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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. Damn, I forgot about the Falklands!
  2. MrK already said the fast packs aren't in the line up yet, so maybe mid 14' or later.
  3. That's what Magnus gets for being a parts-former!
  4. Call me ignorant but is there anyone actually out to hurt South America other than political opposition or cartels? That would actually cause a dog fight?
  5. Sorry, they aren't Bandai's, VF-19's don't just crumble out of the box.
  6. I asked MrK about selling the stands and he said along the lines of, "I think we will sell them, please wait for future news" So there's that!
  7. It's essentially a pre-built model? I don't understand the reference? Oh I get it Toy: Model: Wat?
  8. Any left over stock is just cancelled orders. VF-1J will be around forever, as it wasn't popular and was normal mass production Numbering. I think the new VF-1S's will be highly sought after in the future. If Arcadia releases all the DYRL models in the new white, these limited ones Will eventually be in demand by new collectors. I just hope they break into some new territory and hit on 1/60 accessories like Figures, maintence crews and vehicles. I mean just release the Destroid crew figures in A set. I've tried to ask MrK but my translations fail him.
  9. And here I'm hoping they create a MP Diaclone line with riders!
  10. I never read the comic, and I'm glad, the first movie was pretty snoozy, agreed Hit Girl was the only good part. I was annoyed by the Sunshine OST music being used. I doubt I need to even watch this one on redbox eventually. Speaking about Jim Carrey, his relevance ended after Cable Guy. He deserves the unilateral disregard as much as his old squeeze McCarthy Who's a wack job.
  11. I swear without Nolan DC is a theatrical flop machine. Is there anyone there that has a brain not firmly implanted in their colon?
  12. Honestly I don't give a crap about the color, but yeah, the blue canopy I kinda like over the clear.
  13. I'm definitely glad I got Roy, he's good on his own. Just debating on Hikaru now.
  14. No news until winter fest according to Mr.K.
  15. I'll take one just like that, kit form!
  16. I just had a nerdgasm when I opened my FedEx delivery.. God he's perfect! I can't wait to snag ol' Waspy and Rat Trap! Best part I paid 16$ shipped thanks to HTS promo codes!
  17. There's a book coming out showcasing the g1 box art.
  18. It's ageless, a true measure of design brilliance.
  19. Did Hot Toys finally fix the wrists in regards to IM so he can actually hold his palm at 90 degrees? That was one if the reasons I sold off my War Machine and Mk3. I'll come back if they did. Looks like they're making a IM3 War Machine 6th scale. I'm all over that.
  20. RIP! Anyone know where some of his photos are, should post them in retrospect.
  21. Yeah Hot Toys secondary prices are more insane then anything else out there. I remember before the reissue the Tumbler was 2K$ Now they are just sitting around for the most part. Macross has nothing on the absurdity of Hot Toys prices.
  22. M7 had its good moments, Zero just had good mecha pron, and Frontier completely moved away From the song defeating enemies. Now we sing to fold with aliens. I'd say at this point, either overhaul SDFM with new tech animation. Get Mishimoto to go MTF style, and tell Kawamori to stick to the designs and Less on story model.
  23. skullmilitia

    acrylic risers

    Best place would be a local store fixture place.
  24. Yep, the struggle to unite Earth under one banner was a good story and should be told ... Better. The Bird Human was stupid, and turned what seemed like a very not Macross like series into just another Weird anime show. How Kawamori went from the fun of M7 to the absurd of Zero is beyond me.
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