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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. I did but I don't see any info on pricing people are referring too.
  2. So I've been trying to source all the music in DYRL between the DYRL score and the SDFM score. I've got it all laid out as far as which tracks are shared... But one. Anyone know what song is being used when the Gravity fails during DYRL?
  3. Mine just shipped lol. See ya on Monday.
  4. Don't jump too quick, BBTS said both MP-10 YOTH and King Starscream are becoming Retailer exclusives in 2014. BBTS also said they'll open preorders in Janurary, and MP-10 YOTH with clear trailer will be 120$
  5. The red neck solider dude is his new little puppy (Merle)
  6. Eh, they both have fairly similar articulation. I've gotten the same poses. My only complaint in Yamato/Arcadia Is more Ankle tilt for ger. That said, I'd like more hands too. DX got the fun there. Everyone suffers from no waist though!
  7. I have the firm belief that if your easily offended you should stay Off the internet lol. Here's the common reaction to offended people on the internet seeing boobs..
  8. I would say the tank will give the true intentions. If he truly wants the prison to protect his new family, the tank will just be a symbol of power. If he actually has it shoot at the prison, than everyone was a pawn in his revenge scheme and I'd be will to be his end will come soon. If not next episode, then the mid season opener. However his character is becoming comic book in that he's indestructible, so maybe he'll just keep killing groups, and returning lol.
  9. Yep there was a couple times I took a double take ha!
  10. I'd be interested. You should also figure in 1/48 scale Yamato's to open up more orders and make your self some more doh. Then kick it into high gear with a 1/60 one.
  11. I'm getting tired of the Gov's invincibility. The redneck dude should have said sure then shot him in the back after what he did. Either way his always escape, kill all with no retribution is getting old. I suspect we are going to eventually run into the Preacher and his hordes here soon. That is whenever the Prison climax is reached. Either way, one episode then nothing till Spring. Damn you mid seasons!
  12. Oh jeez! He made stealth? And I thought TFATF , XXX and the third mummy was the worst of it. I was wrong.
  13. From conversations on Twitter it sounds like FB2012 as a whole is a license with issues. It also sounds like the "not all modes shown" was just a cover for failing to acquire it. As was said before, they already had the VFX license.
  14. OMG it's Star Trek Transformers Renegades video copliot super trailer! Seriously, looks like a student project.
  15. Na, I wouldn't want them to get profitable and go all Yamato again. I feel the snark in your comment, but regardless Yamato/Arcadia has never Had a "Good" box design excluding the Tenjin box. At least Bandai has a Set pattern with the renewals, so even with different colors the boxes all match perfectly. Is it so much to ask for a decent box?
  16. Honestly, the box would be better without the toy. It's literally the pose MrK took awhile a go on twitter. Even Bandai's product shots are in the least, a selling point.
  17. Yea, I did! I didn't think I would, my bid was super low figuring it would go crazy the last few seconds. I really wasn't sure I wanted it because there's a chance of an Arcadia release.
  18. Honestly if they had just copied the 1J's un-sleeved box, with just nice lettering and product photos on the sides. I'd be more happy.
  19. Is a VF-0A Ghost bundle MISB a good deal for under 200$?
  20. Hrm, really? I mean if that's a decent media art for product, then I've been down selling my PS abilities lol. Either way, I would have done something better for free if it meant getting a decent box. Even a local Artist could sketch a Valk that would do a better job than that. It just looks cheap. It looks like 4 images, some font and Glow. That's a 10 minute job in PS. Hell someone tell MrK to open up submissions!
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