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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. Agreed, it's also just a standard 25' with a Dish and radar fin, where as the VE-1 is a completely different air frame from the VF-1 and has unique super parts. The VE-1 is a beautiful baby!
  2. I asked about box art and he ignored me, so who knows.
  3. Na, they paid for that licensing if it's coming here, they're gonna keep them. I get Bluestreak today! and Prowl, but I'll make sure to post some photos tonight With the team.
  4. When's the next normal announcement window? Macross got the shaft this show.
  5. If it's more than 30$, say hello to the first lingering shelf warmer.
  6. <- watches Ozma secondary prices start to climb again.
  7. No way in hell they change charge that much, that's how much Roddy was , but bigger and more accessories.
  8. Going on past Tak-Has releases.. Tak MP-10 = 260$ Has MP-10 = 130$ Tak SW = 120$ (+ cassettes = 30$ x 2 ) 180$ Has SW = 120$ Tak SS = 52$ Hasbro's Sideswipe should be no more then 20-25$
  9. And our wallets to depression!
  10. It's only 4:40 am right now, give them time to wake up lol!
  11. My guess is Trex, Tank, Bomber Hasbro doesn't get much more creative. Anything but a nerf gun.
  12. Well, I wouldn't mind Transmetals Meg's, but yeah, big ass tank Meg's works for me.
  13. Holy mother.. Leaderclass generations?!! Jetfire??? RAT TRAP!! Damn, I might be buying some Takara versions!
  14. Nice pics TC! Still, I want Tornados. Lol
  15. Yamato stuff is definately not hitting rock bottom. Rock bottom was 1.5 years ago when HLJ was selling brand new DYRL valks for 60$-80$. They're now around 120-140 including shipping. Do don't go to crazy, the prices will deflate as more product is released.
  16. Arcadia retweeted it, and it includes two other live pre-orders, so..
  17. - Arcadia
  18. What I don't get is the Music from Sunshine has been in legal limbo for years, hence there's no "official" soundtrack. Yet someone seems to be selling the main title track around. It's also been used for Sports. I love Sunshine. Sorry, back to the topic.
  19. Arcadia tweeted that a commercial sample of the YF-19 will be on display And that reservations close 11/4
  20. Gerwalk is.... Poop
  21. They just added faux details. I'll have my Bluestreak and Prowl Friday! Can't wait!
  22. 25A is definately my favorite 25 now, sorry Ozma.
  23. HLJ 's photos are just prototype pics, and not the final version. Arcadia's twitter updates would be official. The tampos extras make the price seem good.
  24. Is Macross II a problem because it was distributed in the states? I thought his answer to someone asking on twitter about the VF-2SS was Hard to get licensing.
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