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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I really need to see another review of Apollyon----a final fixed one, as Peaugh's hips untabbed constantly and the arms came off constantly and the stock extension broke. PS----am I the only one who thinks the barrel is bent down a bit in gun mode? I see it in a LOT of pics, and can't tell if it's something not quite transformed or lining up right, or if the diecast bits there are just not allowing it to be totally straight.
  2. Mike's got it exactly right. It's not a question of what files go on what type of drive, but purely what LETTER is each drive named. I much prefer the HDD to be C-----but that means the OS and many programs will not be on C, and many programs tend to look for/expect to be on C-----I've even found one years ago that demanded the optical drive to be called D and nothing else. Or is possible to like assign the SSD as C:\SSD or something, and have like C\SSD\Windows and C\SSD\ImportantApps inside it?
  3. Before I actually install windows on new SSD, drive-letter questions: I plan to make the HDD as C: and the SSD as D: (or maybe S: ). But a lot of programs (Windows too?) really seem to prefer/default to C, and sometimes will always look to C for files etc, even when installed elsewhere. As most of my personal etc files will be on the HDD, and I'd like to keep it as C: out of habit etc, any pros/cons to this? PS---is there any setting in Windows that will make a sort of "preferred drive to install new programs to", vs having to manually change it from C: for each and every new thing that gets installed? Or is it better to just make the SSD into C:, and make the HDD as something else? (due to so many things defaulting to C: )
  4. Newegg. They've had it on sale for $79 several times the past couple weeks. I just bought one, as 8 still seems to have more negatives than positives, and 10's not out yet. (when it comes to an OS, nothing but real physical media from a top-tier supplier, IMHO) If you don't want to wait for it to go that cheap again, almost as good a deal at NCIX: http://www.ncixus.com/products/?usaffiliateid=1000031504&sku=45271&vpn=GFC-02733&manufacture=Microsoft&promoid=1500
  5. Leopard, THAT's what that one was from. I was thinking it was very Wing-ish, especially Heavy Arms, but knew it wasn't. But X-Gundams look a LOT like W-Gundams, so that makes perfect sense. Lightning Zeta, is, however, AWESOME, and IMHO should have been his main one in the show, instead of Lightning Gundam.
  6. Heard back from Zalman already(less than 12 hours after I sent my email)----they said they're sending out taller standoffs via priority mail. So big props to them. Will try them out when they arrive, hopefully this weekend.
  7. Does the Fumina Gundam have Zeta Plus bits as the back-pack guns? Also---Nobel parts in the arms/legs?
  8. After fiddling around a while, I decided that it's probably as good as it's going to get as-is, and that going with 2mm-taller standoffs would probably make it worse (as in, too far in the other direction). (especially given the difficulties/time/expense in adapting the non-standard existing threads etc) All the USB ports were usable, which was my biggest concern. The clearance between their openings and the i/o shield is literally paper-thin, but my test USB cable plugged into all 6 ports without issue.
  9. Makes me wonder if it'll just swing the opposite way, and have EA-6B "flood" jamming----just put so much electronic noise out there that it's impossible to accurately locate and count/identify targets. Sure, you KNOW something's there---but you can't tell what, how many, or exactly where---all of which would cause issues with trying to aim/target a laser. Especially if there's a physical component added in---just massive amounts of chaff. Bombers actually have on-board chaff-making machines----they could just fill the air with trillions of pieces of chaff, to physically break up a laser beam.
  10. Hmmn, in that case I may connect the CPU_OPT one to the top exhaust, and use an in-line controller to drop it down. (installing mobo tonight, will see if I can route one of the upper/rear fan's cables all the way down and around to the lower-front headers)
  11. Ended up with the ASUS Z97-AR. Because it has a better color scheme (works with everything) and was 5 bucks cheaper than the nigh-identical Z97-A. ASUS was the only company that seemed to offer really good fan-control in the BIOS----Gigabyte's current system seems to only do well with PWM fans and has been stripped down from earlier version, while MSI's boards all had "many small issues" that added up. With more fans than my last PC, precise fan control will be essential to keeping it quiet. (my PC's are generally almost pure ASUS/Giga/MSI parts, but who makes what often swaps around). Regarding scheme---purple! Wanted last PC to be purple-themed, but purple LED's back then were more UV than purple. Corsair's purple LED fans tested nicely to my eye, so they will be the main color source. Got some purple non-UV SATA cables, and plan to paint GPU fan shroud purple. With black/silver MOBO, it'll end up being Skywarp-esque. (don't worry, nothing extreme---no UV-lit anything, no color tubes/strands, etc---pretty much just the fans to glow purple through the mesh/grills)
  12. I suspect it'll be totally different, and take advantage of the obviously-built-in-capability to swap out different "mission packs". Could be something like anti-ship nukes, an AWACS antenna, tornado-ish cannons, space-whale harpoons, etc. Perhaps even replacing FAST packs? Different mission pods instead of super/armor packs?
  13. New mobo is here. While it does have many fan connectors, they are kinda in weird locations IMHO, mostly concentrated down/forward. (I usually check that, must have forgot for this specific model variant) From googling, it seems that running a case fan off of the "CPU_OPT" header should be fine, and it was recommended that the rear fan use that one, so that it's "in sync" with the main CPU fan. (as otherwise I'm going to be running some long fan cables all around the case to make it work) Anyone have any comments/experience with running case fans off a CPU_OPT spot? (seems the primary use for a CPU_OPT connector is to provide a second one for water-cooling setups etc)
  14. IMHO, honestly, Kawamori has gotten "lazy" with the battroid modes ever since Plus---mainly the wings. He used to tuck/fold the wings and tailfins away. Nowadays---they all just sit there on the back, as a ginormous backpack. YF-29 is about the worst offender, but the -25/27/30 all do it similarly. And as mentioned before---the -30's tailfins really look like he just "forgot" to implement an idea he had---the tailfins REALLY should fold/slide up "into" the tailfin-shaped gaps by the wings---but they don't, they just sit there.
  15. I plan to wait/hope that Macross Delta has like a VF-30B, and that will lead to an improved version from Bandai----like no external braces needed, tailfins that slot in by the wings (they so look like they should), etc.
  16. Mainly flown empty so far? Loaded up with a full combat load of fuel and weapons will make it flatter, as planes carry all their weight on their main gear, the nosegear bears almost none.
  17. That's the main reason I bought a more expensive mobo than originally planned---needed a decent number of controllable fan ports.
  18. Exactly like that, to stick on the stand, kinda like a nameplate.
  19. Ok, my current setup on the new case is quite negative pressure. (140mm intake, 2x 120mm exhaust). Using the other "top" location as an exhaust would make it even more so, even with adding in the bottom fan as an intake. (oddly, my current case is only "moderately" negative but gets far more dusty than my old case, which is old/small enough to have NO intake fan, and ONLY an exhaust fan) So, to be "definitely positive" my options are basically either: A. Use bottom-mounted fan. (could get quite dusty/debris filled there, but there is an aftermarket custom-fit filter cover for that location, the case is popular enough for it to exist) B. Use forward location of the two fans on top, but as an intake. (with the one right behind it an exhaust).
  20. What about vinyl stickers in the silhouette of valks? HG would be lawyering you in a second if you used the UNS kite logo, but like an overhead-view YF-19 silhouette is fine. (while a company can trademark a plane's whole 3D shape, they cannot claim its mere silhouette)
  21. Still debating positive vs negative pressure etc. Front fan is 140mm intake, rear is 120mm exhaust. It's the two spots on top that are undecided. Can use 120 or 140 there. Have 120mm currently mounted in rear spot as exhaust, of the two spots on top. (there is also a bottom spot, but plan not to use it---all it'd ever do is suck in debris----while it would blow almost directly on the GPU, I'm getting a GTX 960 which should run quite cool regardless)
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