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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. Re: Canard angle. Is it something that just a little bit of filing/carving "right above their pivot point" would allow them to angle upwards more, without affecting their looks/stability? Or is it complicated and any alteration to the plastic/hole would likely cause issues?
  2. I've mentioned that----no one really gets the -19's gear right, despite it having very detailed drawings from the beginning. I think it's part of the reason almost no -19 "looks right" sitting on the ground, with a weird stance/tilt---because the landing gear's wrong. And you always get that "gear door touching the wheel" problem---again, because the gear's wrong.
  3. Said it years ago, will say it again: Australia was smart, saw how the F-35 program was going, and decided to get really high-end uber-spec'd Super Hornets instead. Cheap, good, proven and already in service. Their Super Hornets are better than any in the U.S. Fleet, and have many features that the F-35 touts. ASRAAM capability alone gives it a boost to close-in fighting, and it's got every sensor you can think of plus a nice AESA radar IIRC.
  4. Grace 3.0? Hmmmn--in the TV series, both green VF-27's were destroyed, and Grace died on the Vajra planet. Movie was rather different. Which version of Frontier's events will be "canon" for Delta?
  5. Props for doing VF-51, their post-Phantom existence is often glossed over/forgotten.
  6. Coolest "could have been" I've seen in a while:
  7. Bruticus is probably the one combiner I'd most want Takara to do, vs 3P. Why? They are hell-bent on toon-accuracy. Bruticus works so much better in toon form than toy form. Why? Chest plate. On the original toy, it's a big silver piece that does nothing else. But in the toon---BlastOff splits in half, with his wings and upper fuselage forming the chestplate, and the rest of him forming the right arm. It even helps with the over-discussed "scale" issue----by splitting up his mass, he can actually be a rather large shuttle toy, yet still scale with the others in combined form. He would be larger than all the other limbs in vehicle mode, possibly rivalling or even exceeding Onslaught, but it wouldn't be an issue if half his mass makes up the combined torso's front half. (robot mode may cause some issues, but we've seen Takara practically mass-shift MP bots before) Yet no 3P company has tried to do the "solves so many problems, and looks so cool" toon version of Bruticus----they all follow the toy. Normally I'm all for toy-accurate in most things (except for S3 characters' coloring, then it's toon all the way). But for Bruticus? Toon-accurate transformation please, with half of BlastOff for the chestplate.
  8. To me, that just shows they don't know their market. The colors a TON of people wanted/expected---as in, the one they spent their childhood watching on TV, the color they held in their hands playing with the toy---should have been the MAIN release, not the exclusive. This just makes me less likely to ever buy anything from ToyWorld.
  9. I don't think I ever had an Autobot Headmaster. Decepticons are cooler, I've known that since I was 4. In my house we had: Mindwipe Skullcruncher (I think, not 100% sure) Weirdwolf Snapdragon Apeface Scorponok See a pattern?
  10. Because you never know when you'll have to re-enter the atmosphere to save mankind from an AI idol singer or even Sheryl's manager. (and there's always moons, and even large asteroids---or really really big enemy ships, all of which may have atmospheres and it'd be preferable to have aerodynamic controls)
  11. Am I the only one bugged by this? ::edit:: Even better pic: Look at the wing-glove, at the root, at the rear. (near ankle). See that huge vertical gap on the Bandai? The lower part of the root is nowhere near the actual wing. The Arcadia's, while it doesn't plug or tab anywhere (also an irk to me), at least "stays close to" the actual wing. Is that huge gap needed for the wing to fold for high-speed mode or something? Because the Arcadia wing folds the exact same way, yet the "long skinny fingers" of the glove, above and below the wing, manage to stay pretty close to the wing.
  12. I'd be interested---I've got several Bandai bases that go "unused" now. But if I could use them again, and use the Yeti bases solely for Yamato/Arcadia valks--then I'd probably buy even more arms and have ALL my valks on Yeti-adapters/arms.
  13. I think pretty much exactly what you wrote---Troll looked great. Rippersnapper was good but flawed--but subsequent releases copied/magnified Rippersnapper's flaws. They basically all ended up as "flat rectangles with 4 limbs stuck on the sides" in beast mode. And Hun-Grrr is the worst IMHO. He's just kinda ugly now---it's hard to make an un-cool dragon, but they managed it. He's just backwards---instead of two gracile necks and a stubby tail, he's got a long tail and fat stubby necks. I do think they'd do a great Piranacon, "fixing the flaws/mistakes" from their experience with Ordin. UT is constantly improving, overall. If the "worst" Seacon was as good as Troll/Blot is---it could really be something. But even better would be an MMC Reformatted Piranacon. Dare I say---I think their Defensor is TOO G1?
  14. One of the many reasons this can't "substitute" as a YF for me. (I noticed it a while ago, just never said anything)
  15. Only the *YF-19* canopy hinges forward. All other variants, from the earliest VF-19A through the VF-19S, open "normally".
  16. Where are you finding deluxes for 15 nowadays? They're 17-18 most places, and darn close to 20 with tax. Times 4. A complete CW combiner is over 100, most anywhere you could buy it.
  17. That area doesn't fit tight on my Arcadia, either. Biggest of the gaps in fighter mode.
  18. I would buy a WiiU for this, more than any other game. (well, except MAYBE the new Zelda)
  19. Would like good pics of the main landing gear when possible---regardless of size/color, they simply don't look like the -19's landing gear, like they just copied, well, the YF-23 if anything. Even if painted white, they seem to be "mounted backwards" and have no side-strut/drag-strut. They're more like a typical nosegear, than a main gear---and again, not at all like a -19's gear, from what I can see. (which is kinda sad, considering how well-documented the -19's landing gear is---many drawings, especially from M7 for the -19F/S and Basara's)
  20. Takara's carrying toon-accuracy too far. Are they going to give him hexagon cross-section fingers, just like the CG model, as it was low-poly in that area? It looks EXACTLY like he did in BW season 1---which is NOT a good thing! The characters were MUCH high-poly and more detailed/textured for season 2 (Transmetals). Next thing you know, they'll be molding in G1 Season 3 animation errors onto the MP figures...
  21. Is it the same pink that the YF-19's landing gear bays are?
  22. I really do hope the nosegear has a good locking mechanism----most Frontier DX valks don't lock their nosegear into place, period! Or just watch--the nosegear will lock, but the mains won't...
  23. Great news, as you no longer need to convert MKV to MP4 and use your PS3----but it STILL can't play a simple audio CD?!?!
  24. I just did the rivet-tightening, and kept applying more and more pressure. At the end, it was flat-out as hard as I could squeeze (punched through the cotton cloth I was using to prevent marring)--and while it's less loose, it still won't hold very well. Mine was insanely floppy to start with. It can only be improved so much. (it's the right wing on mine that's really bad---the left was sorta loose and is now decently tight--but the right one went from "won't even hold against gravity" to "now takes a slight amount of finger pressure" to move)
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