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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. I'll tag that bet! Ha. Who wants against?
  2. Looks like I'm in for 2, what a great birthday I will have, all thanks to me.. and Arcadia lol.
  3. How in the hell.. I wonder if RK will have pre-orders. Otherwise is eBay. Blah, stupid limited crap.
  4. Carol brings in the female viewing audience that's too old to care about Daryl. They won't kill her off. Ratings always win potential deaths. As a coworker told me "There's way too many black people on the show" which while edgy is pretty true to this show. Three means one is going to go soon. Probably going to be the Pastor, even though I think he is a redeemable character. Since it seems Tyrese's Sister has finally calmed down. Michonne is safe, because they like ratings.
  5. Mars is awesome, as it's continually evolving our basic understanding of what can exist in different places. Even salty water on the surface at all, is bloody amazing. There could be under ground caverns with flowing water, and even algae using the core's warmth deep below. If they can for sure find water, then they can harvest oxygen, and Carbon Dixoide which would make a manned mission to mars last longer, and be much cheaper.
  6. Thats what I said a long time ago. From what i had heard, myself from digging around is that FB2012 is a clusterf***. Apparently some of the artists and song writers hold a piece of the pie. Not just a matter of coops between studios. Thats the best i could do with limited language knowledge. It was enough that i stopped digging.
  7. The Empire wouldnt have had every asset at DS2, it would be easy to ascertain that a high level imperial took over, and created a more advanced "first order". The fact that Ties have rear gun seats and now shields, mean someone cunning is behind the rise. I still think the current games play right into the real story, The Empire controlled the media, the media denies the rebels were sucessful. Maybe Vader had a secret apprentice, and Kylo became Master just by mere destruction of the Sith Lord. Its more realistic that the galaxy would be in more turmoil, especially with no real republic, no real law faction, and some much territory being controlled by the Hutts and Maldorians. If you're to go off Star Wars Uprising, most of the planets post conflict are all ran by scavenging cartels and salvaging gangs.
  8. Star Wars Uprising is leading to FA, and the story line seems to say that the history since Yavin, have been hidden from the public. Its really making the FA look like what its looking to be.
  9. I would be willing to say, it's a sign we won't be getting any other schemes, and that besides this being a good sell for Arcadia. Might just be the only color variant they are allowed to do. Talking about licensing issues, the only license VF-4 FB2012 product I remember was the Bandai 1/44 gashapon. So Bandai might have got some sort of grip on FB2012, keeping it from being used else where. Either way, I'm excited to get another one, or two at retail.
  10. Classics Prime, and MP Prime are probably the best incarnations. It's hard to beat their accurate, yet fun factor.
  11. BTTF 2015, is basically an alternate universe where Social networking never happened. The Trillions spent on social sites, phones, and devices went into attractions, vehicular travel... and well pretty much everything else that's not "what I had for lunch today" At least that's the theory we came up with.
  12. I'm interested in who blew the Horn, was it the wolves, or the kid of the guy Rick killed. Rick is full blown Shane now. It's one of the best ironies of the show. I almost wish they would have bannished Shane, so he could reappear later down the road when Rick knows Shane was more like what he is now.
  13. It looks like an updated B-wing, but i dont think its a spoiler lol
  14. One of the best trilogies in film. Silly or not, they were very good at continuity and staying loyal to the character plot points.
  15. Well he said pre-orders start at the end of the month, but it's general release so I'd say there will be no problems pre-ordering.
  16. being a straight reissue I think it's safe to say this will end up being under 300$ usd, if not right on with the VF0's hitting around 280-290 ish.
  17. Preordered both, im down for these two.
  18. I'm going to buy one, if not two this time around. But the box improvement helps the spending allocation. I regret selling my VF-4, but no RAGRETS! lol
  19. Dissapointing if its the VFX scheme. But at least the box will look bitchin'
  20. If anything, if Arcadia does this right, it will fatten thier accounts, and enable new molds. The original was reopened 3 times for additional pre-orders. They know its popular. The scheme needs to be epic to knock it out of the park
  21. I'm going to guess they are going to try and stay at, or just slightly below 300$. I think a 400 MSRP is too much, and it will be way to much if it's the same paint scheme. 300 or under, and consider one sold. However, if I remember my old messages with the K man himself, they were waiting on something for the VF-4, and it was a licensing thing, so it might be a new scheme. Hopefully BW figured out the FB2012 issues, and gave them permission.
  22. For those worried about price, its esentially just a reissue, whereas the VF-0 was a new mold. Id expect the same 300,000 yen price range on this, so upper 200$ area.
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