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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. I didn't say the new ones were highly poseable, just poseable. More so than most original motorized ones.
  2. I've still got my Death Stinger I think, also Salamander, maybe Berserk Fury. I'm never selling my Ultrasaurus or Liger Zero, but I'll have to see what all I still have boxed away. Anyone interested in Liger Zero X or its armor? (think I still have that one too)
  3. Up until today, that was true----almost everything from the past few years are "Gundam-esque" in being detailed, highly-articulated poseable figure-kits. But the just-unveiled Masterpiece Zoids line seems to be the best of both worlds---poseable, AND motorized.
  4. Ok, I only watched the first 54 secs so far, but I'm sold. Just, not a shield liger. (nor blade liger!). I need a Genosaurer or Liger Zero. (well, Ultrasaurus or Deathsaurer would of course also be great, but probably cost a zillion yen)
  5. I'd pay so much for a nice Weltall. Xenogears itself I think would be hard to translate well----constantly hovering, venting, etc. And of course----Alpha Weltall and Weltall Id.
  6. Took a decade but Xenosaga did get a few mecha models. Maybe in 2020 we'll see something for Xenoblade 1.
  7. Right there with all the other MP 'cons, like MP Cyclonus, MP Shockwave, MP Scourge, MP Devastator, MP Ramjet, MP Dirge, MP Thrust, MP Astrotrain, MP Blitzwing------erm, uhm, oh... Seriously, we're going to have MP Seaspray before we get the main 'cons at this rate.
  8. Road Rage is a very Stunticon-ish name. What do-gooder would have a name with RAGE in it? Kind of like there'll never be a Darth Cuterainbow.
  9. Could make a LOT of snarky comments, but won't. Will just wait and hope for a corrected-color -0D, or maybe even a -0C. Does make me wonder about the Japanese fan base's priorities/criticisms---they're concerned about the intake markings on some being slightly mis-aligned (when you can't even see both sides of the jet at once to directly compare), but apparently remarked several times at the unveiling how the 0D's color was "just like the anime" when it's probably the least-accurately-colored 1/60 ever?
  10. I don't think Takara will ever top including ONE missile launcher with Prowl, and one with Bluestreak. (I still need to buy launchers for Streak, but all the GOOD ones for him are always in multi-packs---I don't want to buy a Prowl/Streak/Smoke set, just to get the good Streak ones)
  11. You know, she's that 'con that showed up in the same episode as Exhaust. And that's the only MP 'cons we're getting, sadly. Just repaints of 'bots.
  12. Eh, the Ozma -29, and ALL the -27's, never had official photos of the final production item IIRC. (I know because none of mine match the official/box pics, paint-wise).
  13. I think they were trying to go for broke and mix DNA of the two "stars" to make a hybrid Velocirannus Rex. A smart, long-armed tyranno.
  14. That looks good, but the reported "eye-searingly bright" blue LED's are basically a deal-killer. I want anything but blue for my new PC, and I hate uber-bright LED indicators in all things. Mini-rant: Yes, LED tech has advanced over the years, but there is no need for indicator lights to be "the brightest LED known to man"---yet they often are. 10 years from now, when LEDs are even brighter---you're going to go blind just from turning your TV on, because the LED will be THAT BRIGHT. Indicator lights don't need to, and shouldn't, light up the room etc. Only flashlights and headlights need that kind of power.
  15. The MX Master felt similar to the Performance MX, but even better IMHO. The main difference I feel is that the MX ones are "taller" and the Deathadder is "flatter"---and my beloved Comfort Mouse 3000 is kinda inbetween those two, but probably closer to the Deathadder. Also, the MX ones have "under-thumb" projections, the Deathadder is "open". That aspect is one I'm not sure if I'd like more or less than my current setup. (a hybrid of the two MX's would be perfect, but that doesn't exist---yet) Current mouse (have gone through several): http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826105189 I'm sure the Deathadder is "close enough" in shape that I'd feel "at home" with it long-term (it felt good for the 10 secs I tried at BestBuy). I guess the real question is----is an MX mouse "even better"? $100 is a lot to "try out" its under-thumb rest and thumb-wheel. And of course---seeing the Deathadder glow purple in the store was a big selling point. (as my new PC is purple, as much as possible---considered an RGB keyboard to get a match, but not ready to spend the better part of $200 to get that effect, especially as I'd spend 5 years fiddling with the settings)
  16. I consider like 95% of mice "small". And I don't have ginormous hands or anything. I liked MS's "Comfort Mouse 3000" so much I bought extras, and still have one MIB! (only, their rubber-coated scrollwheels are starting to decompose through sheer age---the MIB one still seems fine, but I figure that actually using it may cause "hyper-accelerated aging" or something) But, I figure I should actually get a new mouse at some point, rather than than just keep going through my spare MS mice (as this'd be the last one).
  17. Went to BestBuy---they had a K70, but only MX red versions. Also something I suspect was MX blue, since it was very clicky. Did however, find a "Deathadder" mouse, which I liked the feel of a lot, maybe even more than the MX Master's shape, has a better thumb-button location, and it's quite a bit cheaper. But the MX Master though does have the awesome "scroll-wheel on the thumb button" (more like a scroll-barrel), mainly intended for horizontal scrolling---which would be quite a boon for how I do things. But yeesh, nowhere has the MX Master for even a penny less than full MSRP. However, a quick glance at reviews shows lots of longevity issues with the Deathadder. Anyone own the Deathadder (Chroma version, if it makes a difference) or the MX Master? My own BestBuy is out of MX Masters currently (not even a spot for them any more) so I couldn't directly compare.
  18. I'm still waiting for a better/different color scheme. It was expensive when first new, and I wasn't going to pay that much money for a valk wearing the 2nd-blandest scheme of all. (M7 VF-11C being THE blandest)
  19. Fixing the shade of blue is 100x more important.
  20. Nor drones, but that didn't stop Michael Bay from making sure the ones in his Transformer movies had them...
  21. I think I'd take the Holiday Special as a canon source over that. On a serious note--I might buy that explanation for the A-wing, but no way for the B-wing. One of the missions in the X-Wing expansion pack, was doing the trench run in a B-Wing, as it's a FAR better choice than the X-wing or Y-wing. It was basically designed for such a mission---no way they wouldn't use it if even 1 prototype was available.
  22. Anyone have keyboard suggestions? Very tempted by mechanical ones. (have pretty much already decided that if I go mechanical, it will be Cherry Brown switches). Info: Currently using Eclipse II. I despise extra keys on the sides, so that eliminates most "gaming" keyboards. I also require a numeric pad etc, which eliminates the other end of the spectrum of gaming ones. Not surprisingly, I also demand a totally standard keyboard layout---a LOT of boards do weird things with Esc, Bkspce, \, and others when you really look close. In short---any "cheap" boards worth looking at? Or should I just go all out and get a Corsair K70 etc? Or----it seems the Madcatz Cyborg V5 is basically a "new" Eclipse. I loved my Eclipse II when it was new---anyone got the Madcatz version? Madcatz stuff varies WIDELY---some is utter crap, some is pretty nice.
  23. The presence of A and B wings though, seems contrary to established canon (and quasi-canon, and fanon), time-wise.
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