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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. I can't even sell mine for retail plus shipping. tis' a sad sad day.
  2. NY keeps sending me in stock updates on the VE-1 30th version. They must be finding old new stock. Wonder where!
  3. I was thinking about this the other day. It'd be cool if there was a connection between the Vajra and the Megaroad's disappearance . Granted if they survive Hikaru and Misa would be elderly. Still at least even coming across the remains Would be a cool timeline filler. But I Assume like with most of the series the next one will be completely different.
  4. LOL, ya know.. It's all ancient because HG isn't allowed to create any new macross stories. That's why anything new is from another series. That reason, and that reason only is why RT will always be recycled non-Macross filler. Why the vision failed, you can't jump in the ring with Ali because You think you can box. That's what Macek did. He got KO'd. And Knock'd off is exactly what he did to the story. Yune just adds to it by continuing to mix cartoons in last ditch efforts To keep the trademark from fossilizing. I can only cringe at what the future holds for this brand. Bubblegum Crisis will probably be the next exciting chapter of ROBOTECH!
  5. I'm not even going to assume the next episode. It's so open.
  6. So DYRL Max 1A worth 120$ ? http://www.betatoys.com/yamato-macross-robotech-vf-1a-1-60-max-jenius-valkyrie-movie-version.html Shipping a only 10$ too.
  7. I just read all this and realized I ended up buying a DVD rip a few months back with the old Fandub audio. The DVD was put together poorly, and the English Fandub is off quite a bit. I'd toss it in the trash, but the original Japanese dub is still a good watch. It sucks there's so many rip off artists.
  8. That's why TFsource usually gets me money's. Even though I have spent a astronomical amount over the years at BBTS. Enough to buy a cheap new car lol.
  9. I wonder what's holding up Prowl? HLJ originally said 8/31 and still does. Hope to see MP Wheeljack proto soon.
  10. Why no pics? Share the love boys!
  11. I think Yamato failed by making the Q's in colors of literally one screen shot in DYRL. IMO, they would have sold better being in Zen Green. People would have army built them.
  12. These..
  13. Maybe the Sheryl is out of the 2.0 line of figures like the Rei and Asuka figures? Like Arcadias version of Figma. Imagine articulated figures of Minmay, Sheryl, Ranka.
  14. Nothing can help Detroit! Politics aside, not a fan of the heavy Chinese input into the transformers franchise. I get it they want to make money, and they are our future overlords, but can we still get some Regular non foreign landscapes. Is it just me or does Hasbro like Chinese locations and paint jobs more than any other Toy company. Dinobots? My guess is Bay makes Grimlock and the like surfer characters. Teenage mutant dinosaur surfers, like Dinosaucers but only worse. Unless Greg Berger plays Grimlock, I will respectively not watch the movie. Megatron.. AGAIN? Ugh, I'm sick of hearing Agent Smiths synthesized voice. Plus, how many times can you resurrect someone? I mean Prime ripped off his damn Head. It just makes Meg's a weak character. Blah, and the new autobot designs look tacky. So much for robots in Disguise.
  15. The QnA Arcadia said they bought all the newer molds. So first, define "newer". Going off the last few years they have.. VF-1 (A/S/J/D variants) VF-4 VE VT VF-19 VF-17 And going off clearance sales, there's only a few that actually sold out at retail. I think if they want to stay sailing then they need to hit the ones that sold.. VF-4 VE-1 Then hit up the bad pieces that didn't sell because of breaking parts.. VF-0 Roy VF-0D Shin ( not as a CF because they don't sell very well) VT-1 VF-1D I know some of those might be old to the collectors, but all Arcadia has to do is add a tiny thing. VT-1 add a helmet less Misa and Hikaru figure, to the existing figures VF-1D add a falling Hikaru and Minmay figures to the existing figures Finally, someone needs to kick BW in the balls, we need that FB2012 VF-4G released! Sadly, on M and M sets, I remember them hanging around and hitting Hard clearance. Is there really enough people needing both to justify the risk? I mean if they were 200$ ea. I could see a chance, but most likely your looking at 250+ For a VF and supers now with the increased production costs.
  16. Looks like even the factory's send the samples in Yamato sized boxes lol!
  17. I don't remember which site, but somewhere at some point. There was evidence that Lucas's daughter wrote much of Episode 1. Including adding the wonderful Jar Jar. Plus another source close to Lucas said the original treatment Lucas wrote Was dark and ominous. More so than EP V.
  18. Lucas made the prequels for HIS kids. Hell I'd be more then happy with them going back to the Kenner style figures From 77-84 and making new characters using the same designer. Use better paint and make the vehicles chunky like the vintage. Because I'm not paying 20$ per figure.
  19. I bought one 3 months ago, trust me its a fixed version.
  20. I would be in financial trouble if all future Arcadia boxes came looking like that. It matches the Bandai renewal boxes on the shelf.
  21. That Kaki from HKC is in fact the 2.2 with fixed shoulders, clear canopy and fixed crotch.
  22. Saul is definitely one of the stand out characters of the show. Bob Odenkirk better start getting some more roles after this.
  23. 299$ free ship is the best price, BBTS lowest shipping price is 22$. So in reality the actual MP-10 from TF source is equivalent to 278$ Which isn't bad shipped. I went ahead and preordered one.
  24. I think Sauls going to either die, or turn on Walt. Saul is definitely not happy being Walts ally anymore.
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