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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. That green, pea green, baby crap green. Ugh, I hope it's better in person.
  2. I don't know, his arms are limited in articulation, it's very hard to get a good solid double handling Gun pose. I dunno, just ain't right. Although I maybe judging harshly since he's next to some valks.
  3. Ha! I sent you a PM man. T'was not the only one!
  4. I'm thinking I should start a new thread called "skullmilitia asks MrK" Asked MrK about Super Strike parts. His response was they will come out after The VF-1 line has been extended. So it obviously means there's more paint versions Coming out!
  5. Man, I think I don't like MP-10, I've been hovering over the sale section all day. There's just something I don't like about him. If I sell it you think 270$ is a fair price for a Takara version without The stand or coin?
  6. Sometimes having answers too soon hurts the fan base lol!
  7. This is my post office delivery of the day:
  8. When asked about the VF-4 be released again.. His second post sounded like they have the mold but not ready to produce yet. This is all great news!
  9. The Yamato suit retailed at 85$, so that's what should be expected!
  10. Yeah I see that. Sucks but the way he said, seems like it confirms they have the mold!
  11. We need some more pictures pronto, otherwise I'm naming this Thread the Gakken gawk thread haha. I'll post something later I got today just so I'm not a hippo-crate.
  12. In a perfect world we'd have a site with dedicated pages for each individual release. Which would help with valks that suffer from issues. I'd gladly volunteer to help make a site like that. Even if Jenius wanted to expand and give pages, making it into a vault of info. Maybe even offer donations to keep the site expanding to be the end all visual guide to Every macross toy release. Imagine an anymoon with every toy made, with individual pages for each item. It's nerd lust! I love Anymoon either way, it's the best of its kind. And another thanks to you Jenius for the work you put into That site, knowing you don't have to.
  13. I just watched plus and the 19 looks a little lighter tan than the prototype. It's all relative though.
  14. If it is, keep your pre-order with BBTS for now, other than the sound wave fiasco they usually honorPreorder price. If this is a Takara release, and it's available in Jan, then PO's for Japanese stores should Open no later then the end of the month. It's normally a 3 month window. Still, something doesn't feel right.
  15. According to MrK on twitter, they are changing the final color of the YF-19 to a more white, and not so much yellow. Due to comments given to them.
  16. I want a RVF-171, but would be hesitant after the last 171.
  17. MrK just responded to my question about the VF-1S Roy release. I don't think I can translate it properly.. Sounds like he's saying no special packaging for the non 30th valk. I don't get the "selfish" part, if anyone can translate that better please.
  18. I see what you're saying, but honestly, with 1/6 figures hitting 275$ for a glorified GIJoe figure with lights Does a full transformable, painted, assembled and fully articulated model of an aircraft sound crazy at the same price? When people are paying near 400$ for 1/6 scale accessories, I don't see how 300$ for a PE YF-19 with full payload Is expensive. It is relative though, 300$ to me is mid level to me. I consider 500$ to be the upper tier for collectibles. If a 1/60 Monster came out at 500$ it would be a pondering piece.
  19. Yes he did.. His response to me asking about enemy mecha like the glaug or Regult coming to fruition.
  20. Freaking HS, I paid on Friday and they just now tell me I paid.
  21. Comparatively, with all the extras, it's not that expensive. VF-4 was 280$ and didn't even come with a gunpod.
  22. Yeah S1 was the epic for sure. But AMC got rid of the real talent, so it's been slagging behind comparatively With other shows. I'll still watch it, but it's what it once was. Kirkman even said that Andrew Lincoln IS the walking dead. So it's forever the Rick show. Which is fine, Lincoln is awesome.
  23. Yamato is not the same Yamato as it once was. Team split off from Yamato and started Arcadia. MrK is with Arcadia, Arcadia acquired several molds from Yamato Including the VF-1 and SDF-1. The future is still questionable, but brighter.
  24. There's both. Plus... YF-25 YF-30 I really hope they do the YF-25, it's so beautiful!
  25. And who thought Debris would be a bigger, badder and more terrifying monster than any Sci-Fi villain.
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