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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. Wow, I just the confirmation email, looks like I got the VF-1J. Wonder how much will be wrong with it for that price?
  2. Yeah, these are hardly toys. More like articulated models of Art. Toys look silly in display cases. Yamato/Arcadia valks look impressive enough To make your display collection look like a futuristic Aircraft museum.
  3. Thanks! It's actually a future Macross Hanger, but it's strangely also pretty decent For a TF background. Robots fit anywhere!
  4. Yeah, same here.. I'm seeing it as something VF-4 complex, but also including fast packs, missile sets, and two figures. For only about 60$ more than the VF-4. Plus as big of a deal this is, I'm betting a nice box maybe even Tenjin artwork. Plus until someone specifically says no stand, There's still a chance for a stand.
  5. I don't know, every single time I've ordered from NY on a in stock item. It has shipped same day or next day. Every preorder has always shipped the same day I get The "preparation in progress" email. HLJ always ships fast for me unless there's a big sale going on.
  6. I got Soundwave in today. I can feel that poor Hasbro quality looseness ness right away. Still can't complain because of the cassettes. Even made a quick Dio "The interrogation of Tiger Tracks" Rumble ... Frenzy.. Rumble whatever! "The bigger they are, the harder the fall!" TT just waiting on Prowl for the rescue. Heh heh TT.
  7. Did anyone watch Conan tonight with the whole cast? Seems like jonathon was a very akward interview.
  8. They already said it, both the Roy and Hikaru are made to order. The VF-1J was not.
  9. It's made to order, preordering it will be a breeze. Buying it after the fact maybe VF-4 difficult on the 2ndary. Definitely in for one.
  10. Both sets of armors shipped. Slow shipping though so I'll be watching for pics from people who shipped fast.
  11. Heisenberg is back for the last time? There's a lot of loose ends to deal with for one last episode. Also, Saul walked away which means his spinoff could be post Heisenberg and May include any survivors on the next weeks episode.
  12. Looks like I'll get my MP Soundawave tomorrow, snagging it for 119.99$ with free shipping was hard To pass on. Plus I'll finally get to pose Frenzy in the "no one calls Soundwave un-charismatic!"
  13. They are going to want to stay as close to that 30,000 yen mark as possible. Comparatively the VF-4 would have had a small run order. Where as the YF-19 is one of the few Macross valks outside of the VF-1 That North America recognizes. I expect the numbers will be higher and people buying more than one. Also I'd expect some of the robotech fans who saw plus to end up buying one.
  14. Preorder is gonna be opening soon, looks like they are finishing up the Stock pics for release.
  15. I'm shocked about Hank still. There's no walking away from killing two federal agents In any scenario. Not sure what the Uncles plan was with killing Hank. ...and thinking Walt was "good" with the aftermath of killing Hank. I'm crossing my fingers all the rednecks get a proper end. especially Todd.
  16. Yeah there was interview somewhere stating they had gotten the rights for Bumblebee and Jazz through a apparent Long time TF fan that's been hired recently for PR. They also said the sponsors of the Wheeljack body and Sunstreaker apparently We're found and Tak given the thumbs up to go whatever as the design rights are long Gone. I don't think they can make a "Good" Ultra Magnus. His trailer is great for a cartoon, but lacks real car ramps. I never liked the g1 trailer as a kid, and not since. It needs to be useable and practical enough to warrant it. Personally after WJ and Sunstreaker I'm hoping we get a Build by figure combiner MP. Designer said Bruticus would be first. The idea would be to release a new figure every 3 months until the combiner is complete. I'd be down!
  17. Gakken- I hope you realize it's just discussion, I'm not actually targeting you. More of the guys I used to argue with on the TF boards. I pay for Tak stuff, if it's worth it. MP-12 was worth 50$ ( what bought it for ) But not 160$ ( at the frenzy ). Honestly I don't think it's worth 80$. HLJ now shows 9/26 for Prowl! Could it be finally?
  18. I'm feeling stupid, what's the trick to getting the Battroid adapter for the stand to lock in. The figure just pops out and leans forward. It's bad enough the Battroid mode doesn't lock into place, But the stand actually creates more slop with the little bit of lock It actually gets.
  19. I'm just saying the launch arm is a pointless accessory. Just make the stand, and make a new arm accessory that attached to the super parts. At least make it look show accurate. Otherwise just come up with a new stand, a somewhat slimmer one.
  20. I hope they make a new stand, the launch arms were stupid since they were upside down. The Super Strike parts will be getting rereleased, as there has already been Tweeted pics of their development.
  21. I just got my Alto 171 super parts from NY, Now I'm even more excited for the CF parts coming next week!
  22. No matter what movie he is in, Trejo will always be Johnny 23. and for a Rodriguez film, Machete was just not up to par. This definitely won't get any better. Until he beats the awesomeness that was Once upon a time, I'll be waiting.
  23. I'm shocked they want to kill the A-10. Now they are saying the AF is going to axe KC-10's, F-15C's, and CSAR Helo's as well.
  24. Oh man, who would be the companion to Ratbat? Overkill or Slugfest? I hope Soundblaster doesn't kill off chances for Blaster.
  25. Apples to Oranges man. If the MP seekers had detailed cockpits, full length working Landing gear and alternate modes, they would probably be more.
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