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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Denial Gundam looks friggin' awesome: http://gundamguy.blogspot.com/2015/02/hgbf-1144-denial-gundam-new-images.html (and you've gotta be a seriously kick-ass Gundam to pull off glitter-purple accessories!) And I'm betting it comes out 1 day after my HLJ warehouse time maxes out...
  2. Black wheels only work on silver or white cars, IMHO*. (and white wheels only work on white cars) *bright yellow and red may be acceptable as well---provided you've got matching yellow or red calipers to add contrast/interest
  3. Hmmmn. 60 for sure, for physical disc. Thinking about 100, for soundtrack. (soley because Michiru Yamane is composing, and thus it'll likely be AMAZING)
  4. Well, the main difference is that the -300 is about 30 feet longer than the -200.
  5. Please let there be a color cover, for an awesome new -51 scheme, so Arcadia will have another scheme to amortize a new -51 mold with...
  6. Just to mess with people, the 777-200LR and -300ER share wings and engines, whereas the -200ER and -200LR differ in those regards.
  7. The -200LR is the longest-range 777 of all, as a stretch will never fly as far as the original.
  8. There's no such thing as a 777-400, much less an ER version of it. Do you mean the -200ER, or the even longer-range -200LR? (the -200LR always has the GE90-11x's, -200ER's have the "standard" 3 777 engine options)
  9. Bigger fan? I think that's almost the opposite of what you want-----the GE90 etc get their raw power by having massive fans and bypass ratios------much mass, low exit velocity. Their goal is power and quiet. If you need to bump up the speed by .1 Mach (a lot for a jetliner), I'd look more into higher exit velocity----greater compression ratio. Mach .9 cruise is the realm of the 707/727----both of whose engines were basically altered military turbojets. And very skinny. (JT8D is a modified J52, and JT3C/D is a J57) Asking for 777 levels of power and range with a speed greater than anything else currently done seems like an awfully high requirement.
  10. I know that explanation (aka "bad luck/curses"), but even that doesn't seem to explain much (especially not any offensive/defensive energy shields/blasts she ever does---"hex bolts" etc)---and certainly had almost zero correlation to the movie version. She basically was Scarecrow, but without needing gases/chemicals to do it.
  11. I assume not an ORIGIN, origin story--I mean, we already had that in Ep II. And nobody wants teen (aka emo, brooding) Boba. I'm hoping something like Boba, Year One? THAT would be interesting. He's an adult, and decently competent, making a name for himself---but not yet the uber-bounty-hunter that Vader hires.
  12. Have Wanda's powers EVER been explained well? She does whatever the comic/movie/TV plot requires, so long as it's not blatantly someone else's power, like shapeshifting or pyrokinesis. "Weird stuff" is about as good an explanation as I've ever heard.
  13. Lost World is just so much more *blatantly* written as a screen-play than his others. You could almost see director's notes scribbled in the margins while reading it---really turned me off of the book. The only book of his I've read that I didn't really like---it was just too much of a "script" vs "a Crichton novel". Also, gotta mention---Congo. *Great* book, awful movie.
  14. Anyone know the exact release date of the Denial Gundam? It's going to be cutting it close with my current HLJ warehouse stack.
  15. Don't you mean Dead End? I can even hear that line in his voice.
  16. I often like films better when I don't know the actors----then I can actually see them solely as their character, instead of "A-list star playing yet another one of their three main archetypes". Very similar effect with animation, if you realize who's doing the voice. You hear the actor, not the character.
  17. That photo shows well my main gripe with alt-mode: the barrel is too small, and/or the slide is too wide/boxy. I get that compromises must be made for robot mode, but the tiny little barrel sticking out of that big bulky frame, looks (ironically) toy-like. (plus, I still see a LOT of droop-barrel pics----either it can't be aligned dead-straight due to being diecast with no adjustment/play, or everyone is still mis-transforming that section)
  18. But weren't the -0's on the Asuka like the entire production run? Very few built, with Roy's S-model the only S ever built, IIRC. So there wouldn't be any variants for them to be.
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