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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. Anymoon site says it is a 2.2. Last version of the Roy TV w/ Supers
  2. Damn that 89' is sexy. And Gakken I think you mean Bateman? Lol
  3. I like the LED visor, but hate everything else. it's too bad, I had a Roy and a Ben but eventually over time got rid of them
  4. As long as I don't have to hear Tony Oliver's voice again, It'll be almost watchable. I can't stand mo rick, it's like Tobey Maguire as peter parker... oh god and he's wanting to play Rick in the Live action movie. AHHHHHHHHHH!
  5. God this is just bad.. Zach Snyder + DC movie track wreckord + Ben F'in Affleck = A movie that would even make Michael Bay blush. I get it Snyder, lower the Exposure, raise the contrast, lower saturation, Skirt plot, and waive flow.
  6. Jesus, I swear the only reason why the Nolan movies worked is because WB/DC didn't give a flying crap about the Batman franchise. Then it succeeds, then WB/DC go " Yeah lets relive the awesome days of Batman forever, and Batman and Robin, and start throwing some real talent in there!, Like Affleck! yeah Affleck, Seriously, only a top notch self loving douche like Affleck could think he could up Bale's performance.
  7. Yeah, I'd buy this without even a thought, I hope when repaints become reality they dig into scheme's like these and not the only boring ones. Seems like more people would buy a Hasegawa scheme, then another already used scheme.
  8. I figured if it's going to be 150$ for Arcadia valks, then a 200$ yamato one with Fast packs ain't bad. I thought Rainbow canopy = shoulder bomb? now to find some casted option parts.
  9. Ha, there actually was a sniper on that auction but I'm one of the fastest draw's in the west.
  10. That was me, glad to know the seller is MW fellow! I've been waiting long time to have a chance at a TV Roy Super set. hopefully the Shoulders aren't pre-open cracked.
  11. Nice, I saw someone on a google search using that Expdite Case as the bottom and wanted to copy it but didn't know the name, thank god Ikea is only an hour away.
  12. Deculture! They can make a perfect transforming 3 mode screen accurate toy But can't make a smaller box. Enough with the displayed accessories! Does anyone even care what it looks like in the box? Ship it in foam like Bandai! Smaller boxes PLEASE!
  13. Why aren't we getting these in bundles, they were using fast packs for 90% of the movie.
  14. It doesn't get much better then this!
  15. From info gathered, Yamato still exists just not in the same spirit. They are still making boob statues and such. Arcadia seems to be a split off of the.. Better designers. Fewer paint schemes? On more valks right? Lol
  16. We don't know if that price includes Tenjin art work. If it does, then let the empty bank account year cometh.
  17. Acid Storms color looks so much better in person.
  18. After selling my pieces I wasn't thrilled with, I've come down to my very modest collection. I've basically have 3 Detolfs, one for each series I collect. One being Macross, two being Transformers, and three being 3A. The lower tiers are mainly just filled with CQ's, gashapon and Other small goods that are fillers. They are waiting for the next round! Obviously, I've got some room to full, but time to figure it out. Not in any rush! * of course this posts right after kicker saying he's ran out of room LOL!
  19. When's the next big announcing of product? I'm still waiting for the SOC shuttle reissue. Probably same day as something Frontier I'll need. Yikes!
  20. I'd be happy with a broken Triangle, my body swing arm just fell apart. It's definitely a different plastic. Shitty plastic.
  21. Nope, that's where the term cart jacking came from. Since people like to put things in carts and then leave the page. These companies are forced to use open carts. If there's one left, whoever checks out first is the winner. It's the name of the game with highly wanted low run toys
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