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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. New MP Hot Rod car mode not good enough for me----looks very similar to MP-09, which was my biggest beef with that figure. Side profile just seems all sorts of wrong compared to movie IMHO. Slope of nose/windscreen, overall proportion of front vs back compared to overall length, curvature of sides/rear, etc. I'm still looking for my "MP-esque Hot Rod with a kickass car mode" figure. That car is gorgeous, and is up there with the Countach for "car that will always look awesome, no matter how ridiculous it is". I want the exact car seen in the movie.
  2. Totally different PC, odd issue: My dad now has my previous PC. He got it all hooked up and running fine. A week or two later (as in, yesterday), he tried to hook the printer up too. (same printer it had for prior to him getting it). Plugged printer power cable into wall, plugged printer USB into PC---and the printer's display screen said "something-something failure---shutting down all systems". And pretty much killed the PC. Would only do an endless reboot cycle of just a few secs, wouldn't even get to BIOS screen. After unplugging all USB devices, it would (sometimes) boot to windows. But can't do anything without keyboard/mouse. More experimenting---will accept PS/2 mouse. Got that working. Then got keyboard to work on one of the USB slots. But no internet. Plugged ethernet cable into the other LAN port (yes, that MOBO has two). No better. Windows still says it cant find/recognize the device (I assume the LAN port itself). Trying system restore and/or Win7 repaint install tomorrow. (I'm trying to do/explain all this over the phone with my dad, as that PC is now several states away and I can't actually see what's going on---he should be able to click over/through to system restore, and he's found the win7 install disc in case a repair install is needed---and he SHOULD be able to do that with my coaching)) My dad isn't savvy enough to go into the BIOS and look at things, but I'm just trying to figure out why the heck plugging a printer back into a system (the same printer the PC would "expect" and is configured/drivered for) would apparently disable/rewrite all the device manager configurations etc for all the ports---it seems every LAN/USB port is screwed up, even the remote USB ports on the front panel etc. Only 1 or 2 USB ports work at all, and not with every device. Frankly---WTF? Never heard of anything like that. PC was FINE until that printer was plugged in via USB. PC had been fine for months before with that very same printer plugged in. But it's taken all day just to be able to get windows running, but with no internet connection it's not much use to him. (and the internet connection itself is fine, WiFi is still working in the house---the PC just won't connect through/find/access the LAN port for some reason) I'm hoping the 'net connection issue can be fixed via windows, and this isn't a BIOS-level issue. (and how on earth would a printer affect the BIOS? I can almost accept it trying something funky via USB drivers and messing up windows, but not the BIOS)
  3. Clip-clip, or like a spring tab? My SSD is using the mobo-supplied cables with the latter. Would prefer something like an actual external clamp. And I think one end is right-angled----I am using like 3 different types of SATA cables throughout the PC, for optimal angles/stress/positioning. Going to try a longer cable, or even mount SSD in main cage bay instead of on back of mobo tray---it is a "barely fits due to cable connector housing touching tray" situation as it is. (Just one mm more would help, but mobo tray is metal and not going anywhere)
  4. PC wouldn't boot today---said no boot device! (which is my SSD). Going into BIOS, SSD didn't even show up. Opened case---unplugged and replugged cables into SSD, now everything's fine. But case wasn't jostled or anything, no cables seemed loose. But SATA data cables are always kinda flakey IMHO. Is there a "stronger" or more grippy/thicker SATA connector available? I don't want to have to keep popping the case open every time this happens. (granted, this is the first time, but I figure it'll only get worse/looser). And I'm just assuming it was a cable issue, as that's the only thing I checked/fiddled with, and it solved the problem. Now, the SATA data cable for the SSD is fairly short and makes a 180 into the MOBO. Could that be putting stress on the connectors? The cable is basically a "U", with the SDD on one end and the MOBO plug on the other---the SSD is mounted on the "backside" of the mobo as is a common spot nowadays, and the cable just goes around from the back of the mobo to the front. (the SATA power cable seemed fine, tightness-wise, and has no stress on it AFAIK) Could possibly be an issue with the actual MOBO connector, may try plugging SSD into different port.
  5. The Draken does seem to be enjoying a resurgence in popularity/awareness worldwide----several new model kits/releases the past few years, after decades of nothing. So it's an older jet that's "in" now, much like the F-8 was a few years back.
  6. Gah, spoiler in that article. Not huge, but I now know something about Ep VII Luke I didn't before. That Star Destroyer looks disappointingly "obviously CG". It's all about the textures---it's too smooth and shiny. What happened to all the practical model stuff they were going for?
  7. Negatives? I've used 2003 for 12 years----not going to pay 12x $99. Want to be able to use it on a future/upgraded PC---not possible with the non-sub version. It's one and only once. Don't like it to demand online/updates----half the time I update my Office stuff is because the net's down. "Ribbon" menu. I still despise any icon (vs word)-based interface. Especially for things with zillions of options like Office has.
  8. If nothing else, that page's pics are probably the best reference for the new X-Wing available.
  9. So, been using MS Office 2003 forever---but need new copy for new PC. Office 2013 seems to have a zillion negatives. Want to keep using old DOC and XLS files I've had forever, and have been updating some for literally half my life. Though I could finagle a way to get 2003 off the old PC, it can't read XLSX, which is becoming increasingly common. So---been looking at "free alternatives". Top 2 seem to be OpenOffice, and LibreOffice. Opinions? Do not want cloud-base/googleDocs etc. Want a purely (or close to it) offline option. Read that Kingsoft's WPS Office 10 free is a nigh-clone of Office 2003---but when their site touts the spellchecker, but the page itself has obvious typos---I wonder about their professionalism. (their forum gives me a bad vibe, too)
  10. Lockheed Upbeat Despite F-35 Losing Dogfight To Red Baron Read more: http://www.duffelblog.com/2015/08/f-35-loses-dogfight-to-red-baron/#ixzz3l25Hnm7G
  11. For those that own both: the main "pale" striping/marking color. Is it different on the new one? V1 used the same very pale lavender as Brera's, which almost looked grey, but was in fact purple. The Hase kit used actual grey for the stripes and I believe it should be that way. In short---Bandai used the exact same tampo printing color for Grace's, as Brera's, and that's wrong I think. On the V1, at least.
  12. I cancelled mine---I'm very low on money due to moving to a new town, it's not THAT much better than the old one, and I still see no hint at all of offering super parts for this version. Plus we still don't know about "matching greens" or the exact modexes, etc.
  13. Hmmm, I'm really thinking about canceling now----it's just not THAT much better than the original (and no hint of super parts yet) and the -27 is still just a -25 rehash like the -29 is. It feels like I have too many of the same basic valk. But then I may be perma-banned from N-Y if I do.
  14. That TC is still not what I was hoping for at all----I want G1 toy colors on the MP-11 mold. So sick of 90% of TC's being light/medium blue. Yes, toon and toy were very different----but "in the middle" isn't right for either. And they almost never do dark. It's always toon, or "toon-hybrid" colors. Never the awesome sapphire metallic toy colors.
  15. Their Trypticon is both SD, and looks more like a Gojulas/Genosaurer hybrid than a TF. As I said at TFW---I want my TFs to look like TFs, not Zoids or Gundams or EVA or any other mecha.As we've seen from the zillion 3P Dinobots, you can absolutely make robo-dinos that don't look just like Zoids. You can't use the "well, all robot dinos are going to end up looking like Zoids" argument when 3P is providing a new counterexample every day. It's like saying all transforming jet mecha have the same style, which I don't even need to say anything further at this forum.
  16. Props for picking the best-looking Shinkansen. (The 700 and everything after is ugly IMHO)
  17. You want to sell off a bunch of TF's at once? Transformerland.com I've sold to there several times. Best option for "they're not worth the time/effort to sell individually" but worth too much to just give them all away.
  18. To make it easy to spot leaks and cracks. A pristine gloss white surface will make any "anomalies" very visible.
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