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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. ROTF Leader class Prime, Brawl and Megatron will be the exception to the movie line. Most of the movie line will faulter and die as the movies progress and toy technology improves. However the leader-class toys with sophistication will probably be a thing of the past. They will certainly hold their value over time. That's rather elitist of you. Don't be fooled into thinking you can praise asinine behavior like paying a 300$ mark up on a MP grimlock, but say it's wrong to under pay by 12$ on a KO of the Sideswipe mold. Hasbro Asia is laughing all the way to the bank thanks to the elitist fools running around on the TF boards praising paying a huge mark up on what essentially is a 60$ mold. When it comes to these discussions it should always end with do with your money as you want. However don't say one side is wrong, when the other isn't. The KO companies are taking advantage of a market Takara didn't. Hasbro Asia is taking advantage of a market Takara didn't. only difference is, one is raping wallets, the other is helping. It's just capitalism at it's finest.
  2. It's Bandai, expect nothing! For all we know the next release is the YF-32 Kawamori Edition Bandai exclusive with Kawamori floating head figure.
  3. I will LOL at all the soundblasters that will be on eBay missing Ratbat.
  4. This must be the lull between storms, VF-25a hits Oct, RVF super parts hit Nov, and 29plus hits Dec. Perhaps the next announcement will come soon? End of the month?
  5. Yeah one of there stores is not trying to make money. At one point they had a 12,000 yen VF-1A super Hikaru. That said just opened, not even "damaged box"
  6. I forgot about Gale, Jessie isn't clean either. I guess everyone's fate is open. Although I still think Jessie deserves redemption. He got played ever since meeting Walt, Gale was to protect Walt. So it was done to save a friends life.
  7. HLJ sold them for 42$ and change on first release. It's purely stupid buyer syndrome that made them 160$ at the top of the frenzy. Shipping from HLJ was 12$ for EMS. So the added 30$ by E-tailers Stateside was to pay of middlemen and It's obvious Tak was actually selling these for anywhere from 28-35$ to Retail shops otherwise they wouldn't have been selling them for 43$ There's usually a 35-25% margin on this toys. And no it's not saying Bandai should sell 70$ valks. It's saying paying 200$ for a retail of 130$ is stupid. Especially before the market even exists for it. We should have learned with the VF-171cf. Raising prices In demand before knowing the supply just ends up deluding the end price.
  8. Mp-12 and 14 were 42$ in Japan. It's just buying from US retailers that mark up to 80$, that brought them to 100$ prices. Neither 12 or 14 are worth 100$. It's basically a deluxe sized toy with licensing. 45$ is the highest they should go for. And Takara made thier bed by making small runs. The KO companies are just following the markets. At least Some one does, because HasTak doesn't.
  9. I still say Jessie is the only survivor! I think Walts going to save Jessie from the Todd crew. Jessie deserves salvation, and Todd is an idiot that deserves to Eat worms after shooting the kid. Plus as I see it, once Nazi boy took Walts money and Hank, he's going to be hiesenberg'd before the Shows over.
  10. An improvement on MP-10 would be double jointed Elbows, or at least a full 180 degree elbow joint.
  11. I was wrong, I totally forgot Lucas's RVF-171 was an ex. Cannon fodder RVF-171 from movie and TV. Luca RVF-171 from TV (top corner) I hope we see that variant some day. I ordered another set of super parts for my last CF. Now to determine wether or not I buy Alto's supers!
  12. Maybe they should go the old school Taka style and Release a builder set, with parts to build a possible of three different ones. There's your technical transformation gimmick. However, as far as keeping Arcadia a float, the destroid a come after The VF-2SS for all I care. There's some much more needed things released. Seriously though.. Hello Mcfly? Anybody home? Why is there no Super Parts yet. Here's my money Arcadia, Come take it! All of it! Seriously! Just start pumping those bad boys out!
  13. Dude that mp-12 packs is bitchin'! Better open it up before one of the other 3P's just copy yours exactly and take credit for it.
  14. Most of the ones I've seen over the years that are non-30th had cracked shoulders.
  15. Yeah I have a feeling the 1D will see a release under Arcadia. It's the main reason I sold mine. Is there any difference between the 1D mold and the VT/VE?
  16. 1D's haven't been safe, so ...
  17. Luca's RVF-171 could be a Hero or a Cannon Fodder. Obviously in the Show he was a Hero and that's the the only time I believe we saw a R variant. In the Movie, the RVF-171 was shown a very few times, and they were all cannon fodders. I'd think it would sell. It would also complete team NUNS Alto.
  18. Looking at the pics, it looks like the parts are the same color as the Alto set.
  19. I need triangles and a main swing arm. But after taking mine down to pieces, I think all of these are going to die Agonizing grey plastic breaking deaths. The only good is that even with the breaks, fighter mode still looks ok.
  20. Prices are making thier way down. I'm happy to say I snagged a VF-4 for 40,000K Cheapest I've seen in a long time. I'm glad since I mistakenly sold mine for retail.
  21. Display case sooner. Wallet later.
  22. Prices are dropping! Seems like people are assuming VF-0 renewals and M n' M reissues!
  23. I'm betting Pre-orders open in December after they get out the other two releases. But yeah Feb/March for sure if not sooner. They look to be about two months from opening orders. That looks like the official pics will be hitting soon.
  24. Yikes! That would have been someone's nasty suprise... Too good to be true...
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