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Everything posted by skullmilitia

  1. I got mine today, what a beautiful model in all modes, definitely the best coloring so far. Sadly, it still wasn't perfect, one intake cover won't stay attached, it just falls out. Hips are better than the 29's before it.
  2. It seems like a Dick move for Basara to just leave Ray behind in the end. Like real really. He takes the kid under his wing, gets him a custom prototype valk, gets the military to bow to him and the band as sound force, then just leaps off into the Galaxy with a stolen VF-19 from Zola.
  3. HLJ and Amiami don't usually show until retail announcements are made.
  4. Everyone but the people supposed to get them (J-tailers) Even eBay has preorders!
  5. Sorry, I had the Fan on... Damn Bandai rubber!
  6. Damn Son! Did you win the lotto or something? That's a sweet haul! It's supposed to match the 17's Diamond Force colors, the blue is probably just needed to see the details, there isn't any details in black. Just like the Black VF-17D
  7. Time for green screen, I need no background. Still, 25A is my favorite!
  8. Going off the shapeways price for just the 1/35 figure, I'm guessing a solid gun would be cost prohibitive. Shapeways needs more competition to get pricing down.
  9. Is that Roy cosplaying Elvis? And womanizing with Hooters?
  10. Articulation be damned! The Gakken 1/35 Alphas are still the best Alpha!
  11. IMO, space without sound is more terrifying then with. So if the point is to be Scifi and be action and adventure. Then add sound and have at it. If you want to give the sense of terrifying or real, turn it off. Hell it was kinda elegant in DYRL when Hikaru and Minmei are floating in front of the window And there's silence with a huge battle outside. Until the CF comes around to explode. Lol
  12. Too bad they canceled The Bat, I really wanted to see that! I dropped the ball when I dropped my PO's for the last Batman DX and the Bat Pod.
  13. Sad parts is almost all of the Arcadia Answers were already given on twitter. Someone should have given Save a list of new questions lol. Good show though guys! Very entertaining!
  14. 25 days later shipped EMS lol... It finally arrives! 行こう!
  15. 200$ is the low end lol.
  16. There's people on this forum selling VF-4's for 500$ so I hope you'd shy away from 1200$ lol!
  17. I'm guessing we won't hear about anything Bandai wise until WF, if anything.
  18. I don't get it? Michael Jackson with his Grandma?
  19. You're getting me wrong on the account I hate the name, to the contrary, I love Robotech as much as I love macross because it's all the same basic centerline. (Only talking about the first season here). That's why I have so much passion against this kind of stuff, it minimizes what is a great story. I get what they are trying to do, but it's changing things that shouldn't be changed, and not changing things that need to be in order to make it relevant to anyone other than RT.com. I guess the push is on to get something done before WB has a chance to ruin everything that could be great.
  20. Again, giving it a pass because you like the name. Throwing insults to me because I'm critiquing a video? Really? You don't know me, you can't judge me because I haven't put my work up. They have...
  21. I'm still hoping they make a new Alien figure that's fixed and won't crumble.
  22. It's not till Nov! LOL Probably the same month Arcadia ends up releasing some super limited rare Thing I want. Still, I wish they'd just make another IM2 suit with the new fixes. Then it technically be a reissue. Of course if you read Hot Toys posts, or even SS posts, It's nothing but bitching and whining about too many Iron Man figures. I say, there can never be too many.
  23. Maybe because it's setting the bar so low for a full budgeted release it's irritating to see so much praise. I get it, it's the only thing there is, so it's liked. This is different then my quarrels with WD. I'm not hating on "it". I could write a book on the things done wrong, I could write an essay on the fact when people say it's " fan made" It means just give it a pass. Maybe because I work in the industry it's disheartening to see something so soulless get So much praise while others get left behind, simply because it's "fan made". Even still, Canon aside, R vs M aside, Fan Made aside, if this didn't have "robotech" attached to it, no one would give a crap. And that's the sad fact. It's just like the ol' GIJoe fan movies, they were terrible, but since they had elements, and had "GIJOE" In the title, how dare you criticize! Whatever.
  24. I just dig Space designs, he'll look good next to Dead Astronaut Gangster.
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