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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Considering it's a custom-painted sample, it likely has water-slide or dry-transfer numbers. Dry transfers for the actual release would be awesome though.
  2. It's not burning hot, just "hot"---even when the PC has only been on for a little bit, and nothing has gone above idle. The heatsink itself is flawless, still a mirror finish where originally present. (just re-seated it/re-applied thermal paste--it'd been years and worried about it drying out or having gotten bumped out of alignment) Somewhat related question: new case has spots for 2 fans on top. Rear one is going to be exhaust. Trying to decide if I should use the front-top one at all (two-fan-spot on top is really intended for a water-cooling radiator I think). But---if I use the front spot on top, would it be a bad idea to make it intake? My theory is that the CPU cooler is basically inbetween the two, and below them. Thus, it'd create a pretty good circular flow. (intake, down to CPU cooler, back a bit, then back up through exhaust fan)
  3. Fan question (which is un-google-able due to keywords): If the *hub* of my CPU's *fan* is hot (much more so than any case fan etc), does that mean anything? (googling "hot CPU fan" and all varations thereof, will only get you a million hits about the CPU itself being hot, and people suggesting better fans etc)
  4. A tan tank makes sense, even if it's not "Blitzwing-y". But Astrotrain is just incomprehensibly randomly colored in the fugliest way possible, in all modes. It truly is "WTF"? Was plastic for a mustard/lavender/rust/periwinkle combo not available?
  5. I've always thought it was much more based on the An-72: T-tail, overwing jets. But I also definitely see some Ekranoplan influence in there:
  6. It is much easier to alter a mold from a textured matte finish, to a smooth glossy one, than vice-versa.
  7. Light or heavy fighter? (I personally hope for super-heavy, but Northrop has traditionally gone small---the YF-23 is an oddity for them, size-wise)
  8. ????? I always thought it was clearly implied to be a thrust vectoring cascade array (based on the arrows and notation), to provide for VTOL thrust etc in GERWALK mode. Sure, it also allows for the backplate section to slide into a new position---but that's also an inherent feature of slide-type thrust reversers etc. If there were merely to allow for the backplate to slide---then why do they pivot open with multiple exposed gaps like that, are only present directly below the engines themselves instead of the entire rear fuselage, exist in the first place instead of having a simple overlapping/slide mechanism, and are designed in such a way as to so closely resemble one of the most common engine thrust-vectoring arrays? IMHO, there is no way jet-knowledgeable Kawamori would design a feature underneath the engines, that closely resembles real-world engine vectoring arrays, and NOT intend it to vector the engine's thrust.
  9. A lot of "no step" markings are just symbols, not words, and have no "correct" orientation. (Mainly non-US planes).
  10. It almost ruined the toy and lead to MANY thigh/hip fractures. It also interfered with the transformation, as the "remove the legs" joint would always twist when you were trying to transform the pelvis instead---it was very hard to move the pelvis for transformation, it'd always try to detach the legs instead. The force required to move the pelvis without disengaging the legs lead to much stress, and the fractures. The backplate also didn't lock down, whereas the old one did and was much more "locked together/consistent" in fighter mode because of it. There's a lot of "lopsided/curved" backplates out there on the current -21 when in fighter mode, because nothing is holding it down in place besides friction at the edges. Canon? Yes, but so is the -19's high-speed mode, and look at how that screwed up the new -19's wings. They're hollow floppy messes that won't stay in place at any angle. Some gimmicks demand WAY too many compromises to basic structural integrity to implement.
  11. The leg ones would at least be straight and nice to have printed on----their absence is more noticeable than the ones on the tail, due to the gap in the leg striping. Also, I thought the renewal Brera had better tail-printing than the original?
  12. A -21 in the right color (and NO REMOVABLE LIMBS) would be great. First Yamato YF-21 had perfect dark blue. FP release was purple. Ver 2 was way too bright/cobalt blue.
  13. Grace is 102, CF is 302. Bandai got that backwards on their samples though. Head-wise, if the horns could fold back in fighter mode, that'd be the best of all. Always wondered why Kawamori just let them stick out there, when most valks tend to fold back their antennas etc on the head.
  14. VF-27β and VF-27γ Technically(retconned), Grace's is a special "commander's version" of the β, which makes it look like a γ, since they both have the "finned" head. It's like putting a -1S head on -1J---it'd be basically impossible to tell it's not actually an S. But Grace's is technically a β, and not a γ.
  15. If they were, you need a greater resolution than 1080p to tell they had packs. I never saw green VF-27's in the movies any bigger than like 2 inches across, in the background. As for swappaple heads---IMHO, that just means they're going to not print any numbers on the legs or tailfins again, and give us more ugly stickers. I want Antares *102* dang it! (that's Grace's)
  16. Grace's didn't even appear in the movies, and the CF's were only in the background for about 2 secs in 2 scenes. So no. But if the mold has the "holes", and the packs exist--then they should sell them. What else are they going to use them for? I mean, it'd be like putting GBP armor on Roy's VF-1---sure, it never happened on-screen, but you can if you want to--and they should sell the parts to allow it.
  17. Need more info/better pics. Both heads included? Modex number printed on. Super pack available? (if there's no super pack, then it's almost pointless to trade the original for this version)
  18. I do not use those directories unless forced to by the program. All my stuff is organized by subject, not type. About the only things you'll find in "my documents" are game save-states.
  19. Well, my SSD arrived today. 250Gb, for OS, a couple games, and oft-used programs. Will be paired with 1 TB HDD for general storage and other programs. My first SSD, and have been reading about setting them up etc. Based on the above, should I create a partition in it, or create some sort of dedicated cache/pagefile location within it for Windows? Or just have all 250 in a single simple volume?
  20. I didn't freeze-frame or anything, but the "fully remodeled" versions don't really look any different to me. (I was hoping for new kits!)
  21. RAM question: Current PC has Win7 and 6GB RAM. Just watching the last two days, "normal web browsing" (and nothing else) is using 60-70% of physical memory. (I usually have about a dozen tabs at a time open, and often 2-3 browser windows). Most every site and forum says 8GB is the most nearly anyone needs----but I'm thinking---if I'm using most of a 6GB allotment *now*, then shouldn't I go for significantly more than 8GB for the upgrade? (have already ordered new CPU and an SSD, but still picking parts for the rest) Or will having Windows and all the browser programs on the SSD help with multi-tab browsing?
  22. I'm surprised Peaugh's -25 Alto w/Super pack hasn't sold yet. What's the going rate on a set like that nowadays?
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