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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. The wings are the wrong tan as well!! Lol
  2. It's kinda stupid, I mean any entry level photoshop person could make something better than that. There's no Animators they could pay for a decent art cover?
  3. Ozma rescues Ranka from the research fleet that the Vajara destroy. I thought the main difference between the two is Ranka's mother was given the virus by Grace, Ranka was born with the fold bacteria Already inside her, which put them in the correct spot (gut). Sheryl was infected as a child by Grace, and that's why it's killing her, because the bacteria is not in the right location. Also Ranka's memory only shows a small ship being destroyed, not the Research groups SDF class ship which is shown in the series.
  4. For the other DX's.
  5. I hope that stand is going to be released seperately.
  6. My wife used to scowl at boxes from Japan, and that's why she's just a temp roommate now haha.
  7. Well, whatever this new one is will be for a 15' release. 14' will probably be filled with VF-1 releases, maybe a 19' repaint.
  8. The question is, is that the sleeve or the box. The box might be the same as the 1J and just be white the a nice Logo and product name. Either way, it's nothing to be sad about.
  9. Damn it, I forgot! I blame the Turkeys!
  10. I'm guessing that's specifically for Americans lol, there's a lot of dumb A ones out here. Same reason they slow their (Japanese) cars down for the US markets lol!
  11. It's a VF-0 mated with a VF-11 ankles. I don't want that from Arcadia though lol.
  12. NY has the RVF-25 Super Parts in stock now. I paid for FedEx so hopefully I can get them next week.
  13. The other night on "the Goldbergs" they had a shot inside the kids room, and I'm pretty sure there was a chunky munky up on a shelf. Same episode they show a close up of the old GIJoe Flagg carrier.
  14. It's hard to imagine a good box look, with a model that was never seen without the strike parts! It should be in batt mode holding a beer.
  15. The V1 is just a huge floppy mess. As soon as you pick the thing up the wings detach from the hip, and the hip / intakes droop. Nothing locks worth a crap. I guess having VF-1 V2's and VF-19's ruin the old Yamato's. It still looks good gear down though. * I bought it in perfectly good condition, I broke the neck mounts trying to transform it. Guess I tool the V2 strengths for granted lol*
  16. You should, the mold got dumbed down as far as I'm concerned.
  17. Thanks VA! Gonna order them this week! I paid 100$ for it, figured it'd be worth that, I'm still iffy on that lol. Definitely appreciate the VF-19 now. Glad that I PO'd the new one!
  18. It hasn't been done yet, it's the second most iconic mecha from macross next to the VF-1. It sells to Macross and Robotech fans. Instant double dip. Just sayin!
  19. Mecha item could be anything. Different taste would mean non valk? Destroid? Enemy Mecha? SDF-1 TV?
  20. I hope they make a Roy in the same scale as Hikaru!
  21. That or the intake lip lol.
  22. I thought That piece was for the VF-19's?The glue worked but it's in forever fighter mode. Which is fine because every other mode is a floppy failure.
  23. I just hope they stick to packaging that matches each other. Like Bandai, I like my boxes to match so they could also be displayed. Hell even the 1J's box would be fine in matching white. Although I wish Arcadia could just have Tenjin do all the box arts lol. Would make the boxes have value in a display.
  24. I'd pack it the same way for 30$ lol! At least the goods inside are cool.
  25. If we are going off that pic, Isamu is black, and his finger nails are matte.. Just saying..
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