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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. VF-9 would be a huge win, legs seem to have a lot of animagic though.
  2. We can only hope it's a Tamashii exclusive. It will tell us their future plans. It's the sell the first one normal, we should expect repaints. If they sell it as a Tamashii exclusive, still expect repaints but with the caution it might be a one time deal.
  3. Still don't get the green on the engines, is the dude eating himself? Hopefully he's got the sharp points like MP-11.
  4. Interesting, MP-11A designation seems to say yes.
  5. Ah man, even the repaints are buying worthy. Hopefully Bandai will respect our wallets and.... Ha!
  6. I'm not trying to discourage, I'm just saying.. I'm a higher class kinda complainer. I'll wait for Bandai's pretty pics to rip it apart like a Grizzzly finding a toddler!
  7. It's just crap cell phone pics taken against the rules. We don't even have clear pictures to antagonize.
  8. It's funny we're critiquing what's essentially a pirated photo. I'm not talking about any improvements or comments on the model Until there's official pictures.
  9. It was in the search for macross, and for 1:60. It was just way way back in the results. A ton of people passed on it. That's the only reason why I said be cautious.
  10. Ah, if only one of those Marines had a copy of the M7 soundtrack. DYNAHMIYT!
  11. With Bumblebee getting greenlit from VW, it's assured Jazz will be coming to reality. Since VW owns Porsche group.
  12. Must have fighter now!
  13. The missile pod makes more sense than Brera's sniper rifle.
  14. The first time I've ever heard mecha fans complaining about too much, to big stylized weaponry.
  15. Only question is, where's the packaging pics. I had a hard time translating his response on wether it Comes with a slip cover.
  16. I'd be careful, it's nearly on the last page of the entire search listing. a lot of residents in JP have passed on it, while higher priced ones have sold. Still never had a issue with Mandarake orders.
  17. It's been there for a while, makes me wonder why.
  18. Why no official pics Bandai! Why you no want my money?
  19. To be fair, they are based on two different versions of the Monster. They are not meant to be the same.
  20. He needs his own art book. His stuff is just.. Too good.
  21. Finally got around to my loot. Welcome Z brothers! I was most interested in Prowl, but in hand, I like Streak better. Articulation is at a new level.
  22. I'm almost finishing Black Lagoon: Roberta's blood trail. God it saddens me this is it for the foreseeable future.
  23. Rodimus was the twice the size, 4 extra accessories and a target master for 65$ It was online for awhile, I mean days. No way can tiny MP-12 mold be justified on a retail shelf for less than 35$ Even Thundercracker was 60$ and he's bigger than Rodimus. Also, the KO market on these gave a lot of collectors the chance to already Own it. For Hasbro it's too little too late, and don't be greedy with an already saturated Secondary market.
  24. Focker custom Gundam?
  25. It's old chunkies
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