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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. And since they're hexagons, they intermesh nicely in neat patterns.
  2. Interview on (gamespot?) said atmospheric dogfights only, as like a "power up/skill bonus". No levels dedicated to it, no fleet action, Death Stars, etc.
  3. No space battles in Battlefront? Heresy. It's called STAR wars. Not ground wars.
  4. Sorry, but I can't trust anything Mr K says about color and adjustments, after they completely f'd up the -0D.
  5. I just figured it out----of course Mr Abrams wouldn't use Tatooine----it only has two suns! With a new planet, he can have three or four suns in the sky at once----think of the lens flares that would create!!!
  6. Ooh, interesting. I first thought it was Venator-class based on the engines, but I've only watched it on my phone so far. (Venator-class wrecks would be like 100x more common, but the raw size required for a scene like that does point towards an SSD)
  7. It was never intended nor supposed to be called "F-117". F-117 was an intentionally inappropriate designation used to hide its true identity. It was called F-117 because F-114, 115, 116 were already used for other black/experimental projects---some of the "F-1xx" designations were used for the numerous MiG and Sukhoi planes we had "acquired" and were flight testing at the same time. (can't very well publically call it a MiG-27 if we're not supposed to have any! So any flight test/paperwork would say "F-114" or something) The Nighthawk just happened to get the "117" designation, as it was the next one in line. But that was never meant to be a "real" designation. There's probably something like an "F-128" flying around right now, that will get its true name of F-26, or A-14, or B-3 some day. (or, never be revealed and be a black project until 2045...) The F-35 should be the F-24, for similar-but-different reasons.
  8. I think I'm going to wait for Apollyon v1.5 (because he's nearly pre-sold-out most places, and there's plenty of tweaks still to be done---there WILL be another run of him for sure, and most likely will be a few additional improvements)
  9. There's only the one release/version, and it comes with a LOT of missiles.
  10. I read up on CPU fan location/direction before the build----one guy tried EVERY configuration and it made at most 1 degree of difference on an Evo212, which is quite similar to a Kotetsu. So mount where you want, blowing in the direction you want. Point: Having the fan suck air through the cooler, vs pushing it through, makes it WAY easier to clean, as the dusty/clogged side of the cooler will NOT have the fan attached to it. So I plan to mount it in "front" of the cooler (normal location), but flipped around to suck air through it. Mounting the CPU fan on the "rear" of the cooler, to push air through like "normal"---puts it only like an inch away from the rear fan. And that's way too crowded to allow for even just plugging things in, it covers up the main mobo heatsink, etc. PS to all---mounting the cooler "sideways" so that the fan is blowing up, isn't possible. Not with the supplied mounts/bracket. Only real concern with this setup, is a filter for the rear fan, which is now an intake. There are custom filters for my case, (DemciFilters), but I don't want to pay 20 bucks shipping for a $4 part. Anyone tried the "generic" magnetic etc 120mm filters?
  11. My graphics card almost splits the case in half, into a top and bottom compartment. So the front intake, on the bottom, blows back towards GPU and PSU, which both exhaust to the rear. So latest idea is to have rear fan as intake, CPU fan in normal location but flipped so it's pulling, then moving top fan to the front mounting location, where it will "raise" the CPU cooler's exhaust up out of the case. May still add 2nd top fan later, but we'll see how this works out for now.
  12. Reversing CPU fan----::smacks head:: duh, that should be easy. Still haven't fully tweaked the fans noise-wise, so still have to decide if I can add another fan without making things too loud. (I'm thinking of running the top-exhaust fans at low speed/power, and the front intake higher----for no other reason than looks, as fan speed affects LED brightness) Have ordered new power switch---the original measures 16mm across, and that seems to be a decently common size, so it should fit with little to no case-altering. (it's an inherently blue LED, so whether you put a red, green, or yellow filter over it, it's going to light up blue) Just makes no sense for it to be blue, since the LCD display and HDD LED on the case, are red.
  13. New PC up and running, but not finished by any means. At least I know it works. Found a few things during final assembly: 1. Bottom fan location can't be used once power supply is installed. MAYBE a skinny-framed 120mm would fit, if PSU is installed upside down. But a normal-sized PSU physically covers the 140mm mounting holes. So, no bottom fan. Maybe a small 430 watt PSU would allow a fan to be used? But not anything in the typical 500-600w+ etc range. 2. So, that leaves lower-front as my only intake fan. What about making the rear fan, an intake? Then having both top locations as exhausts? Sucking in both front and rear, exhausting out the top. While that would put the rear fan and CPU fan in "opposition", the CPU cooler itself would be between them, so I figure that'd mitigate much of the rear fan's effect on the CPU fan's flow. 3. "Power on" LED is blue (like EVERYTHING these days) and it totally clashes with my color scheme (and the red LCD display on the case's header-panel itself--they didn't match their own parts!) But it seems impossible to change---I've got it disassembled after much effort, but the LED itself and the on-off switch are basically intertwined-----pushing the on/off button, actually moves the LED's housing down around the LED, making the LED housing contact a switch directly below the LED itself. And it's all soldered and glued together in a single assembly. The LED itself seems to be like one of these: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/1-5mm-Round-Subminiature-Axial-Lead-Yoke-Lead-Series-LEDs-High-Bright-Red-LED-620-630nm/708163112.html But the leads wrap down around through slots in the housing, and are glued to the lower/inner housing (in addition to being soldered I assume). So unless someone sells an aftermarket switch, it's going to have to stay blue. ::grumble grumble:: (you know, if companies just used *white* LED's, then it'd be easy, you could just use any little clear filter or paint to color the lens how you want and match any PC's color scheme---white's not much more expensive than blue---both of which cost much more than basic red)
  14. Been very interested in it---is there a powerup that turns him into a girl wearing a powered suit?
  15. I've read all that, but it doesn't quite "satisfy" me----that of the half-dozen tabs holding the hips together in bot mode, having one piece slightly out of position makes them a complete floppy mess, tells me that the tabs aren't very secure regardless. Those things should like LOCK together, with L-shaped tabs etc, not "press-fit 6 plain friction-tabs and hope that at least 2 or 3 of them are tight enough to hold" L-shaped tab: like those holding a V2 VF-1's legs to the backplate in fighter mode. They LOCK into place.
  16. Interesting, never knew about that. Could be very useful. I'm doing all storage from scratch (brand-new SSD, brand-new HDD) so there hopefully won't be any "weirdness" from installed programs, because I'm installing everything for the first time on these drives. ::edit:: Mobo i/o alignment update---after looking/fiddling for a while, I think it's really mostly a small warpage in the mobo itself right where the center of the i/o panel lines up with----tried a ghetto mod which worked surprisingly well---small strips of foam-rubber stacked up between the case's mobo mounting panel and the mobo itself to kinda "push back" the bulge/warp---and now everything lines up perfectly. Ah, self-adhesive black foam-rubber----third time I've used it in this build! (because I like things to fit perfectly, and do not like gaps/movement---so anything that doesn't fit perfectly flush and rock-solid, usually gets a bit of foam surround/filler) My current case is an Antec, and everything always did fit absolutely rock-solid and super-flush in it. The new Zalman case is definitely more "loose" and "gappy" around things. (but most Antec cases are about as boring-looking as can be*, and I deliberately wanted to avoid that this time) *ironically, Antec does make some neat-looking cases, but they're all "extreme gaming" cases, and are all ginormous mega-towers with room for 11 drives and grilles for 9 fans and weigh 50 lbs when assembled... They don't seem to make any "mid-range" mid-towers, etc. Just "silent black blocks" and "extreme cooling".
  17. I think I can summarize it like this: Currently, I tend to have many programs AND THE FILES THEY CREATE/ALTER in the same folder. This often means the program is in its own non-default folder many levels "higher" than the default installation. I.E. It is in C\Stuff\Macross instead of the default C\Programs\Company\Group\App\Version2\Install\Data\David. This is so I can easily find it and its creations. Also because many programs always default to load and save to their "installation folder"----which is never ever where I keep or want their created/altered files. And keeping things "close to the root directory" just speeds everything up, clicking/moving-wise. Being all on the same HDD, this is fine. However, way too many program just refuse to have their "default place they look to load from and save to" changed to a different folder than where they're installed in. So if the program itself is on the SSD, and the files it's used to "manipulate" are on the HDD-----that could be a TON of clicking through to change, every time a file is loaded or saved. (As it'll revert to its default/installed folder every time, even if I just loaded or saved from MY preferred folder a minute ago)
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