking" cases that are also decently quiet? Most "quiet" cases are very thick, heavy, and bland. (which is what I currently have). I would love to have a "cool, glowy" case, but they tend to have massive open vents everywhere that just spew noise---usually dedicated totally to gaming/cooling, with no thought given towards operating quietly. Basically---just something with enough of a mesh front etc to allow an LED fan to show nicely, without having "gaping holes eveywhere" and tons of noise-enhancing clear acrylic all over... If it helps---I think both of these look neat: http://www.awd-it.co.uk/cit-vantage-purple-gaming-pc-case-no-psu.html http://www.awd-it.co.uk/zalman-z11-plus-high-performance-mid-tower-gaming-case-with-purple-led-no-psu.html But the lower one is certainly noisy as heck. The upper one seems to be UK-only, as best I can tell.
  9. A bit late, but this is the game VF-27, white with black and purple:
  10. I believe its primary purpose on the F-14 would be area-rule, which had almost fallen out of favor at that time.
  11. I didn't think anyone thought the Sv-51 WASN'T VTOL, due to its big-ass lift-fans... (plus it is very Yak-38-ish in lift-fan placement. Kawamori wouldn't copy the world's 2nd-most-famous VTOL's fans for a non-VTOL design!)
  12. I plan to keep my desktop and use it primarily. But upgrading the CPU would require a new motherboard, so not until "the next breakthrough" or something. Current specs: CPU: E8400 oc'd to 3.2ghz 6 gig RAM 640GB HDD (7200rpm IIRC) (I don't torrent or anything, so there's not tons of large video files etc) Win 7
  13. Other than its existence, there's been nothing AFAIK. Can only hope that the electronics are still inside.
  14. It's not the total size of the files, it's their sheer quantity I think. ::checks:: Worst offender has 12,600 files in a single folder. (and there's not much more sorting I could/would want to do beyond that---making a half-dozen new sub-folders to put 30% of them somewhere else is more hassle than its worth) My Laptop wouldn't need to keep all my video files stored within, as I'd likely just "transfer what I need" from my main PC if I wanted to watch something.
  15. "not going to be hauled around everywhere" means it'll likely never leave the house. It'll likely spend most of its time propped up on my bed, not on a desk or table.
  16. I too feel that M7 would be improved immensely if cut in half. Very much like the "abridged" version of Dragonball Z. Tremendous amounts of filler could be cut out while losing nothing.
  17. Very much so. I am buying a few of my fave Stunticons and Aerialbots as "representations of those characters", not because of the combination ability. Because the gestalts suck so far. I have hope of Bruticus and Computron being decent, they should be "improved remolds of the best molds". I plan to buy none of the Protectobots, as MT Guardia is looking like it's coming along. (test-shot colors of not-Groove seen recently)
  18. Few people like a "big 'ol desktop" PC more than me, but I'm thinking it's time for a laptop. (have tablet, but I find myself needing a mouse+keyboard SO often to do what I want). But I really don't know who makes good laptops, or even what the standard/good specs for them are. My requirements/usage: "Portable replacement for desktop PC" for use on kitchen table and in bedroom---not going to be hauled around everywhere, not going to be used for gaming much if at all. For working on files, photoshopping etc. Will of course be used for media/browsing. Biggest thing that slows down my current PC-----folders with zillions of files inside. It's just how I have things arranged, and I know where everything is. But both the OS itself, and any program where it has to open up a folder to find/open/save a file---when it finds one of those "5,000+ files" folders, it often slows to a crawl for a second or two (or ten). I think the main problem is that they want to tend to READ all those files, and get the date/size/thumbnail etc for all of them, when all it SHOULD be doing is looking at the raw name and displaying nothing else. But anyways----yeah, whatever spec/aspect would help speed that up, is the #1 thing I'd be looking for. Faster CPU? More cores? More RAM? Faster RAM? Faster HDD? (SDD?). What would speed up "opening up folders that have zillions of files inside". Large PDF's (especially multi-layered ones) also tend to be have performance issues---not sure if that's Adobe's fault, or what. I am of course, very picky when it comes to the monitor (color gradiants!) so having a high-quality screen is of course of paramount importance. Tiny keyboard buttons also irritating. I do not have giant hands as guys go, but I swear some keyboards have "12-year-old-girl" as a finger-size-limit. Like "deep" button-presses. Too many have like 0.25mm between "depressed and not".
  19. Hmmn, could someone post a not-very-spoilerly summary of that? (really, I would like to keep all plot/characters still a mystery, but want to know if any new "iconic" ships show up---ISD, B-Wing, etc) (if X-wings are around, surely the newer B-wing should still be present as well)
  20. Was going through screen-caps I've found on the net, and this one shows the super-parts shield pretty well. There's clearly markings there, and similar to Alto's, but not exactly alike. Do these shield-markings match any other -29's?
  21. From the album: Reference

  22. You know, I can understand leaving off some markings on CF versions, and allowing people to choose their own. But this is Shin's, not a CF. The pilots are clearly Shin and Edgar, and it's the only blue VF-0D ever seen. It's not generic, it's one specific valk. It's number 305, and it's part of the UN *Spacy* fleet. Those markings should be tampo'd on. (and it's even worse to not even include modex numbers AT ALL, not even as stickers)
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