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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. Those soulless eyes and mouth wide open, I see it everytime I here "Instruments of Destruction".
  2. It's relevant because DC sucks. They destined for failure, whether its shitacular movies or giving Mattel toy licenses. The ONLY reason why the Nolan trilogy did well is because DC stayed away.
  3. It's just speculation, I'd like to get a salut hand for the yam/Arcadia valks to mimic.. One of the only nice things about the 1/72 kit.
  4. I think the 1/72 Kit's Batt mode is superior to the Yam/Arcadia one. but still suffers from odd Ger and fighter mode. I'd almost say I wish Arcadia would steal the more accurate transformation and slightly oversize the head And shield to look more like the 1/72 kit. At least with Arcadia we know the kinks are out of the production And it's a solid mold. Bandai still randomly has problems (VF-171 cannonF) That make me ponder diving into a new DX series.
  5. I'd expect Bandai to have more pull with BW than Arcadia. But seeing how the DX Chogkin line is "non scale". It's not going to be a licensing problem.
  6. Lets start a discussion on what to expect, as I'm betting we are going to get one of these after the 1/72 Roy is released. Frontier VF-25's are going to run thier course and Bandai is making money off the franchise's. It's obvious, and maybe connecting the dots that we will eventually Get a DX VF-1S/A So I'll start off, just like with the 25 renewals, they will use the 1/72 kits To iron out the problems and release 1/60ish versions with die cast. So what do you think? Love it? Hate it?
  7. We should all be flying to Kickers house to see the US version of the Macross museum.
  8. The real problem before with Yammy, was that at anytime you Could pick up 3 different Hikaru's, and 3 different Kakizaki's at the same time. That was bad merchandising. I get having TV vs DYRL, but release only one of each. At this point a Kakizaki would be a death nail for Arcadia. After these first two Fillers, they need to market correctly. YF-19 MTO (Made to Order) TV line: VF-1J Max Super MTO VF-1J Miriyia Super MTO ( include baby pod ) VF-1D w/ OP (and falling Hikaru and Minmay figures) MTO SuperStrike parts w/ OP and Stand ( retail ) (They can't produce enough of these!) SDF-1 TV version MTO 1/60 Regult Scout (web exclusive) Movie line: SuperStrike parts w/ OP and Stand ( retail ) (They can't produce enough of these!) 1/60 Regult ( complete model ) MTO SDF-1 Movie reissue ( with newer stand ) Web Exclusive VT-1 w/ OP and Hikaru, Minmay and Misa figures MTO VF-1S Max w/ OP MTO VF-4G FB2012 (web exclusive) After they make those, that are featured in the shows they are from. Then they can start worrying about the repaints. Also, how about this ya' boneheads... TV heroes set PVC 1/60 scale figures of Hikaru, Roy, Max, Kakizaki, Misa Gloval, Claudia and transport. Sorry, I'm just ranting. I'd think the most pivotal of roles valks need To be made first.
  9. I bought both sets of Armors. Fully expecting Bandai to eventually Release bundles as to not upset the Tamashii exclusives. Customizing the 25A with Ozma's Armor repainted.
  10. Arcadia Facebook says deadline to order is 12/1. Looks like this is being made to order. Still have no idea why they make DYRL valks without the FP's It's so damn pointless. They always had them, except Hikaru's VF-1A when he Heads into the SDf-1. That price is rough!
  11. What am I the Ray Finkle of Macross? The screws were in! They were in! One last one since I can't mess around being away from home. Also, if one of you wants a battle shot, I'll be glad to make one. Just make sure the picture Is clear.
  12. http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/menu.aspx?menu=2664 GO GO GO!
  13. But at least they are "transformers" so to speak. They have the right idea. Besides we shouldn't get mad, since America ripped off Macross and turned one end Into Robotack and the other into a Jetfire. I mean that's like getting mad that someone thinks Godzilla is that movie with Matthew Broderick. Yes Americans ruin all types of culture, especially Japanese, we who know just have to Remember that.
  14. Robotech, wasn't that a spin-off of Exo Squad?
  15. I think the Todd story is going to be the curve ball. I think Walts going to die by someone he knows, wether It's Jesse or Hank. Something like Todd is going to be back and town And the whole things is going to fall apart. I mean lets face it Walt deserves to die at this point, and I think Jesse will be The person who makes it out. After all, if you remember throught Out the series he really wasn't completely in love with any of it. I don't know, but as typical for BB, the show end with Jesse dumping gas in Walts house Was perfect, damn 7 days in the way!
  16. The only thing worse than reboots are changing of actors. Also Ben Affleck? A serious actor? Wha? He made two movies that Hollywood elites got Boners for and gave him some award. Those two movies Didn't actually set any records for sales. It's just typical overhyped Insider elitism that is normal Hollywood. The guy is a great cameo actor, but fails as a leading Role, he can't be taken seriously enough to be a crime fighting Veteran with scars deeper than most villains. He's never played a dark role, and Batman is truly a dark Character, to him justice, he will not. This isn't fan boy talking, it's someone looking at simple dynamics. If you're going to change a characters known actor, he has to be Better than the latter. Bale has proven himself in every role, serious, dark Intrigue, everything you name it. Affleck? Jay and Silent Bob? Armageddon? Rain deer games? No bro,
  17. God I love DarrinG's gun straps! My only regret was not buying more! And another nice thing is that the strap does not stick out In fighter or gerwalk. Fantastic, and if you ever go another round I am in for more!
  18. Damn, as much as I liked Robotech: the first Macross Saga Simply because it was dubbed in English, everything I've been reading Just completely turns me off to it. I'm sad that I've given any of these people money.
  19. Transformers doesn't need a reboot at this point. It just needs to be left alone. I'm a fan, but it seems to be as time goes on, the story Just gets muddled down and broken. I'm sick of having to Deal with multiple universes. A good writer doesn't need to create a new universe. Also, Michael Bay is a hack, the minute he said G1 vehicles couldn't Be realistic is the day his credibility for imagination died. And now we have a reboot inside a reboot.
  20. Ah, I read that link. If true, that's.. Kind of minimizing of the whole idea. Eh, I guess it's a mystery until someone records an awnser From him of the truth. If ever. Thanks for all the info tho guys!
  21. So is it basically saying that one could say DYRL Was a historically based movie on the SDF-1 triangle By movies makers after the disappearance of the Megaroad. Like "platoon" is to Vietnam? Right? But, that falls flat as a theory simply because the rest of The later Macross stories visually use the elements from DYRL Like Boldoza's ship and the SDF's. Plus I thought Kawamori said DYRL is just SDFM in a Movie format, it's the same story/ time. Just changed for theatrical needs (3 tier). Midnight ramblings...
  22. But I thought Bird Man was .. Well basically like a Movie based on the Shin story as its obviously based on their (Frontier's) history time line, since Mao was watching over Ranka as a child, talking about the one Who could speak to the wind or what not, those two interconnect those stories. Where as DYRL is supposed to be just a Movie version of the TV series, Where was it said that there's even a slight chance it's a fictional piece inside Of its own universe? I thought the end result is, Minmay saved mankind, Hikaru got with Misa, and then All three disappeared with the Megaroad. It just adds to the confusion because too me, Zero, Plus, 7 and Frontier all seem to connect thoroughly. Bleh, and anyway what the hell is the Birdman? I never quite figured out the point of that story.
  23. This guy needs help lol.. http://ghostlightning.wordpress.com/2012/09/11/yack-deculture-lynn-minmay-did-not-sing-do-you-remember-love/ He thinks DYRL is a fictional movie made inside Macross. Only his basis of theory is on watching Robotech, and never actually Seeing the TV series.
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