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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. Right spin-off shows. The new norm. I have low hopes because once again AMC have become yes men to Kirkman. Kirkman is responsible for the firing of all the original EP's including Durabont ( death of the suspense). Ya know, maybe I'm spoiled, but the fact that the main characters get attacked (Michonne by two walkers with no weapons in hand) Always fight off walkers, that could easily move thier head and bite the crap out of her but don't. Yet any non main characters can't fight Off a teenage sized zombie without taking a bite is just Highschool B-movie horror film nonsense. I had higher expectations for this show from your typical Horror flick. It just feels cheap, don't bother having your story show an attack if it looks too easy. Both the male and female zombies were holding their necks straight. It's cheap and pointless.
  2. We already know Supers are coming, the cad designs and the prototype of a reaction missile were posted on MrK's twitter. He just confirmed they will be more expensive. So the days of 55$ sets are over. I also have gotten the idea that they aren't licensing full titles. It seems like from his answers that they buy licensing model specific. Which also, he has said they have yet to get licensing for the SDFM stuff yet.
  3. You gotta get a finger nail under the attachment point.
  4. Andrew Lincoln is the walking dead. I don't think there will be a show after him. Regardless of the idea that no one's safe. TV shows can't ran like comics. Rick is the central Character and will always be. If Kirkmam decides that he knows more about TV show writing than Veteran show Writers ( que all of the talent fired or let go ). Then let him kill the show off. For me the show is stale. It takes a entire season to change settings. The Prison should have ended last season, but I guess it's time to really just let It slowly progress into 6 more episodes of the prison falling apart and no one making any real Decisions.
  5. It's still slow, and predictable. It's obvious the worms are eating the dead corpses under ground they are burying, then feeding the infected worms to the pigs, then the BBQ had the infected meat. But I suppose when the characters figure it out it will be after Rick sees Shane's ghost. The Gubn'er randomly snipes Glenn and the baby gets sick and becomes the first infant zombie. I really don't know why I keep watching and filling Kirkman's hack pants.
  6. Yes, he's got one left. I forgot I had eBay bucks so I only paid like 350$. Worth it to me. I've been searching for one for almost two years.
  7. I still love the 1A, I do need a 1S to have the end scene from DYRL.
  8. I just spent 400$ on a sealed VT1 v2. Well 389$ shipped. Feels like I just had sex with a hot dominatrix. Ouch but yeaaaa.
  9. At the behest of Gakken, I decided to mess around with MP-10... " I detect Decepticon presence!" "Autobots! Be on Alert, it could be a trap..."
  10. As much as these suck QC wise, they are still bad ass! I hope they do a RVF-171, and find better plastic.
  11. CDJ has this on sale for 110$, but the cheapest shipping option they give for the US is 50$ for Sal Registered. Followed by EMS at 55$. If it hits 110$ at HLJ I'll probably grab one.
  12. So yeah, Metroplexual fits in the detolf, just takes up two FULL cubes. Arms down obviously lol. He's stupid big, if I was still living in apartments this thing would be too damn big. Thinking about putting a collar on him with a bark machine and putting in front if the door. He's bigger than my 18 month old!
  13. There's even one on mandrake for 200$.
  14. I've bought six, and all I can say is, I can't wait for someone to release some multi line stands. Not only do you have to worry about paint fade, but they are still fairly ugly.
  15. They are still 200$ on eBay lol.
  16. I fixed my nuns piece on my broken one only to have the elbow loosen so bad it won't hold up the arm. Even after tightening the screws. This is truly Bandai's joke machine.
  17. Delivery date is next week! PW is waiting on him!
  18. There was one on mandrake this week for 20,000 yen. So like 208$ USD.
  19. I asked about Macross the Ride. Although I'm sure it will be the same response about licensing. Still, make us all poor.
  20. I took a picture of one of the customs workers in L.A. on lunch earlier..
  21. Have I ever told you guys how much I hate LA customs? I think they hired Turtles to process the customs enforcement.
  22. MrK said 2014, just working on the licensing. Still a good deal Dapro!
  23. There will be more VF-4 repaints at some point. They have the tooling for it. But I would suspect from MrK's responses, new models will be 1, maybe 2 per year. The rest being fillers like VF-1 releases. I think the future holds hope for just about anything. It all hinges on current items selling, and licensing agreements. I am beginning to think the reason we didn't get the VF-4 FB2012 edition Is because there's hardly anything licensed from FB2012. Probably had nothing to with the whole "big west says there isn't a battroid shown, so they won't let them make it"
  24. From the response it sounds like the Chronicle link stayed with Yamato.
  25. They had to sucker punch him just like they did in the TV show. Poor Hayao! Just like its ridiculous that Max beats Miriya then (after the zentran and meltran warring for thousands of years) And a 1 minute dog fight, Just struts into the hanger and repaints a Q-R in blue.
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