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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. I'm glad there's someone else taking about it, my only source in WB said there's not even a approved treatment yet. That kind of confirm's he was correct and vise versa. You don't get a scriptwriter until you get an approved Treatment.
  2. I have to add, as someone in the film industry, this thing has been in pre-production for almost 5 years. It's not a writing problem, it's a funding problem. Studio's don't pay people to sit around and figure out how to get a movie rolling... My guess is Maguire is not a good Producer, and isn't getting the backing he needs to make the film. Also remember, WB has the rights to use it, it means they only pay WHEN they use it. So there is no real incentive for them to push anything out fast.
  3. There's so much fail, we are gonna need a new word to convey the amount of fail.
  4. The designs are boring, and the whole series was an after thought. rather have them make every single valkyrie, in every single color scheme, for every single pilot and even the CF's before making one Mospeada toy.
  5. I watched Shadow Cronicels thanks to a friend... I'll never get that time back....
  6. That's funny you say that, that's actually where the industry is headed. There's a lot of companies moving into lighting that is pushing the boundaries Of toy lighting, Hell 3A has the Halo figures using fiber optic lighting. It's cheap now, plus ... Lighted cockpits? Nav lights.. Ha maybe someday.
  7. If they can keep it at the 300$ mark, they will suck casual collectors in. Anything more and it's going to limit the market to Macross enthusiasts only. I'm passing in many things I want this year, just to make sure I've got cash ready for this bad boy.
  8. I would, I got a Japan buddy who's willing to get it for me, and I won't have to 50$ friggin dollars for FedEx express.
  9. It's people returning them, I used to yell at the Manager when I worked at TRU (so long ago) for all the wrong crap that got returned with wrong figures, or padded with junk. People learned you can use clear 3M tape and it looks sealed. customer service doesn't have a clue either. Anyway, If I see one at the store, I might buy it. A lot of the Hasbro Stuff I've bought recently has all been crap. Generations Springer - legs wont stay together for Heli mode. Generations Sand Storm - head is so lose it won't look up, stress marks before It was even removed from the box. Prime Sharkticon Megatron - Floppy mess of crap, he can't stand up or hold a gun, right out of the damn box. So unless I see people saying wow, SW and AS are just as good as the takara versions, I could pass and not give a crap. I've got Prowl, Silverstreak, and Smokescreen on PO on HLJ, as far as I'm concerned I'm caught up on good TF's.
  10. I was sitting in traffic when I secured mine, and hate to say it, hitting the "confirm" buttons on my phone while on the entrance ramp to the free way ( kids don't text and drive, or buy Macross toys and Drive) Renewals from HLJ are serious bidness, I just happened to hit refresh at the right moment, honestly my phone was loading slow and I was screaming at it, cursing it to hell, figuring as soon as I hit purchase, I would get cart jacked. I think the only other Renewal I've been able to secure from HLJ is the VF-25A.
  11. I believe in one of the first major posts on Arcadia's FB page, they had said the neck cover was coming as an option part. from the pictures, it's the exact same function as the VF-19's.
  12. seriously, I paid for FedEx on Monday, wanting it before the weekend, and it's still not shipped. grr.
  13. I got a room with a dead bolt, and a full alarm system. If they want my collection, they're gonna have to work for it.
  14. It's Kyron, or the non-Robotech name of the exact same character, a Japanese name I wouldn't dare to type on my own.
  15. I meant just in general. So is there any real reason why Robotech is so disliked, I mean I have both The Macross Saga (Robotech) and SDFM. I see the obvious differences in story structure, but considering we have SDFM to DYRL, and Frontier TV / Frontier movies. Whats truly wrong with RT? * I mean Robotech as not including anything past the first war series.
  16. Who was even flying the VF-27's seen in the TV series, obviously Grace was using remote to pilot one, but there was at least 2 other CF's once with Berera, and another time at the end fight with Grace.
  17. I think the VF-4 Bar just got passed by this YF-19 mold. It's hard to imagine how much more perfect these things can get without sacrificing cost and or durability.
  18. 7/25 16:00 JP time. My guess is NY
  19. Well it wasn't used in DYRL, so maybe the TV versions will come with the chair
  20. Looks like the high speed mode was accomplished by moving the inner wing swivel forward, while swinging the wing back. Must be a tracked mounting point.
  21. This is definitely looking more like a 350$ range toy. I mean the 19P was 245$, this had got at least 10 more accessories.
  22. MSRP is actually 99$, TRU retail price is 120$ And according to Hasbro, all Transformers are made for 5-10 year olds. And seriously panic buying something at a 200% mark up before its even had a chance to hit shelves or even e-tailers is just dumb. I'm guessing those buyers aren't financial planners.
  23. A) honestly you're dumb to pay a 200% mark up at a currently at retail item. B) I have a feeling Soundwave will be easy to find.. Kids like jets, and big rigs. Not too many kids into cassette players. C) Hasbro MP's are always garbage, loose after a few poses, and just poor paint apps. After having the MP-10 molds and MP-11 in hand, it's night and day. If people are paying 300$ for a Hasbro MP that retails for 99$ Then I have lost all hope for humanity.
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